TeachersFirst’s Professional Resources
TeachersFirst’s Professional Resources include everything you need to save time and be a better teacher. Included are strategies for
- differentiating
- must-know professional topics like cyberbullying and copyright
- help for newbie or substitute teachers
- quick access to important outside sources
- reading resources and ideas for all grades
- rubrics, tech tips and best practices
- timesavers and handy tools
- and ideas for working together with parents
Timesaving bulletin board hang-ups, curriculum-connected reading lists, and tutorials on using wikis and blogs in the classroom are just a click away, all written by real teachers like you. You can also access OK2Ask®, TeachersFirst’s free, online “snack sessions” for teacher self-directed professional development.
If you are an Ed Tech Coach or teach professional development to teachers or teachers-to-be, TeachersFirst can help:
Request materials to share at an upcoming workshop or class
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