What is TeachersFirst?

TeachersFirst is an online community for teachers by teachers. With thousands of lessons, units, and reviewed web resources for K-12 classroom teachers, our website is designed to enrich teaching and learning for both teachers and their students.

Helping teachers since 1998, TeachersFirst has earned an international following and is dedicated to providing Professional Resources to assist both veteran and new teachers, including:

  • Must Knows: A review of timely topics such as bullying, copyright and fair use, and internet safety. 
  • OK2Ask®: A series of webinars for self-directed teacher professional development and exploration.
  • Tech How & Why: Practical tips and how-to advice to use technology in support of learning.
  • Timesavers: A collection of time-saving tools.
  • And more . . .

Who is TeachersFirst?
Led by Dr. Ruth Okoye, SFL's Director of K-12 Initiatives, and a dedicated team of contributors, TeachersFirst is written and edited by experienced, professional educators. All our resources are reviewed by teaching professionals with relevant experience. TeachersFirst proprietary units and lessons have been developed in consultation with practicing professionals or by the teachers themselves. See a partial list of educators who write and edit the content and reviews on our site.

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TeachersFirst is brought to you by The Source for Learning, Inc., a 35-year-old, not-for-profit educational technologies corporation that helps educators, children, and families use technologies effectively to help children learn. SFL offers resources for early childhood professionals and K-12 teachers and students.