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return to subject listingColour Lovers - Color Lovers
4 to 12In the Classroom
Assign your secondary art or fibers students to select a color scheme from this site and describe it both technically (the hues, tones, etc.) and emotionally (what feelings do these colors evoke?). Color schemes can be copied and pasted from the site (under Fair Use) for students to place on PowerPoint slides with commentary, then project as part of a class critique. If you teach digital imaging, have students create their own digital color palettes and share them on a wiki with their descriptions and descriptions from classmates. Younger students can respond to palettes you bring up on a projector of interactive whiteboard before a painting or color mixing lesson.Be aware that this site has comments and favorites, so you will want to preview for comments not appropriate in a classroom. There is also a discussion board area you may want to avoid. Spell out the limitations before you put students on to navigate the site in your secondary classroom. If you are too concerned, do it as a whole-class activity on an interactive whiteboard.
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American Centuries - Memorial Hall Museum Online
4 to 12In the Classroom
Browse the collection for images and descriptions of specific artifacts. Explore themes like Shay's Rebellion, the lives of African-Americans in early rural New England, or the Civil War era in New England. Interactive activities allow you to look at Early American tools, examine artifacts using a 360 degree view or see what clothing was worn (down to the underwear!) by people of the time. If you plan to share objects as part of a lesson "collect" them in a personal collection so you can pull them up easily. Challenge secondary students to use the activity labeled "Create a chronology" to group artifacts from the collections to illustrate a concept, such as slavery, clothing, or background of an author, artist, or historical event. With younger students, use one or more of the activities on an interactive whiteboard or projector or design a simple scavenger hunt within YOUR collection of objects for students to find out about colonial life and times. If you turn them loose on the entire site, you will never get them back.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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Toy Theater - Toy Theater
K to 5In the Classroom
Use these activities as a center, with partners, or on an interactive whiteboard. Turn up the speakers for sound on the music portions.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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Paper Toys - PaperToys.com
3 to 10In the Classroom
The paper folding activities would work well with cooperative learning groups. For example, during a unit on architecture or structures, have each group recreate a different monument or architectural design. Then teach about the various concepts of architecture by using the groups' models. Ask gifted/talented students to analyze how the paper fold-ups work then design a model of your school. Some of the options are purely entertainment oriented. You may want to print the paper patterns yourself instead of sending students to the site.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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Educator's Reference Desk of Lesson Plans - Information Institute of Syracuse
K to 12In the Classroom
Some of the lesson plans are actually units designed for a week or more of study. The site allows for printer-friendly versions of the plans to make printing them a neat option. When you need quick plans for the substitute--or if you are a substitute-- this site is a must-have.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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K to 12In the Classroom
Use a projector--or better yet, an interactive whiteboard--to take students atop the Eiffel Tower, to the high Sierras, or aboard a Mars explorer. Allow student to navigate on the whiteboard. Nte that Shift and Ctrl keys alow you to zoom, as well. Be sure to click at the top of the 3D view to Read More about the image. These tours will make landforms real, culture come alive, and science a visual art form. As you introduce terms and place, use images! You could even use a tour as a writing prompt for poetry or descriptive writing. Include the link on your teacher web page for students to "tour the world" outside of class or feature one location a week to broaden class horizons on a classroom desktop.Comments
What a GREAT idea! Thank you. I found one with mountain biking and vistas. I'll put it up early in the period and come back to it in the end and have them write their exit cards about it. Then I will revisit it in a week or two when we start talking about metaphorical language.Shirley, CA, Grades: 6 - 12
I plan to use this as a way to start the school year with my sixth grade G/T kids. I will display a panorama on an interactive whiteboard-- one of mountains with peaks and valleys. I will ask, "Why would I show you this and say that this is our classroom this year?" The students will write down an idea on a slip of paper, guessing why I might use this as an introduction to my class. They will most likely introduce all of the classroom conduct and learning environment issues that I want to touch upon that first day: peaks and valleys during the year, some rugged terrain, studying mountains and geography, some amazing views (everyone's opinions), and more. It will also get them thinking in analogies and allow me to see how quickly some of them do this and how literal others are.Thinking, PA, Grades: 5 - 10
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Idea Box - Group 23 Solutions
K to 3In the Classroom
Make this site available to parents and students from your teacher web page for vacation periods and birthday party ideas. Your students and parents will thank you! You may find that some of the craft ideas fit in well with classroom themes, as well.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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SIKids - Sports Illustrated for Kids &CNN
3 to 8In the Classroom
Share this site on your teacher web page or classroom desktop for fast student access to sport statistics and a way to submit creative works. Use sports statistics for math practice and to teach graphing or data organization skills. Use the sports stories as non-fiction examples for reading comprehension. Share a Top Story on your interactive whiteboard as you ask students to highlight parts of speech, cause-effect words, main idea, and more. Suddenly your students will actually READ!Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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Soaring High With Kites - everythingesl.net
1 to 6In the Classroom
Plan a kite day in the fall or spring and use all or part of these plans to learn new words, build kites, and even fly them before you write about them. This would be a terrific activity to include parents at school year's end.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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Art Presentations - Free Club Web
K to 8This site includes advertising.
In the Classroom
Try these ready-to-go PowerPoint presentations on an interactive whiteboard or projector in your classroom. Some may also be well-suited for individual students to run on a single classroom computer for individua; exploration. There are games, resources and a lot of information.The site includes a disclaimer asking to be notified if users find any unauthorized, copyrighted material. TeachersFirst recommends that you NOT download copies but instead use them online, just in case.
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AIRNow Air Quality Index - EPA/OAQPS
1 to 5In the Classroom
Print out the AQ posters and post one in the classroom each day so students remain informed about that day's air quality. Share the AQI Game Show on an interactive whiteboard as a review after the class has learned about air quality.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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A. Pintura: Art Detective - Educational Web Adventures
4 to 8In the Classroom
This website includes a link for teacher resources. There is also a printable worksheet(and answer key) that can be used to assess your students' knowledge and understanding of the activity. So get your interactive whiteboard pr projector ready - and turn your classroom into detective headquarters!Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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Art Access - Art Institute of Chicago
K to 12In the Classroom
Take a few minutes to explore the art of a continent, country, or time period you introduce through social studies or literature. Include this site on your teacher web page as you study these related topics to students and parents can access it outside of class even if you do not have enough time to devote a full lesson. The images are not very large, so viewing on individual computers or using a projector that has a zoom function would help you share with a class. Teachers will like the creativity of some of the "family" activities and may want to use them at school or suggest them in a newsletter or on your web page.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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A Painting a Day - Duane Keiser
4 to 12In the Classroom
Share the site on a projector or interactive whiteboard as you introduce painting techniques or art elements. Look for common themes or techniques in his work. If you have an interactive whiteboard, students can even "draw" on top of the works to show what they see or analyze movement, shape, and line. As a class, you may want to comment back to the artist. If you do this together as a teacher-controlled entry, you can protect student safety on the Internet while participating in dialog with the artist, a real-world "expert."Videos use YouTube and may be blocked on your school network. Test the site at school before counting on it for a lesson plan! If you are able to show the "Ice Cream" video, your students will really SEE painting in progress with kid-friendly subject matter!
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L. (Lucy) M. (Maud) Montgomery - Petri Liukkonen
4 to 10In the Classroom
A good teacher resource to add information about the author to your repertoire. Include it on your eacher web page as a resource for students doing author study.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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Celebrate Mother's Day in a New Way - Education World
K to 12In the Classroom
If you are looking for some new ideas to use in your classroom, check out these lessons. They are ready to go, highly creative topics, and most importantly - FREE.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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Story Corps - NPR
3 to 12In the Classroom
Use this site to reconnect your students with those of other generations and geographic locations. Turn up your speakers and listen to some examples in your classroom. You can even use the story collection site as a model to start your own oral history project for your class or the entire school. You may not want to actually place your recording on the NPR site but instead house them locally in your school or community web site. As major events occur in your community, such as an anniversary or the opening of a new school, engage your students in documenting the event. The general interview guides offer useful interview techniques for school newspapers or news broadcasts, as well.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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Washington State Learning Learning Standards & Instructional Materials - Washington Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction
K to 12In the Classroom
Bookmark this excellent site to use as a resource for finding and developing lessons and sharing with your peers.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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National Art Education Association
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Native Tech: Native American Technology and Art - Tara Prindle
3 to 12In the Classroom
Give students a scavenger hunt to learn the basics about the culture you are studying, then allow them to try some of the interactive games, ass based on the content of the site. This would be a great way to build background knowledge while studying American history or literature that deals with Native Americans.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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