Help! I lost my library/media specialist!

As school budgets continue to strain under the pressures of tough economic times, many elementary teachers and parents find their schools can no longer provide the expertise of a qualified library/media specialist. TeachersFirst offers this new series to help schools and teachers who are “doing more with less.” Although nothing can replace the specialized knowledge of a teacher-librarian, we have students whose elementary years are passing quickly. They need reading suggestions, lessons on information literacy, and positive experiences with books for independent reading. TeachersFirst offers this series to help every student love reading, despite difficult times.
New features, written by an experienced elementary library/media specialist, appear about once a month and include read-aloud and activity suggestions that classroom teachers or parent volunteers can offer as positive experiences in the school library/media center throughout the elementary grades. Check back often as we build the collection. Have a comment? Feel free to use our “Contact us” link and include a mention of “Help! I lost my library/media specialist” in your message.
Activities, Read-Alouds, and Articles about Common Core:
Highlighting Our History: American Revolution Read-alouds PLUS for the Common Core
Highlighting Our History: Colonial Times Read-alouds PLUS for the Common Core
Roots of STEM: Books and ideas for real world problem solving in your classroom
Inch by Inch, Row by Row: Read-Alouds for Gardens
Read, Tell, and Sell: CCSS through student book promotions
Powerful Pairings: Read-Alouds for Working with the Common Core
Common Core Connections: The Power of Poetry
Food, Glorious Food! Serving Up Common Core Connections
In a Manner of Speaking: Figurative Language and the Common Core
Questions and Thinking in Common Core - Part 1
Questions and Thinking in Common Core - Part 2
Teachers' Common Core Planning Toolkit
Summer Reading: Not Just for Kids!
I Want to Know!
Helping students explore a wonder-filled summer
Going Deep with Award Winning Books: Close reading and text-dependent questions
For the Sake of Argument: Another Common Core Shift
The Common Core Shift: Short, Focused Research Projects in Elementary Grades
Common Core Part 2: Moving Forward with Informational Text
Common Core: The Fuss Over Non-Fiction
Sleuthing and Snooping: Real and Imagined Mysteries
Meet the Author: It's easier than ever
Mining the Riches of History:
Creating Oral Histories
Looking for more book lists and reading suggestions? See TeachersFirst’s CurriConnects curriculum-related booklists, TogetheRead family literacy themes, and more in our Reading for All pages.