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History is Fun: Jamestown and Yorktown - Jamestown-Yorktown Foundation

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Indeed, history appears to be 'fun' when you see the extensive historical action at this official Jamestown and Yorktown website. This site promotes learning about America's early history...more
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Indeed, history appears to be 'fun' when you see the extensive historical action at this official Jamestown and Yorktown website. This site promotes learning about America's early history in the Jamestown area through a variety of venues. Watch quick videos, use the interactives with students, plan your Jamestown field trip or vacation, or take advantage of the abundant curriculum materials available to educators, including PDF documents: timelines, comprehensive lesson plans, and resource materials. On the top menu bar click Learn to see all they offer for educationn

In the Classroom

Using a projector or interactive whiteboard, you may enhance your lesson by viewing the short one-minute videos. What a great activator or anticipatory set! With a quick click, this site allows you to buy tickets to these two historical places, so you will want to monitor students.
 This resource requires PDF reader software like Adobe Acrobat.

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Art Presentations - Free Club Web

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This website provides ready-to-go PowerPoint presentations. There are well over twenty presentations on topics related to the visual arts and performing arts. Some of the specific...more
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This website provides ready-to-go PowerPoint presentations. There are well over twenty presentations on topics related to the visual arts and performing arts. Some of the specific topics include music careers, music and culture, rock-n-roll USA, art, impressionism, ceramics, art history and many others. Most of the PowerPoints are extremely well done, featuring graphics, sound, and a wide selection of information. You may need to have PowerPoint software on your computer to view these files, depending on how the site creators saved them. This site has heavy advertising at the top of the landing page. Scroll down to find the presentations.
This site includes advertising.

In the Classroom

Try these ready-to-go PowerPoint presentations on an interactive whiteboard or projector in your classroom. Some may also be well-suited for individual students to run on a single classroom computer for individua; exploration. There are games, resources and a lot of information.

The site includes a disclaimer asking to be notified if users find any unauthorized, copyrighted material. TeachersFirst recommends that you NOT download copies but instead use them online, just in case.

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Academy of Achievement - Academy of Achievement

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This site profiles a wide variety of achievers from the arts, science, sports, and business. Each achiever profile features a short biography, a discussion of his or her significance,...more
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This site profiles a wide variety of achievers from the arts, science, sports, and business. Each achiever profile features a short biography, a discussion of his or her significance, a photo gallery and an interview. Most of the interviews feature audio and video clips of the achiever as well. The achievers are grouped by area and in an alphabetical drop down list. One great feature is that the achievers are also grouped by character attribute (referred to as their "key to success"):passion, courage, perseverance, integrity, and a neat category called "The American Dream."

In the Classroom

If you assign any kind of "hero," "pioneer," or "leader" biography project, this site is a fabulous resource for students. The list of achievers includes many who may not be instantly recognizable to students and therefore provide more potential for discovery. In addition, the site is large enough and well-enough organized that students can start with this site and "dig" for a possible achiever to research, either by achievement area or by character trait. The site includes a diverse group of achievers, so is also useful if you're doing Women's History or Black History projects. Include this site on your teacher web page for students and parents to access as a reference.

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When the Personal Becomes Presidential - New York Times Learning Network

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This is a New York Times lesson plan focused on a recent article about the personal lives of Presidential candidates. The lesson plan asks students to look at the ...more
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This is a New York Times lesson plan focused on a recent article about the personal lives of Presidential candidates. The lesson plan asks students to look at the extent to which candidates and their personal pasts will influence voters' willingness to support them, and focuses on the fact that several candidates have had messy divorces.

The lesson plan starts with the familiar "read the story and discuss" format, but there are a number of good essential questions and extension activities provided that could be tailored into a strong classroom plan. The lesson plans have cross-curricular suggestions, and are tied to standards.

In the Classroom

Be sure help your weaker readers and ELL students by sharing the listed vocabulary words prior to reading, either on a handout or by projecting on an interactive whiteboard and highlighting them in the text as you come to them.

Use this lesson to discuss current events in politics (which changes daily). Have students discuss and debate the current issues. Have the students write a wiki about a current event in politics (for example, Governor Palin being the first woman VP on the GOP ticket).

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The Pocahontas Myth - The Powhatan Renape Nation

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The story of the first settlement at Jamestown usually features the brave Indian princess Pocahontas. This site provides a retelling of the Pocahantas story by the people of the ...more
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The story of the first settlement at Jamestown usually features the brave Indian princess Pocahontas. This site provides a retelling of the Pocahantas story by the people of the Powhatan tribe-- a rewriting that questions whether Pocahontas actually saved John Smith at all. The site takes particular exception to the recent Disney movie, Pocahontas. The discussion outlined here would make a very good "counterpoint" lesson on the generally accepted story of the Jamestown settlement.

In the Classroom

Students usually enjoy "debunking" myths of history and learning ways that their teachers or textbooks might be wrong. This site provides another viewpoint in the well-known Pocahontas story. There are also possibilities here for discussions of racial stereotyping and the way Pocahontas is portrayed in the media, particularly in the Walt Disney film. Use this discussion to prompt a persuasive writing assignment or history essay on differeing views of history.

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Kwanzaa Activities - DLTK

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This interdisciplinary website provides online games, reference information, recipes, crafts and more - all about Kwanzaa. ...more
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This interdisciplinary website provides online games, reference information, recipes, crafts and more - all about Kwanzaa.

In the Classroom

Use an interactive whiteboard or projector and treat your students to the reference information about Kwanzaa and then play some of the interactive games!

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Fourth of July - Teacher Resources - TeacherVision

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Find everything you need to commemorate Independence Day with your students at TeacherVision's Fourth of July - Teacher Resources. Some of the featured resources are short Educational...more
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Find everything you need to commemorate Independence Day with your students at TeacherVision's Fourth of July - Teacher Resources. Some of the featured resources are short Educational Videos, Activities, Printables, Choice Boards, Lesson Plans, Art and Music Activities, and still, there is more! This site is a MUST-see for ideas for observing July 4th with your students. The Free plan offers three resources.

In the Classroom

Get an interactive whiteboard and test your students' knowledge of Independence Day with the online quizzes. There are so many choices for observing July 4th, with any grade level, that you can't go wrong! It's a bonus that some activities will lend themselves to small group work.
 This resource requires PDF reader software like Adobe Acrobat.

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Vincent Voice Library - Michigan State University

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This amazing library, part of Michigan State's library system, offers information about speeches, recordings, and news broadcasts featuring over 100,000 famous and not so famous personages....more
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This amazing library, part of Michigan State's library system, offers information about speeches, recordings, and news broadcasts featuring over 100,000 famous and not so famous personages. Not all items are digitized, but many are available in MP3 format. Those that can be played on your computer will have the word "Listen" as a link to play the file. The serach tools are a bit cumbersome, but there are terrific primary sources here.

Requires Quick time. Videos require RealPlayer. Get these plug-ins from the TeachersFirst Toolbox page..

In the Classroom

Play a recording of a famous speech or video relevant to today's lesson as students enter the room (turn up your speakers!). Or have your students create multimedia presentations using these sounds in the background, such as portraits orf a decade, an author study, or a moment in history.

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Celebrate Mother's Day in a New Way - Education World

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This website provides five lesson plans (ranging in grade levels K-12). A brief history of the holiday is provided, followed by five unique lesson plans. How about incorporating math...more
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This website provides five lesson plans (ranging in grade levels K-12). A brief history of the holiday is provided, followed by five unique lesson plans. How about incorporating math with your Mother's Day lessons (see "Motherhood Math: Mothers in the Workforce"). Lesson plans are aligned with national standards and include language arts, math, technology, visual arts, social studies, and more. These lessons are ready to go and easy to use.

In the Classroom

If you are looking for some new ideas to use in your classroom, check out these lessons. They are ready to go, highly creative topics, and most importantly - FREE.

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Easter Lesson Plans - Teachnology

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This site provides a list and a basic description of over 30 lesson plans. There are lessons and activities for students in elementary, middle and high school. Math, language arts,...more
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This site provides a list and a basic description of over 30 lesson plans. There are lessons and activities for students in elementary, middle and high school. Math, language arts, history, science and more are included.

In the Classroom

Use these free lesson plans with your students.

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The Legacy of Ireland - Ireland Now

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This site provides an overview of Irish myths and legends from Ireland Now. Specific topics include The Shamrock, The Giant Rat, Children of Lir, and several others. There are...more
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This site provides an overview of Irish myths and legends from Ireland Now. Specific topics include The Shamrock, The Giant Rat, Children of Lir, and several others. There are also links to learn more about Ireland: Government, Irish Castles, Symbols & Flags, and more! This site does include some small advertisements.

In the Classroom

Use this site for research about St. Patrick's Day or Ireland. Have cooperative learning groups research various topics at this site. Enhance learning by having the groups create a multimedia presentation using: Slides, reviewed here, a slide show, Site123, reviewed here, a blog or webpage, PBWorks, reviewed here, a wiki, Typito reviewed here, a video creation tool. Share the videos on a tool such as SchoolTube, reviewed here, or all presentations on your class webpage or wiki.

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Public Domain Books On-Line - Jeff Kelley

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This privately done digitized library focuses on books published before 1923, primarily those with magnificent illustrations. Books digitized are in the public domain and are also available...more
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This privately done digitized library focuses on books published before 1923, primarily those with magnificent illustrations. Books digitized are in the public domain and are also available to the large digitization projects going on now with the Google Books project. This site's charm is its ease of use. Users can search by author's last name or by using a list of subject categories. Because the project is fairly small, it's fun to browse through the offerings before deciding on a specific choice. The quality of the digitization is very good and appears to offer complete works. Some books have been reformatted, presumably to allow viewing consistency.

In the Classroom

Because these books are in the public domain (i.e. older), their language is not "contemporary." The texts would make excellent pieces for reading comprehension passages or culture study of past times, and you need not be worried about copying/pasting text from these into other software and/or making copies. You could even use them as passages on an interactive whiteboard to practice "main idea" or parts of speech.

The illustrations are simple and beautiful. Print out some great artwork for your classroom bulletin boards, copyright-free!

The myths/legends collection would be great for upper elementary or later mythology units. Students can also use the passages and illustrations to create multimedia "tales" of their own. Give them the opening passage and let them write the rest.


The myths/legends collection would be great for upper elementary or later mythology units David, VA, Grades: 4 - 8
The illustrations are simple and beautiful. David, VA, Grades: 4 - 8

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Story Corps - NPR

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NPR is amassing a collection of oral histories by traveling across the country and talking to average people. On this website, users can read or listen to the stories told ...more
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NPR is amassing a collection of oral histories by traveling across the country and talking to average people. On this website, users can read or listen to the stories told by a wide variety of Americans. Click "Tell your story" to find Locations & Reservations for traveling Mobile Booths or directions to record on your own. The Do It Yourself guide includes tips on interview questions and an interview check list. Started in 2003, the site has many stories in its archives and frequently adds updates.

In the Classroom

Use this site to reconnect your students with those of other generations and geographic locations. Turn up your speakers and listen to some examples in your classroom. You can even use the story collection site as a model to start your own oral history project for your class or the entire school. You may not want to actually place your recording on the NPR site but instead house them locally in your school or community web site. As major events occur in your community, such as an anniversary or the opening of a new school, engage your students in documenting the event. The general interview guides offer useful interview techniques for school newspapers or news broadcasts, as well.
 This resource requires PDF reader software like Adobe Acrobat.

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The Race to Build the Atomic Bomb - Contra Costa County Department of Education

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This site is designed to be a resource for teachers and students on the atom bomb. There is an interactive time line, excellent graphics on the physics of the ...more
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This site is designed to be a resource for teachers and students on the atom bomb. There is an interactive time line, excellent graphics on the physics of the atom bomb, biographies of major characters in the story and good teacher resources including lesson plans. This site might be useful to both science and social studies teachers. The graphics on the physics of the atom bomb are great, but the historical context setting and discussion is also excellent. There are links to WebQuests, and information about California state standards met by the lesson plans.

In the Classroom

Consider using this exploration about the development of the bomb as a focus while studying atomic particles or twentieth century history. The webquests are ready-to-go units or you can "cherry pick" sites to feature as a single class activity on laptops or in a lab.

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Teaching about Japanese-American Internment - ERIC

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ERIC was a government-sponsored clearinghouse for educational resources that has recently lost funding. This site maintains some of the files from the ERIC database, and in this case,...more
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ERIC was a government-sponsored clearinghouse for educational resources that has recently lost funding. This site maintains some of the files from the ERIC database, and in this case, focuses on resources relative to the internment of Japanese-Americans during World War II. It includes some very helpful suggestions for explaining this process to students and placing it in a larger context of civil rights, immigration, and the study of World War II.

In the Classroom

Teachers have to walk a fine line between helping students see history as it was experienced at the time, and showing them what we may have learned from those events. This site can assist with the difficulty of discussing the blatant racism of Japanese-American internment while acknowledging its presence in American history.

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The Vietnam War - Peter Leuhusen

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A photo essay slide show covering the Vietnam War. There are also timelines, maps, and a brief discussion of the war in general.The focus of this site is its ...more
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A photo essay slide show covering the Vietnam War. There are also timelines, maps, and a brief discussion of the war in general.The focus of this site is its outstanding images, most which have accompanying text, explaining and setting the context.

In the Classroom

Because it is in a slide show format, this would be effective on a projector or interactive whiteboard. There is a soundtrack that accompanies the slide shows. Teachers should exercise caution, however, as some of the images might be upsetting or difficult for less mature students.

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Old Magazine Articles - Matt Jacobsen

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As the title implies, this site is a searchable archive of PDF images of old magazine articles. The majority is from the 20th century, although there are also entries ...more
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As the title implies, this site is a searchable archive of PDF images of old magazine articles. The majority is from the 20th century, although there are also entries from the 19th century. Because the articles are from magazines, they often include fantastic pictures that can illustrate fashion, culture and opinions of the time period. It's an eclectic mix of topics, with some emphasis on the early 20th century. Recent additions include articles from WWI and WWII eras, as well as flappers and fashion of the 1920s.

In the Classroom

This is a fabulous primary document site packed with useful resources for social studies teachers. Because the entries are all in PDF format, each can be printed and copied for classroom list. According to the owner of the site, the information is all in the public domain and can be freely distributed. Entries are continually being added. For the serious researcher, there isn't always exact bibliographic information included with each entry for use in citations. However, for classroom use, or for use on interactive whiteboards, this archive is exceptionally useful... and it's FREE!
 This resource requires PDF reader software like Adobe Acrobat.

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CPC: Civil War Flags - Capitol Preservation Committee

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This site is part of the state of Pennsylvania's Capitol Preservation Committee site and provides a searchable index of information about the state's extensive collection of Civil War...more
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This site is part of the state of Pennsylvania's Capitol Preservation Committee site and provides a searchable index of information about the state's extensive collection of Civil War flags. Each entry includes a description of the flag, information about how and when it was used, and an image of the flag. Sadly, there is no "zoom" option for the images so you cannot get a full screen image of the flag without the descriptions, nor can you focus on details. A few projectors have this zoom feature. You are lucky if you have it!

In the Classroom

The site would be helpful for students researching specific Pennsylvania Civil War units, or for teachers wishing to present images of Civil War flags as part of a discussion on battle tactics or military organization. The images of the "national colors" or U.S. flags may have interest beyond an examination of Pennsylvania's role in the Civil War.

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Anne Frank Center - Anne Frank Center USA

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This site would make a nice accompaniment for students reading "The Diary of Ann Frank." This site includes exerpts from Anne's diary, lesson plans and downloadable readers' guides...more
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This site would make a nice accompaniment for students reading "The Diary of Ann Frank." This site includes exerpts from Anne's diary, lesson plans and downloadable readers' guides for teachers. Go directly to "Ann Frank: Life and Times" to access the excerpts from her diary and the scrapbook. This include pictures and artifacts along with a biography of Anne Frank suitable for middle school students.

In the Classroom

A "scrapbook" section would be very effective on a projector or interactive whiteboard. The scrapbook might function as a good anticipatory activity to set up a unit on the diary, although it does give away the ending of the story. There is also a section for teachers which includes some downloadable handouts, a bibliography and other resources.

If you are teaching about World War II, this would be a good resource to share on your teacher web pages for independent projects.

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Multicultural Theatre in Music - Iris R. Davis

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This curriculum unit is designed to help fourth and fifth grade students acquire musical and dramatic skills and knowledge. The lessons can be taught in the regular enrichment class...more
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This curriculum unit is designed to help fourth and fifth grade students acquire musical and dramatic skills and knowledge. The lessons can be taught in the regular enrichment class and can be completed in less than 30 minutes. It will take approximately nine weeks to complete the entire unit. While this is geared to a music class, it is adaptable to literature, history, art, or drama. The history of the theater will help students to understand that personal beliefs and societal values influence art forms and styles. Identifying significant works of drama will allow students to understand the diversity of cultures and styles. Students will be able to recognize the aesthetic qualities of the arts and they will learn to act, analyze and respond to performances, evaluate the quality of performances, and demonstrate performance disciplines.

In the Classroom

The joy of units offered like this is being able to use them in their entirety or pick, choose, and adapt to your own classroom needs. If your language arts series includes a theme on creativity or drama, this is a natural extension of that theme.

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