XW1W (Across the World Once a Week)

Collaborative Microblogging for Cross-Cultural Understanding

This week's question:

One method for sustaining life below water is to look for sustainable products that contain the blue MSC logo found at https://www.msc.org/en-us . How many items can your class count in their homes that have this label? #XW1W-E https://www.teachersfirst.com/xw1w.cfm

The MSC label found at https://www.msc.org/en-us certifies fish were caught in ways that ensure the long-term health of a species and wellbeing of the ocean. How would you convince your district to buy MSC-certified products? #X

XW1WglobeXW1W uses today's instant technologies to share answers to the same question across the world once a week. XW1W is a simple, social way for students to learn about real life in other cultures from real kids all across the world. By simply "hashtagging" Twitter or blog responses to a weekly question about daily life, students can share and learn about other cultures from their international peers.

Responses can be brief: tweeted in 140 characters or less; or longer: blog posts, wiki pages, even multimedia creations. By simply "tweeting" a short response with the #XW1W hashtag or tweeting a link to other web-based responses, also with the #XW1W hashtag, students share their local culture and experience. Others across the world are able to find worldwide responses easily via Twitter search or other hashtag tools. Students everywhere are able to see and share answers to the same question across the world once a week. Ready to get started?

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See XW1W FAQ (Read the details or show this to a teen for help!)

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