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Calculus Tutorials - Harvey Mudd College

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This site offers tutorials for concepts taught in Pre-Calculus, Single Variable Calculus, Multi-Variable Calculus, Linear Algebra, and Differential Equations. Each tutorial includes...more
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This site offers tutorials for concepts taught in Pre-Calculus, Single Variable Calculus, Multi-Variable Calculus, Linear Algebra, and Differential Equations. Each tutorial includes explanations, examples, key concepts, and extensions of concepts taught. Some images are included; however, most explanations are written. Tutorials can also be downloaded in pdf form. At the end of each tutorial there is a quiz; these are only for Harvey Mudd College students and cannot be accessed by the general public.

In the Classroom

Share tutorials on your interactive whiteboard or projector when introducing Calculus concepts. Print out the pdf version for students to include in math journals and notebooks. Share a link to the site on your class website or blog for students to access at home for review.
 This resource requires PDF reader software like Adobe Acrobat.

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A+ Click - A+click

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This site offers practice with math and challenging problems for all grade levels. If you teach math to grades 1-12, this site is a MUST SEE. It contains a graduated ...more
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This site offers practice with math and challenging problems for all grade levels. If you teach math to grades 1-12, this site is a MUST SEE. It contains a graduated set of over 1,000 problems starting from very easy and working up to very difficult levels. Each problem contains a short description and an image to help visualize the problem. Problems adapt to the skill of the person answering problems, grade levels cannot be increased until 5 correct problems in a row have been solved. The tests concentrate on understanding, spatial reasoning, and problem solving rather than math rules and theorems.

In the Classroom

Share this site on your classroom newsletter or blog for students to access at home. Introduce the site on your interactive whiteboard or projector then create a link on classroom computers. Challenge students to progress through different grade levels and share problems with the class.

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Interactive Mathematics - Murray Bourne

8 to 12
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"Play and learn" Math on this interactive site loaded with lessons and flash activities. Topics range from Algebra, Probability, and up to Higher Calculus. Each lesson is divided into...more
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"Play and learn" Math on this interactive site loaded with lessons and flash activities. Topics range from Algebra, Probability, and up to Higher Calculus. Each lesson is divided into different subtopics which contain lessons using real-world examples and images. Many lessons include information obtained with the Live Math Viewer which can be downloaded from the site for free. Be sure to check out the "flash highlights" link which includes activities sure to appeal to students such as a Calculus Math Millionaire game, Math of Beauty, and an interactive World Population display. The advertising is worth ignoring to access the good content.

In the Classroom

Share this site on your interactive whiteboard or projector and allow students to explore on their own or with groups. Use the World Population Display during Social Studies and Geography classes. Art teachers can use the Math of Beauty interactive to teach the Golden Proportion (explained within the site). Use lessons on the site to introduce new information or review before end-of-unit assessments. Create a link on your classroom website or blog for students to access the site from home.

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Fibonacci Numbers - Dr. Ron Knott

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This site offers a vast array of resources and information for working with Fibonacci Numbers, Golden Section Numbers, and the Golden String. Although the site design is "plain vanilla,"...more
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This site offers a vast array of resources and information for working with Fibonacci Numbers, Golden Section Numbers, and the Golden String. Although the site design is "plain vanilla," the content is quite good. Be sure to check out the quick introduction page mentioned at the beginning of the site to find information on Fibonacci in nature along with images and activities. Links to activities are clearly marked with a pencil icon for quick access. Also included is an in-depth biography of Leonardo of Pisa who became known as Fibonacci in his later years. Students will love some of the number tricks found on the site under the Mathematical Magic of Fibonacci Numbers.

In the Classroom

Share the site on your interactive whiteboard or projector; then allow students to explore the site on their own or in small groups. Provide the site as a resource to students when studying famous Mathematicians. Present the first portion of the Mathematical Magic to students and challenge them to find out why it works. Provide this link on your class website for additional practice outside of the classroom. Invite students to create highly visual Fibonacci online posters using Canva, reviewed here.

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Math Fun Facts - Harvey Mudd College

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This website can generate random, thought provoking math facts. Or, it can be searched by type of math and level of fact difficulty. While most math content is high school ...more
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This website can generate random, thought provoking math facts. Or, it can be searched by type of math and level of fact difficulty. While most math content is high school level, some of the easier problems may be used with seventh and eighth grades. The search option appears to save time if you are looking for a specific variety of math such as calculus. Although this site is rather "plain vanilla" and does include some unobtrusive ads, it is definitely worth adding to your math collection!

In the Classroom

Use this type of fact as a class warm-up exercise or bell ringer activity to have students get actively engaged in learning from the moment they enter your classroom. Or, use it as a Fun Friday Math Fact activity. Assign students into small groups or partners to "solve" a math fact. Additionally, many of these facts could be turned into mini-math research project. Have students investigate this site independently and share their findings with the class by creating an interactive online poster using, reviewed here.

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Math Solutions - Math Solutions

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This site provides many resources for math teachers of all grades and includes lesson plans, articles, classroom and administrator questions and answers, and helpful links - all located...more
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This site provides many resources for math teachers of all grades and includes lesson plans, articles, classroom and administrator questions and answers, and helpful links - all located under the "helpful tool" tab at the top of the site. Click to find elementary resources, algebra, calculus, and other "basic math." Free webinars are also available within the site. Math Solutions was founded by Marilyn Burns, who is known as one of the foremost experts in elementary math instruction. Although much of the website is devoted to materials and Professional Development for sale, there are many resources available for free that are extremely helpful for classroom teachers. One such resource is the classroom lessons portion. Lessons are in ready to print PDF format making them easy to review and use for planning. Sample classroom conversations are often included along with samples of student work and suggestions for use in the classroom. This site also sells many resource materials, so links to these materials are included for alternative resources within the lesson. No need to buy, however! Teachers can sign up to receive the free monthly newsletter containing information about new materials on the Math Solutions site.

In the Classroom

Take advantage of the free lesson plans; also search for plans in grades higher and lower that can be modified to meet your students' needs. Display student work included with the lesson plans on your interactive whiteboard or projector as conversation starters in your classroom - allow students to discuss other students' work to increase understanding of concepts.

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The Abacus - Luis Fernandes

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This site takes students through the history of the Abacus across various cultures and time periods in addition to showing how to use an abacus for calculating math problems. Students...more
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This site takes students through the history of the Abacus across various cultures and time periods in addition to showing how to use an abacus for calculating math problems. Students can follow directions to make their own abacus. Click to practice using an abacus to solve problems in addition, subtraction, square roots, cube roots, and more. Explore some of the artistic renditions of the abacus as inspiration for a visual-artistic math project.

In the Classroom

This site would appeal to gifted math students. Have students learn about the abacus and challenge them to find another influential math tool. Ask your students to create a multimedia presentation from the information or demonstrate the use of an abacus on an interactive whiteboard. Challenge students to create a video and share using a site such as SchoolTube (reviewed here). Have students compare and contrast math tools using an interactive whiteboard. Have groups compare two tools using a tool such as the "Interactive Two Circle Venn Diagram" (reviewed here).

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Science of the Olympic Winter Games - Nantional Science Foundation

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This site hosts 16 Olympics-related videos from NSF and NBC. Learn about the science of the Olympics available without a membership. Any science teacher can find something related to...more
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This site hosts 16 Olympics-related videos from NSF and NBC. Learn about the science of the Olympics available without a membership. Any science teacher can find something related to your curriculum: from Newton's Laws of motion, to concepts of physics, chemistry, biomechanics, and physiology. Math teachers can also find applied math concepts from basic arithmetic to calculus.

In the Classroom

Share these videos on an interactive whiteboard or projector, being sure to have student use the whiteboard tools as you pause the video so students can draw lines to illustrate forces and other concepts. Have student groups watch different videos and report back on the theoretical science AND the actual results from that sport, connecting the science concepts to the actual results they see in competition. Use a video annotation tool such as MoocNote, reviewed here, for easy sharing with the class. Even younger students can benefit from the videos as an overview of more advanced concepts, provided you preview vocabulary, then stop and discuss more challenging words during the video. Your students will want the link to this site, so share it on your class web page. You can also embed the videos right in your web page, blog, or wiki. Have students write about the embedded piece, adding their own commentary of the actual Olympics based on the video.

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MATHguide - Mark Karadimos

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This site provides educators and students numerous resources in algebra, geometry, and pre-calculus. The teacher section includes a worksheet generator while the student section offers...more
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This site provides educators and students numerous resources in algebra, geometry, and pre-calculus. The teacher section includes a worksheet generator while the student section offers two calculators including a scientific and graphing calculator. MATHguide also includes lessons, tutorials, and online quizzes. The student projects section includes many creative options for making math more than a pencil-paper routine.

In the Classroom

Use this site on a projector or interactive whiteboard to discuss and informally assess prior knowledge as you start the study of topics in geometry, algebra, and pre-calculus. Use the quizmasters section to have students solve equations and receive instant feedback. The site also offers ideas for student projects that delve into different aspects of math. Don't forget to show students how to use the online calculators in the student section. MATHguide is a great resource for middle and high school math teachers and students. List this link on your class website for students to use both in and out of the classroom.

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Math TV -

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Find your Math help with Math TV! View video explanations of common functions in a variety of ways. More than one person explains the function (you choose) so you can ...more
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Find your Math help with Math TV! View video explanations of common functions in a variety of ways. More than one person explains the function (you choose) so you can find the best explanation. Explanations are also available in Spanish. Login information is not required to play the Math videos. Create a login to make playlists or subscribe to certain types of videos. Students should be advised that advertisements for Math books and other materials exist in the top right of the site and should be avoided.

In the Classroom

Use these videos to help students understand math functions. Consider sharing these links as part of a collection of materials for online help for your students on class web pages or wikis, documents, or videos. Maybe ask students to generate their own "online help" pages for each math unit, selecting and annotating the web resources they find most useful. Learning support teachers will like the option providing videos for math help, especially for students who learn better from repeated audiovisual presentations.

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Pre-Cal 20S - Darren Kuropatwa

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Wish you could find out what a pre-calculus class does on a daily basis? Read this blog and the diary entries, conversations, and reflections from students within the class. Students...more
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Wish you could find out what a pre-calculus class does on a daily basis? Read this blog and the diary entries, conversations, and reflections from students within the class. Students are assigned as scribes responsible for reporting on the day's events down to the reminder of the homework assignment. This blog is a great way for students to recap learning for the day, correct misunderstood information and continue class conversations. Use their musings as a great review of material covered in a pre-calculus class. Be sure to check this site at school as many filters will block blogs.

In the Classroom

Allow students the opportunity to review posts of related information being studied. Teachers, find a great variety of different ways to introduce, explain, and enhance the learning of pre-calculus topics. Many of the ideas use an interactive whiteboard and computers for students to access. Why not start your own Pre-Cal wiki. Want to learn how? Check out the TeachersFirst's Wiki Walk-Through.

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Graph sketch -

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Need a simple way to graph equations? Enter an equation (up to six per graph,) choose some settings, and graph it. There are a number of functions you can use ...more
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Need a simple way to graph equations? Enter an equation (up to six per graph,) choose some settings, and graph it. There are a number of functions you can use to plot with examples for formatting. Save the graphs to use later in your documents or worksheets. Create a permanent link to share them with others. Ability to format equations for use with this graph is needed, but some examples are given. Easily change the settings of the graph and few common functions for formatting.

In the Classroom

Demonstrate how to use this site on an interactive whiteboard or projector. Use as a simple graphing calculator for all students. Students can verify math rules through the use of graphing of various equations. Be sure to list this site on your class website for students to access outside of the classroom!

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Mathematical Fiction - Alex Kasman

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This site provides countless books, films, plays, and television shows that all relate to specific math concepts. What a fabulous way to integrate math, language arts, history, and...more
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This site provides countless books, films, plays, and television shows that all relate to specific math concepts. What a fabulous way to integrate math, language arts, history, and more! The site includes the title, year, and brief description. Teachers can browse by genre, medium, motif, and/or topic. Media include everything from comic books to plays to television series. Genres include historical fiction, children's literature, adventure/espionage, fantasy, science fiction, and more. Sixty-three fiction offerings are even available FREE (in their entirety) online! The site is still developing and frequently adds additional fiction titles. Students who enjoy fantasy will also enjoy choosing books from this site, since the author admits that not all math mentioned in all the books is "real" math!! The site allows teachers to search by keyword and also to browse new offerings in the compilation of titles.

In the Classroom

Use this site to find extra reading choices for reluctant readers who are interested in technology and math. Use it also to show students that math processes are inherent in a lot of life's experiences. Search the site for your current math topics. Share this link on your class website for students (and parents) to use at home. Share it with your school librarian for a featured reading shelf. Challenge your more verbal/linguistic gifted students to write similar stories that feature a math concept and create an online book using a tool such as Bookemon, reviewed here.

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Mathematics in Movies - Oliver Knill

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This site features engaging movie scenes that involve Math problems. Beside each clip and title is an explanation of the Math concept in the clip. Most are secondary level, but ...more
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This site features engaging movie scenes that involve Math problems. Beside each clip and title is an explanation of the Math concept in the clip. Most are secondary level, but a few are for lower grades. If you click on the TITLE of the movie, you will be lead to a site to purchase, rate, and/or view the movie in its entirety. To avoid this confusion, be sure to click on the link below the description.

In the Classroom

Use the links "Begin of Lectures in College teaching" and "The end of lectures in college teaching" to identify effective and ineffective teaching elements at all levels. Use these clips for anticipatory set or activators at the start of a lesson or introduction of a concept. Share the video clips on your interactive whiteboard or projector. Discuss the concepts as a class or have students work in cooperative learning groups. See if students can identify any other movie or television show that has used math concepts. If time permits, have students create their own mini-dramas that include discussion of math concepts within the story.

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Mathcasts Library - Tim Fahlberg

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View math screencasts for grades K-7 or by topic (algebra, trigonometry, calculus, pre-calculus, or financial math). The topics for grades K-7 range from number sense to mathematical...more
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View math screencasts for grades K-7 or by topic (algebra, trigonometry, calculus, pre-calculus, or financial math). The topics for grades K-7 range from number sense to mathematical reasoning to statistics, data analysis, & probability. Follow common problems, example exam questions, and problems of the day. View video clips (some made by students)!. The videos require Flash. You can get it from the TeachersFirst Toolbox page.

In the Classroom

Use this site for homework help, explaining solutions to problems, and extra credit problems to solve. Share the video clips on your interactive whiteboard or projector as an introduction to a new topic or for review, especially for your visual learners! Have students think out loud and create their own instructional videos for math concepts and share them on a tool such as SchoolTube (reviewed here). Be sure to list this link on your class website for students to use both in and out of the classroom. Note: since content is user-contributed, you will want to talk with your students about who created the materials (students, teachers, professors) and how to tell.

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Java applets - Pacific Lutheran University

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Use these applets (mini-animations) to show Math problems and their solutions clearly and dynamically. Choose applets in "Arithmetic," "Algebra and Trigonometry," "Calculus," "Geometry,"...more
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Use these applets (mini-animations) to show Math problems and their solutions clearly and dynamically. Choose applets in "Arithmetic," "Algebra and Trigonometry," "Calculus," "Geometry," "Algebra," and "Probability and Statistics." View the math relationships easily with these great applets. This site requires Java to run all the applets (mini-programs). You can get it from the TeachersFirst Toolbox page.

In the Classroom

Use these applets with groups of students to learn the math rules and use to demonstrate and teach concepts to the rest of the class. Use the applets to demonstrate and identify solutions to problems. List this link on your class website for students to explore both in and out of the classroom for review, recap, or exploration.

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The Calculus Page Problems List - UC Davis Department of Mathematics

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Need a solution to a difficult Calculus problem? Look for solutions in Beginning Differential Calculus, Beginning Integral Calculus, and Multi-Variable Calculus. View the problems and...more
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Need a solution to a difficult Calculus problem? Look for solutions in Beginning Differential Calculus, Beginning Integral Calculus, and Multi-Variable Calculus. View the problems and their solutions to different rules. . The site is utilitarian in appearance, but the information, provided by a college prof, is sound.

In the Classroom

Use this site for reinforcement of difficult problems. Students can also identify similarities between rules and common aspects of Math solutions. Provide this link on your class website for students to use both in and out of the classroom.

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More The Calculus Page -

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This visually-plain site has very useful resources for calculus teachers and students. Solve calculus problems with step-by-step solutions. View helpful information that includes how...more
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This visually-plain site has very useful resources for calculus teachers and students. Solve calculus problems with step-by-step solutions. View helpful information that includes how to study. Java applets provide visual solutions to problems, including the ability to change many of the parameters. A list of professions that use math is also included.

In the Classroom

Students can review a certain calculus problem and use it to teach fellow students the solution to the problem. Use the list of careers to research how math is specifically used in that field of work. Share this link on your class web page for student to use when working outside of class.

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Seeing Math: Secondary Interactives - The Concord Consortium

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This site offers FREE interactive math tools: qualitative grapher, piecewise linear grapher, linear transformer, function analyzer, quadratic transformer, system solver, plopit, and...more
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This site offers FREE interactive math tools: qualitative grapher, piecewise linear grapher, linear transformer, function analyzer, quadratic transformer, system solver, plopit, and proportioner. Originally the interactives required special software, but they now run directly from the web site without any special installation or download. The interactives all include a real-time connection between math concepts (graphical or symbolic) and the representations. The activities provide visual illustrations to enhance algebra class. They allow for accelerated learning. And you are even able to save images to share with classmates.

The "Qualitative Grapher" demonstrates the meaning of a function and see how it can be seen as something changing over time. The "Proportioner" highlights scale and proportion and allows you to compare image dimensions. All of the other individual activities highlight other upper level math skills. This site requires Java and Adobe Acrobat. You can get both from the TeachersFirst Toolbox page.

In the Classroom

Share this site on an interactive whiteboard or projector to help students visualize concepts learned in class. Have students work in pairs to try some of the activities that enhance your secondary math units. List this link on your class website, so students can practice these math skills at home.
 This resource requires PDF reader software like Adobe Acrobat.

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Calc5 online calculator -

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This online calculator is able to graph in two or three dimensions. The advantage is the ability for all students to have the fastest, most capable calculator in class. Calc5 ...more
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This online calculator is able to graph in two or three dimensions. The advantage is the ability for all students to have the fastest, most capable calculator in class. Calc5 can be used to graph sin graphs, logarithms, and likely any graph needed in High School Math classes. A graph can include multiple functions. In order to see them, simply drag the graph. It is easy to zoom in and out of the graph. Students can take a screenshot of the graph in order to show in assignments or an online space. In Mac, simply hold the apple, shift, and number 4 key at the same time. Use the cursor (now a cross-hair) to drag a box around the picture and let go. The picture will be saved to the desktop. For PC, use the "Print Screen" button, then PASTE into any document or PowerPoint.

In the Classroom

Use this site to allow all students access to a powerful calculator. Students can graph class problems and notice the differences in the graphs and account for them. Students can predict the shape of 2D and 3D graphs from the equation being used. Share the site on an interactive whiteboard and use the board's tools to draw atop or annotate the graphs.

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