September 24, 2017

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Featured EDTECH Resources Reviewed by TeachersFirst

15,000+ Teacher-reviewed Resources Since 1998!

Writing and Comic Resources for Your Classroom

Use the power of comics in your classroom! With the tools highlighted here, students can create comics and you can incorporate comics into your digital storytelling. September brings us National Comic Book Day so let's make it a month to leverage the power of comics for learning and writing!

Grades 2-12


Create your comic quickly and easily! Choose from one of ToonyTool's background pictures or upload your own. Choose a title, a character or two, add a prop, and type your message. Offer this as a research project option for your students.

Grades K-8


Create animation with this super easy and slick tool. Upload any image (or use one at the site). Add eyes, mouth, and more. Record your voice and save or share your animation. This is a perfect addition to any digital story or comic!

Grades K-12

Printable Comic Strip Templates

Save this site to quickly find several different comic strip templates to view and print in PDF version. Choose from templates with various numbers of panels and squares or arch tops. Have students create comic strips to review before the big test.

Grades 4-12

Comics Head

Create one-frame cartoons or entire comic books using this device agnostic tool (available on the web or as an app). Choose from a variety of options for characters, layouts, backgrounds, props, captions, and special effects. Drag and drop make this easy!

Grades 4-12


Use this SUPER tool to add speech and thought bubbles to photos and images. Upload your image, add a text balloon, insert a sound effect (like click!), and change the background. Have students create a comic rather than a traditional book report.

Ignite Your Lessons Using Comics

Explore this terrific trio to incorporate comics (and editorial cartoons from the past and present) into your lessons!

Grades K-12

Pixton Lesson Plans

Imagine lesson plans that use comics! This site does exactly that. Find lessons by subject, or use the keyword search. Each lesson plan includes a teacher guide, examples, and correlation to standards (most lessons). See our full review for great ideas!

Grades 6-12

Cartoons for the Classroom

Nothing tells a story better than a picture (or perhaps, a comic). Explore these 250 one-page downloadable lessons featuring two or three political cartoons related to current events and other interesting topics. Find more ideas in our full review.

Grades 9-12

Stick Figure Hamlet

Bring Shakespeare alive with comics. Share Hamlet with comic visuals and imagery. Each act and scene is represented. Start at the beginning to view all cartoons or choose any act or scene desired. Share the comics on your interactive whiteboard.

Engage Your Students In Writing

Add comics to your digital storytelling adventures with these three tools which allow you to upload your own images (comics).

Grades K-12

Book Creator

Share your comics in a beautiful, multimedia digital book. Follow the site's prompts to add video, text, images (comics), and audio to your book. The free option includes storage for 40 online books! See the full review for more tech integration ideas.

Grades 1-12

My Storybook

View the tutorial on the homepage and get ready to begin your digital storytelling adventures! This writing tool is easy enough for young students to enjoy. Click the text box and change the font, font color, and size. Find classroom ideas in the review.

Grades K-5

WriteReader - Children as Creators

Get your young students writing! Kids can create their own books, including text, pictures (comics), and voice recordings. Bonus: adults/teachers have their own space on the page to write comments and make corrections. Find more ideas in our full review.

This Week at TeachersFirst

Our Fall 2017 virtual workshop season of OK2Ask® kicks off this Tuesday with "3 Cool Tools to Amp Up Collaboration." We recently made a minor change to our web address so be sure to update your bookmarks. And, share with us how you use comics in your classroom!

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What is your vote?

Weekly Poll

How do you use comics in your classroom? Do you use them in your lessons? Do you have your students create comics?

Tell us here »

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Update Your Bookmarks

TeachersFirst Website Update

We recently updated the security of our TeachersFirst website resulting in an updated URL. Users will automatically be redirected to the new URL (, however we encourage you to visit it now and update your browser bookmarks.

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Join us THIS Tuesday!

OK2Ask Free Virtual Workshops

Join us this Tuesday, September 26, at 7 PM Eastern for our first Fall virtual workshop. Learn about "3 Cool Tools to Amp Up Collaboration."

Click to register »

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TeachersFirst is an archive of curated, classroom-ready content and ideas —including teacher-authored reviews of more than 15,000 web resources— made available for free to K12 teachers by The Source for Learning. Built-in guidance from seasoned professionals makes effective classroom technology use trouble-free.

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