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Exploring Online: Better Hair Through Chemistry - Exploratorium Magazine

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Are you looking for a unique way to grab the attention of your teenage students? This interesting website explores the connection between hair and science. Correlations are made between...more
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Are you looking for a unique way to grab the attention of your teenage students? This interesting website explores the connection between hair and science. Correlations are made between bad hair days and the weather. Three of the "hands on" activities include building a hair hygrometer, the healthy hair test, and creating curls. Some of the articles feature interactive elements that require Flash, but there is still plenty to learn about healthy hair at this site.

In the Classroom

Although this website doesn't have many "bells and whistles" (it dates back to 1998), the content could be very interesting in a chemistry or other secondary science class. This website takes a "teenage friendly" topic and brings it into the science classroom. There are many higher-level science topics within the text of this website. Invite students to try the experiments and even to use technology to create more up-to-date illustrations of the concepts for a health or science fair display.

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Funology - Science Experiments - Funburst Media

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3 Favorites 0  Comments provides a laboratory filled with experiments from physics, chemistry, biology and weather. The experiments are user-friendly and require only materials that are readily...more
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 Close Link provides a laboratory filled with experiments from physics, chemistry, biology and weather. The experiments are user-friendly and require only materials that are readily available at school or at home. They can be completed by the teacher or the students. Be sure to check out the on-line habitat and endangered species map.

In the Classroom

This site would be a great enrichment piece for science units, hands-on learning, or even in-door recess. Use them as hands-on morning assignments or problem(s) of the day and have students journal the hypothesis, outcome and rationale to practice writing. If you have a class wiki, consider adding a "Not-so-Mad Scientist" page for students to record their results from home or school. Share the link on your teacher web page and give extra credit for at-home reporting.

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ChemCollective: Student Tutorials - Carnegie Mellon

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This phenomenal website, originally created for post-secondary students, provides interactive tutorials and virtual "labs" on many topics of chemistry. The tutorials feature audio,...more
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This phenomenal website, originally created for post-secondary students, provides interactive tutorials and virtual "labs" on many topics of chemistry. The tutorials feature audio, video, and interactive elements. Some examples of specific topics include density, dilution, composition of mixtures, PH and buffers defined, and many others. This website requires Flash, get it from the TeachersFirst Toolbox page..

In the Classroom

Use this website to re-teach a chemistry concept or to introduce a new topicon an interactive whiteboard or on stdent laptops. Be certain to provide a link from your teacher web page to these tutorials, for students to review at home. Preview the difficulty level of the content, since some will go into AP-level.

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Chem1 Virtual Textbook - Stephen Lower

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As the name suggests, this website provides a virtual chemistry textbook. The text is broken down into numerous chapters and levels (beginner, general, and advanced). The textbook was...more
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As the name suggests, this website provides a virtual chemistry textbook. The text is broken down into numerous chapters and levels (beginner, general, and advanced). The textbook was created to use in general chemistry college level classes, however much of the material is applicable to high school chemistry. The chapters provide great details, simple explanations, and graphics to help students digest the complexities of chemistry.

In the Classroom

Use this excellent resource to complement your chemistry classes. By providing students with varied lesson ideas and resources, teachers further their students' understanding of the subject. Share this link on your teacher web age for students to access outside of class for "another angle."
 This resource requires PDF reader software like Adobe Acrobat.

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Science Fair Project Resource Guide - The Internet Public Library

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This site provides a good introduction to science fairs to help teachers, students and parents. There are separate sections of information on getting started, choosing a topic, completing...more
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This site provides a good introduction to science fairs to help teachers, students and parents. There are separate sections of information on getting started, choosing a topic, completing the project, displaying the project and the Scientific Method. The section and links on Scientific Method are quite useful, even if your school does not do a science fair.

In the Classroom

As you study scientific method, use the science fair examples as exercises for students to identify independent and dependent variables for the various projects. Give students the links to "find" experiments and analyze them with a partner or do this analysis as a class, sharing the project ideas on a projector or interactive whiteboard. The whiteboard tools would allow you to color code and highlight the various steps of scientific method consistently to help learning support students.

Include this site on your teacher web page for students and parents to access as a reference. Consider directing students and parents to particular links within this site that apply to the science fair students are participating in.

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Mad Sci Network - Mad Sci Network/Third Sector New England

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This great reference resource is an attractively packaged compilation of ways to get answers to questions about science. Offerings include a place to ask questions from K-college, access...more
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This great reference resource is an attractively packaged compilation of ways to get answers to questions about science. Offerings include a place to ask questions from K-college, access to a search engine, a list of FAQ's on common topics, a library with links to other relevant sites, a knowledge generator, an archive of lab experiments, and other assistance with science fair projects. The Mad-Sci labs also has a "Guided Tour of the Visible Human" section on human anatomy, with many images of cross-sections and internal organs.

In the Classroom

Navigate the human body and label parts on an interactive whiteboard, or find the appropriate experiments for all your science concepts. By searching the question archives, you can find answers to questions at all levels. Be sure to include this link on your teacher web page year-round to promote curiosity about science. Teachers of gifted will love this one as a treasury of open-ended ideas on science by scientists.

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instacalc - instacalc

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This online tool lets you create (or "share" someone else's existing) online calculations/spreadsheets. You can also display instant graphs of the spreadsheet contents. The spreadsheets...more
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This online tool lets you create (or "share" someone else's existing) online calculations/spreadsheets. You can also display instant graphs of the spreadsheet contents. The spreadsheets are displayed in terms that ordinary people can understand and allow you to "plug in" numbers to see instant results. Some of the shared calculators already online are surface area and volume of geometric solids, interest calculators, body mass index, and more sophisticated business functions. The best way to see how the site works is to read through their "tour" then click to browse through the examples, especially the shared ones. Even if you never create your own, this tool is great!
This site includes advertising.

In the Classroom

Visit the site and observe how the shared examples work. If you find one you like, you can get the link (try the little disk icon) to go directly to it. If you are feeling more adventurous, try creating one of your own, perhaps for calculating the class average on a test. Your web-savvy students will love this tool for collaborative lab reports or graphs of statistics. For safety's sake do not use any student names or information if you share calcs online.

Edge Features:

Products can be embedded

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World of Teaching

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This website provides numerous teacher-created PowerPoints. Some of the presentations are excellent, while others are just mediocre. The range of topics goes from astronomy, to history,...more
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This website provides numerous teacher-created PowerPoints. Some of the presentations are excellent, while others are just mediocre. The range of topics goes from astronomy, to history, to French and much, much more! There is something good here for every classroom. You MUST have PowerPoint software (not free) to be able to download and edit the shows.

In the Classroom

Use the small blue buttons to find your subject(s). This site is great for finding/sharing an interactive whiteboard activity or projected lesson. Since the PowerPoint shoes are editable, you may want to customize the shows you find. The grade equivalents are listed in the British system: KS1=ages 5-7; KS2=ages 7-11;KS3= ages 11-14;KS4= ages 14-16, A Level=ages 16-18.

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The Periodic Table of Comic Books - F. James Holler & John P. Selegue

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This highly creative website combines the periodic table with actual comics. There are comic strip stories for all (or nearly all) of the elements. This website offers a ...more
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This highly creative website combines the periodic table with actual comics. There are comic strip stories for all (or nearly all) of the elements. This website offers a new approach to teach a complex subject! A favorite aspect of this approach is that they include both recent comics and comics from over 50 years ago. This website presents basic scientific information in a fun and student-friendly manner. Connect to your students' "prior knowledge" of comic books to hook them on chemistry.

In the Classroom

Get an interactive whiteboard and utilize this excellent website to help your students better comprehend the periodic table. These comics are packed with knowledge and fun to use! You will certainly want to include it on your teacher web page for studens to explore outside of class time.

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Drinking Water and Ground Water Kids' Stuff - U.S. EPA

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Find the perfect lesson plan for your grade level as you study water or plan for Earth Day. Each level has a several activities, many hands-on. ...more
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Find the perfect lesson plan for your grade level as you study water or plan for Earth Day. Each level has a several activities, many hands-on.

In the Classroom

All lessons require Acrobat Reader. Get it from the TeachersFirst Toolbox page..
 This resource requires PDF reader software like Adobe Acrobat.

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The Race to Build the Atomic Bomb - Contra Costa County Department of Education

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This site is designed to be a resource for teachers and students on the atom bomb. There is an interactive time line, excellent graphics on the physics of the ...more
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This site is designed to be a resource for teachers and students on the atom bomb. There is an interactive time line, excellent graphics on the physics of the atom bomb, biographies of major characters in the story and good teacher resources including lesson plans. This site might be useful to both science and social studies teachers. The graphics on the physics of the atom bomb are great, but the historical context setting and discussion is also excellent. There are links to WebQuests, and information about California state standards met by the lesson plans.

In the Classroom

Consider using this exploration about the development of the bomb as a focus while studying atomic particles or twentieth century history. The webquests are ready-to-go units or you can "cherry pick" sites to feature as a single class activity on laptops or in a lab.

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Teach Engineering Resources for K-12 - University of Colorado Boulder

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Engineering Resources is a K-12 website that contains a multitude of information including lessons correlating to national and state standards. Search for activities and ideas by grade...more
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Engineering Resources is a K-12 website that contains a multitude of information including lessons correlating to national and state standards. Search for activities and ideas by grade level and curriculum topic using the Search and Advanced Search buttons. Narrow choices provided in the curriculum section by filtering options to include lessons, activities, complete units, and more. Maker Challenges offer a variety of experiences for hands-on learning with topics including titles like A Doghouse Design Project and Create and Control a Popsicle Stick Finger Robot. Other site options allow you to search by educational standards and provide information and resources for teaching engineering to students in grades K-12.

In the Classroom

Bookmark this site as a resource for finding STEM lessons and activities for all grade levels. Collaborate with your peers using a bookmarking tool like Papaly, reviewed here, to share all of your resources. Papaly offers you the ability to add notes to shared resources making it easy to discuss and add comments to items shared. Instead of having students write journal entries during science or maker lab activities, enhance student learning by using a video response tool like Flip, reviewed here, to have students respond to essential questions and comment on their peers' observations. As a culminating activity to a unit, ask students to create an explainer video answering essential questions to the unit topic. Adobe Express Video Maker, reviewed here is an easy to use tool for creating animated video explainers.

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Periodic Table of the Elements - Los Alamos National Laboratory's Chemistry Division

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Learn basic facts about each element, including what it costs (!) using this interactive site. You can also learn how elements are named and much more. The site requires good ...more
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Learn basic facts about each element, including what it costs (!) using this interactive site. You can also learn how elements are named and much more. The site requires good reading skills, since the element names are quite challenging.

In the Classroom

This is an excellent reference to include as a link on your teacher web page for students to access in class or at home as they begin to study the elements. Be sure to assign a partner reader for weaker students if you are requiring students to research on their own.

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Knock on the Door: Chemistry - EABJM

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This site, created by and for the largest independent school in France, is intedned to help teachers and students prepare for the IB tests in chemistry. A team of teachers ...more
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This site, created by and for the largest independent school in France, is intedned to help teachers and students prepare for the IB tests in chemistry. A team of teachers from the school created the site. It includes extensive resources and readings on chemistry, as well as review activities. The content is separated into middle school and high school sections.

In the Classroom

Make this a reference link from your teacher web page or use the site as a different way to introduce content so students can move at thier own pace.

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National Institute of Standards and Technology Virtual Museum - NIST

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Investigate modern accomplishments in technology through these exhibits of technology accomplishments. Tech Ed and science teachers of all disciplines can highlight these accomplishments...more
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Investigate modern accomplishments in technology through these exhibits of technology accomplishments. Tech Ed and science teachers of all disciplines can highlight these accomplishments as real world connections to classroom learning or ask students to research the application of their classroom learning in the technology world. Of certain interest are topics that explain our systems of weights and measures, the technology time line, and the and stone wall test as a real world application of scientific method for practical purposes.

In the Classroom

Use this as a starting point for a research project or share portions on a projector as you begin units on different science and technology topics.

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Matter Is The Stuff Around You - Andrew Rader Studios

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This site is all about matter. Detailed descriptions and graphics prepare students for the topic's "quiz". The interactive quiz reviews all of the topics discussed. Examples of ...more
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This site is all about matter. Detailed descriptions and graphics prepare students for the topic's "quiz". The interactive quiz reviews all of the topics discussed. Examples of the topics include solids, liquids, evaporation, solutions, mixtures and more! There is a well-done, detailed lesson plan on teachersfirst that incorporates this website "Scientific Method Experiment: Factors Affecting How Ice Melts".

In the Classroom

Check out the lesson plan that is already designed using this website "Scientific Method Experiment: Factors Affection How Ice Melts".

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Singing Science Records - Ballads for the Age of Science

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Listen to songs to teach important (and less important) science concepts. This collection of MP3 files was generated from an old set of records (yes, those round vinyl things that ...more
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Listen to songs to teach important (and less important) science concepts. This collection of MP3 files was generated from an old set of records (yes, those round vinyl things that had scratches). While the actual copyright holder information is a gray area, you can feel safe in playing the songs from the site. Most likely, these songs from the 1950s and 60s are past copyright at this point. In any case, you can click to play from smaller or larger file versions. Be patient while they load, even over a broadband connection. It will be worth the wait to teach parts of plants, the water cycle, weather, motion, energy, electricity, and MANY other topics with just a computer and set of speakers to help students retain the information. Most of the content is elementary to middle school age, but some is high school level. Learning support teachers seeking alternate study strategies will love this one!

In the Classroom

Include the links to specific songs for review on your teacher web site or play one of the songs as students enter the room (a sort of audio anticipatory set). You will definitely need to turn up the speakers. Elementary music teachers might want to pick up one of the songs while the students are studying these topics and teach the music and lyrics during music class!

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ICBL: Investigative Case-Based Learning - BioQuest Curriculum Consortium

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Really excite your AP biology, ecology, and biochemistry students with these real-world applications of the sciences in solving problems. Each case is presented in a narrative, and...more
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Really excite your AP biology, ecology, and biochemistry students with these real-world applications of the sciences in solving problems. Each case is presented in a narrative, and the learner resources include advice on reading cases, collecting data, and all the steps to solve the problems. There are over two dozen problems across several biology, chemistry, ecology, and molecular biology disciplines. These are college-level problems, so you may want to use one as a whole-class activity to model the process and spur enthusiasm for further scientific study. The ideal is then to allow groups of students to continue with the investigations, if they have sufficient knowledge to do so on their own.

In the Classroom

Review the cases and select one that extends your curriculum, then share it on a projector so students are not overwhelmed by the level of sophistication at first. These would also be ideal for gifted high school students interested in the sciences.

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What'sThat Stuff? - American Chemical Society

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High school chemistry teachers will find this collection dealing with the chemistry behind everyday objects and substances an interesting way to connect chemistry's abstractions to...more
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High school chemistry teachers will find this collection dealing with the chemistry behind everyday objects and substances an interesting way to connect chemistry's abstractions to real life. Dealing with everything from light sticks to asphalt and baseballs, the site explains the chemical processes that make these things valuable.

In the Classroom

If you're looking for good examples of applications, these might make an interesting starting point.

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Creative Chemistry

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Sometimes you just need to take a break from lab work and let loose with some content-based fun. This site is filled with chemistry based goodies that entertain, enrich, and ...more
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Sometimes you just need to take a break from lab work and let loose with some content-based fun. This site is filled with chemistry based goodies that entertain, enrich, and challenge. Includes "Impossible Mission" quizzes in multiple levels of difficult, chemistry hangman, crossword puzzles, and word searches. These are Java applets. That means that you must have the current version of the Java plug-in installed and turned on within your web browser.

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