Student Produced Video Field Trips
7 - Before: Promote the show ↓
Get the word out so you will have the best audience and terrific live questions from many locations. With older students, you might even appoint a "marketing manager" for the show to handle some of this.
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Share the video information in advance ↓
- Share the direct URL to access the video stream and chat, along with the start time and time zone. Tell viewers to log on a few minutes early because you will start right on time.
- Send out emails announcing the show to all teachers in your school district who are studying the same curriculum
- Post it on the school web page
- Share via school text messaging service
- Share via school district web site
- Tweet it out!
- Share via professional organization social networks to find like classrooms in other places
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Notify local media a day or two before ↓
First, make sure your principal is OK with positive media coverage and that you are within school policies. Call or email the local paper or TV station (you know, the one that actually covers stories about schools...). Give them the exact location and time of the broadcast and explain that the students are creating t to share with students all over. If possible, provide an example of a school at a great distance you now will be watching. Invite them to report on the story (and prep your students for this possibility). Be prepared for a reporter to show up who does not know anything about the project. Perhaps assign an articulate student to explain it to him/her.
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Photos taken during a video field trip by Merriwether Lewis Elementary, Portland, Oregon in celebration of Earth Day 2009.