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return to subject listingThinkUKnow - Child Exploitation and Online Protection Centre
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Click on Parent and Teachers resources to access lesson plans and resources that teach alongside the Cyber Cafe. You must register to access these, but it is painless. Interact with the content of this site on an interactive whiteboard or projector with your entire class to generate a class discussion on this important topic.You must be registered and logged in to add items to your favorites.
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OnGuard Online - U.S. Government
4 to 12In the Classroom
Survey students about their online usage and behaviors. This can be done informally as a class discussion or as an online survey that is filled out by students. Create a quick poll using SurveyPlanet, reviewed here. Use a projector and or a whiteboard to display the results and discuss the results of the survey with the class. Emphasize the importance of online safety and introduce the OnGuard Online website as an important resource for accurate and current information. Why not have cooperative learning groups investigate one of the topic areas provided (such as identity theft). Then have the groups make a multimedia presentation to present their findings to the class. Use one of the many TeachersFirst Edge tools reviewed here. Younger students can be introduced to the online games that teach appropriate and ethical online behavior. A scavenger hunt or questionnaire can be created for older students to explore the many issues that arise while online. As an extension activity students can role play different scenarios that they are confronted with when they are online and how they can respond in a safe ethical manner.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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ConnectSafely - Tech Parenting Group
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Include this link on your teacher or school web page for parents to access as part of a plan to work together. Consider using it as a hub for an evening discussion session with parents and students in a "round table" to air concerns and work together. Simply blocking or ignoring these tools is not educating or helping our kids. We want our students to grow into safe and responsible citizens both online and in person. If your school can involve and inform parents and students, you will have a better likelihood of using the new tools of the web in productive classroom settings, as well.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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Common Craft - Common Craft Productions
K to 12This site includes advertising.
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Start by looking at "Most Viewed" and "Most Popular Right Now," but don't be afraid to search for other topics that have you wondering. You will definitely want to make this site a Favorite and tag is as "professional" information to keep you informed. Share it on your teacher web page to help out your parents, too!Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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Tiny URL - Gilby Productions
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If you make a map in Google Maps, an online graphic organizer, a set of online flash cards, to anything else that allows you to share my emailing or copying a URL, this tools will save you from endless errors or emails full of ten-line URLs. Be sure to show your middle and high school students how to use it, as well. This will solve the problem of URLs that get split and no longer work when the text wraps around to another line.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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Some ideas to celebrate the day: Send class emails to the web sites you find most useful to thank them for their contributions to your class' learning. Find a school web site in another town or country and email the webmaster to relay a "hello" to a classroom there. Make a class wiki to share all the positive things you gain from the web---and invite parents to join in, too. Have students keep a web "diary" for 24 hours, noting every time they use or benefit from someone else using the web (even the weather man on TV gets his/her information from the web!). Predict how many "web contacts" your class will have, then add them up to see how close you came. Plan a OneWebDay event for your school and share it on the OneWebDay site or with the local press. With primary grade students, take the time to point out which activities you do in class come from the web (these children see "the computer" as the genie of all things and do not distinguish between the web and a CD game). Make a giant "web" out of yarn and "connect" everyone on the playground. Send an email from your class to the principal, telling him/her about OneWebDay. What else can you think of?Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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Safe Kids - safekids.com
1 to 12In the Classroom
Include this site on your teacher web page for students and parents to access as a reference. Share the printables with parents at open house or conferences. As you introduce web-based activities in your classroom, pause to rmind students of these safety rules, even if someone else is supposed to "cover" them in their classroom. Parts of this site require the use of myspace, so be sure to preview it and match the requirements to your school's regulations.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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Free Typing Games - TypingMaster
2 to 8In the Classroom
Share this link on your classroom computer, teacher web page, or in a class newsletter so students can practice keyboarding outside of class or at home. If you have some students who have computers at home and some who do not, give the less experienced students time during recesses or after work is done to improve their skills using these engaging games.Comments
Love this service, recommended.Adam, , Grades: 0 - 12
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Scoring PowerPoints - Jamie McKenzie
4 to 12In the Classroom
If your students are creating PowerPoint presentations, use this tool to create a useful and practical assessment. Avoid the pitfalls of being "charmed by glitz" when your students use technology. This site will help you and your students look for appropriate substance. Be sure to include this link on your teacher web page all year long for students to use as a reference when doing multimedia projects.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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Quintura: See and Find - Quintura
4 to 12Realize that this search engine does not apparently have a reputability ranking system as Google does, but for students trying to narrow a topic or find out what else is related, this is a great tool. Visual and global students (and adults) will find it far easier to navigate than outline-type approaches. More linear, detail-oriented thinkers may find it annoying. See the Help explanations for some great information.
In the Classroom
Display this search engine as an option as you start a research project. It would work extremely well on an interactive whiteboard for demo. If you teach younger studen ts, try the kids version.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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International Technology Education Association (ITEA)
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NetSmartz Workshop - National Center for Missing & Exploited Children
K to 12In the Classroom
If you know you will be using the Internet during class or assigning it for outside work, consider sharing some of the safety lessons ahead of time using a projector, especially with elementary and middle school students. Secondary English, information literacy, or computer teachers should consider requiring teens to report on an Internet safety topic as a research project as you are trying to both teach and USE research skills. This site could be a good topic-finder and starting point.Provide a link on your teacher web page to give parents a resource for talking about Internet safety with their children at home. Bookmark this site on a classroom computer for students to visit when they have free time.
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Blog Basics for the Classroom - TeachersFirst
K to 12In the Classroom
You could use this step by step as the framework for a self-directed or "buddy" professional development project. Share it with your principal or professional development coordinator. USe the strategies and ideas here to start a blog for your class or for each student. Don't miss suggestions for a Teacher as Blogger so you can model blogging, too.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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A Fun Alternative Way to Teach Children The Keyboard - Georgina Farmer, Nail it Now
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Kids Search Engines - Search Engine Watch
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Dr. Watson
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Smarter Surfing - Sree Sreenivasan
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The Internet and Children - What Works? - NTIA
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Microsoft Security and Privacy - Microsoft
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Internet Blocking in Public Schools- A Study on Internet Access - Electronic Freedom Foundation
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