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Browse Happy - WordPress

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Do you ever wonder if you have the latest updates to your Browser? Do you know about the different browsers available for use? Browse Happy provides the answers for you. ...more
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Do you ever wonder if you have the latest updates to your Browser? Do you know about the different browsers available for use? Browse Happy provides the answers for you. Click on any of the browsers shared on the site to visit their website to download the latest version.

In the Classroom

Keeping your browsers updated helps to provide the latest security for your computers. Use this site to discover the most popular browsers available. Download different browsers to compare and contrast features to find the one that is most user-friendly for your needs.

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Quick, Draw! - Google

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Can this site guess what you are drawing? Find out with Quick, Draw! Select the Let's Draw! button to begin. Draw the item listed in 20 seconds or less and ...more
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Can this site guess what you are drawing? Find out with Quick, Draw! Select the Let's Draw! button to begin. Draw the item listed in 20 seconds or less and find out if their neural network recognizes your doodles. After six drawings, view how well this site identifies your work. Click on any of your drawings to see how others drew the same thing. Be sure to take a look at the link to the world's largest doodling set to observe other pictures and learn about the scientific research behind the doodles.

In the Classroom

Share this site with younger students to practice computer mouse skills. In art class, have students use this site to draw different images quickly, then have them use the links to view how others drew them. Discuss as a class what parts of drawings are essential in making the item identifiable.

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Learning with Santa Tracker - Google

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Google for Education provides a collection of games and lessons tailor-made for the December holidays at their site for teachers. Choose from games for social studies, language, computer...more
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Google for Education provides a collection of games and lessons tailor-made for the December holidays at their site for teachers. Choose from games for social studies, language, computer science, and geography. Games include topics like coding, learning other languages, and understanding maps. Click the home page icon in the upper left corner to find translations for offered in several languages and more.

In the Classroom

Add this site to your tool kit of December teaching resources. Include the games on classroom computers and add to your class website. Replace paper posters and have students share their favorite activities using an on line poster creator like Web Poster Wizard, reviewed here, or PicLits, reviewed here. After practicing coding using the games provided on this site, enhance learning by challenging students to create their own game using a tool such as Scratch, reviewed here.
 This resource requires PDF reader software like Adobe Acrobat.

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Coding In the Classroom Resources - TeachersFirst

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This collection of reviewed resources from TeachersFirst is selected to help teachers and students learn about coding, and for use as a guide for finding the appropriate tools for use...more
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This collection of reviewed resources from TeachersFirst is selected to help teachers and students learn about coding, and for use as a guide for finding the appropriate tools for use with all grade and skill levels. Nurture problem solving, logic, and creativity. Find resources for just one hour of code or for use as ongoing technology lessons.

In the Classroom

Explore these resources for use with after-school computer clubs or as an excellent tool when recruiting skilled parent volunteers. Turn the intimidating content of computer programming into an exciting learning adventure for all with these helpful sites!

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Turtle Academy - TurtleAcademy

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Turtle Academy offers lessons in LOGO programming language for beginner programmers. Select the Lessons link from the top left to begin and follow lesson activities. For those with...more
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Turtle Academy offers lessons in LOGO programming language for beginner programmers. Select the Lessons link from the top left to begin and follow lesson activities. For those with some programming experience, this site allows you to select any portion of lessons as a starting point. In addition to lessons, take advantage of Turtle Academy's playground to create, share, and save programs.
This site includes advertising.

In the Classroom

Share Turtle Academy with students as part of a computer coding center. The ability to select different portions of lessons makes this a great tool for both novice and experienced programmers. Ask more proficient students to become advisors to newer programmers and share their knowledge and skills. Begin using this site by demonstrating lessons and activities on an interactive whiteboard or with a projector. Modify student learning and understanding by asking them to create video explainers for different skills using a tool like Clipchamp, reviewed here. then share videos on your class website for student use at any time. Looking for other coding activities for your classroom? Find more at TeachersFirst's Coding in the Classroom special topic page.

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Stay Safe Online - Stay Safe Online - NCSA

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Stay Safe Online offers resources to help keep yourself, others, and your computer safe online. Visit the Resources page to find infographics, videos, logos and graphics and more. Click...more
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Stay Safe Online offers resources to help keep yourself, others, and your computer safe online. Visit the Resources page to find infographics, videos, logos and graphics and more. Click Stop.Think.Connect in the upper left corner of the menu to take you to page with tips and advice and even more resources. The tips and advice include Safety Tips for Mobile Devices (in many languages), doing a Digitial Spring Cleaning (with a checklist), What LGBTQ Communities Should Know About Online Safety, and many other practical tips about taxes, shopping online, Cyber Trip Adviser, etc. Before doing a task online, double check with Stay Safe Online and fight off the dark side of the web by using good cyber habits!

In the Classroom

Introduce this site or the accompanying pages of Stop.Think.Connect to show students how to navigate the resources. Then, allow pairs or small groups to choose from the tips and advice for further study and exploration. As a substitute for handwritten notes, have students document their learning and understanding by taking notes online with Webnode, reviewed here.. Show your students how to create a multimedia digital story for students' siblings, parents, and peers, by embedding media; this will modify their work into a true digital story. Try using one of these tools (click on the tool name to access the review): PicLits, Adobe Creative Cloud Express for Education, and Clipchamp.

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Elementary School Cyber Education Initiative (ESCEI) - Air Force Association

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The ESCEI is part of the Air Force Associations CyberPatriot program. On this page find and download a kit with everything you need for teaching your K-6 students about digital ...more
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The ESCEI is part of the Air Force Associations CyberPatriot program. On this page find and download a kit with everything you need for teaching your K-6 students about digital safety! Fill out the registration form and submit. You will quickly receive a link for downloading the kit which needs to be un-zipped and takes about five minutes. You'll find cover letters to parents, guardians, and educators, three interactive learning modules about online safety and cybersecurity principles, slides for classroom instruction, and a complete instructors guide (with descriptions for each module, vocabulary, games to print, and more). Students will learn basic computing skills to how to deal with complex issues like phishing and malware. Be sure to see the supplemental activities and videos. Though the lessons are labeled up to sixth grade, they are adaptable for eighth grade and ninth grade.

From this landing page also find the home page with all the information about CyberPatriot and check out the competitions that are for middle school, high school, and beyond. CyberPatriot brings you these real-world competitions in conjunction with the Cisco Networking Challenge. There is online training for competitors. Videos on this site reside on YouTube. If your district blocks YouTube, the videos may not be viewable.

In the Classroom

Include materials from this site with any lessons or units for on online safety. For basic technology integration have younger students use a video response tool like Gravity, reviewed here to reflect on their learning and share tips for their peers. Older students could use Gravity, too, or to take technology integration to the next level have students take notes about what they are learning about cyber safety using a tool like Notepad, reviewed here. Next, have small groups of students share and compare their notes. Students can then use their notes as a storyboard to organize a presentation for their peers sharing safety tips. With their storyboards students or student groups can create online books sharing cybersafety tips using Book Creator, reviewed here. Book Creator includes tools for making digital books that include images, text, and audio recordings. As a modification to the above, instead of using Book Creator, challenge students to create a multimedia presentation with a tool like Genially, reviewed here, or Powtoon, reviewed here. Include links to learning modules on a bookmarking tool like Symbaloo, reviewed here, on classroom computers for students to easily access materials.

High school students and your tech-savvy middle school students may be interested in the competitions where they will focus on network security. The competition would be very good for the student who thinks they would like a career in IT or computer science.
 This resource requires PDF reader software like Adobe Acrobat.

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Microsoft MakeCode - Microsoft

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Learn computer science through hands-on learning projects for all ages at Microsoft MakeCode. Take advantage of project ideas to inspire computing projects for your classroom. Introductory...more
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Learn computer science through hands-on learning projects for all ages at Microsoft MakeCode. Take advantage of project ideas to inspire computing projects for your classroom. Introductory courses for middle school students teach the basics of coding and beyond. Learn more through live sessions offered weekly by Microsoft team editors as they share tips for using different editing programs. If your district blocks YouTube, then the videos may not be viewable.

In the Classroom

Make use of the resources offered by Microsoft to share with your students as they learn how to code. Share project ideas with students and include materials for them to create their projects as part of makerspace activities. Have students take pictures of their creation and enhance their learning by using Voxer, reviewed here, to add audio to describe their creative process. Add images to your class website as part of your student work gallery. Challenge students to use Sway, reviewed here, to create an online multimedia page including images, video, and text to describe, evaluate, and share their work with coding projects. Include project ideas from the site and set up a makerspace during open house events at your school.

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Sinespace - Sine Wave Entertainment Ltd

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Create and participate in a virtual world community with Sinespace's next-generation virtual world platform. Choose the explore link for an overview of some of the most recent and popular...more
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Create and participate in a virtual world community with Sinespace's next-generation virtual world platform. Choose the explore link for an overview of some of the most recent and popular regions created by members of the site. Sign up using your email to access creation tools and choose your avatar. Use tools to personalize your avatar and build your virtual region including vehicles and home backgrounds. The free basic plan includes one region with ten concurrent users. At the time of this review, Sinespace works on PC that has Windows/Mac/Linux. Though they are working on Android and iOS versions.

In the Classroom

Be sure to check with your Technology Department, as many districts require authorization to download or install new applications. Plan ahead as you request that this application be installed on your classroom or laptop cart computers. Share Sinespace on classroom computers and allow students to create and explore on their own. Consider sharing with "tech savvy" students first and let them learn how to create within the site's program. After some students become experts, share Sinespace with other students to begin learning how to work within a virtual environment. Use an infographic creation tool like Canva, reviewed here, to create and share tips for using Sinespace. Once students learn how to perform specific functions, ask them to create an explainer video for other students use using Adobe Creative Cloud Express Video Maker, reviewed here.

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Google Help - Google Support

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Explore educational videos providing help with Google products on this YouTube Channel. The site provides playlists offering support for Chromebooks, protecting and using Google accounts,...more
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Explore educational videos providing help with Google products on this YouTube Channel. The site provides playlists offering support for Chromebooks, protecting and using Google accounts, using Gmail and Drive, and much more. Choose individual videos or select playlists by topic to find up to date help in using Google tools. If your district blocks YouTube, the videos may not be viewable.

In the Classroom

Bookmark this site on classroom computers for easy reference when working with Google products. Have students create their own support videos using a tool like Powtoon, reviewed here, or Clipchamp, reviewed here, for any technology issues that arise in your classroom. Remember, you can take screenshots (Printscrn button on Windows or Command+Shift+4 on Mac), and include those in a video. You will need to convert the screenshot to a JPG. This can be done easily and quickly using CloudConvert, reviewed here. Share the students created videos using a tool such as SchoolTube, reviewed here.

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Google Lesson Plans - Google in Education

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Google provides a series of lessons correlated to career readiness and reading standards in three different levels to teach students how to search effectively. Select from topics including...more
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Google provides a series of lessons correlated to career readiness and reading standards in three different levels to teach students how to search effectively. Select from topics including picking the correct search terms, understanding results, and evaluating the credibility of sources. Find additional lessons related to culture, geography, history, and science by clicking the link for "A Google a Day Challenges," reviewed here.

In the Classroom

Take advantage of these free lessons to teach safe and effective search techniques to use with any search engine. Create a classroom Padlet, reviewed here, with columns for students to share tips on using any technology tool. Include a column for search tips, and specific columns for tools or websites commonly used by your students. Have individual or groups of students create their own lessons using Symbaloo Learning Paths, reviewed here, to teach how to use any technology. This tool allows creators to add videos, quizzes, websites, images, and more into a gamification-based learning resource.

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Florida Center for Instructional Technology (FCIT) - College of Education, University of South Florida

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The Florida Center for Instructional Technology (FCIT) has an extensive collection of resources for integrating technology into classroom instruction. Find over 100,000 pieces of digital...more
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The Florida Center for Instructional Technology (FCIT) has an extensive collection of resources for integrating technology into classroom instruction. Find over 100,000 pieces of digital content including clip art, audio files, historical maps, and more for classroom use by students and teachers. Find resources and professional development in their Technology Integration Matrix (TIM), reviewed here, including graphics, PDF's, and evaluation tools. Each month FCIT curates and shares digital collections related to holidays and important events in history.

In the Classroom

Bookmark this site to find digital content for use with any project. Discover the many free resources and training in TIM as part of your professional development activities as you learn to target the effective use of technology within classroom instruction. Plan monthly staff training sessions based on different aspects of technology integration. Use Flip, reviewed here, to discuss essential questions or as a collaborative tool for sharing ideas and problem solving with peers. Flip offers tools for short, collaborative video responses for classes and groups.
 This resource requires PDF reader software like Adobe Acrobat.

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Applied Digital Skills - Free Technology Curriculum - Grow with Google

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The Free Technology Curriculum from Google provides a series of units for middle school and up for practical problem solving with digital tools. Select options from the site for learners,...more
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The Free Technology Curriculum from Google provides a series of units for middle school and up for practical problem solving with digital tools. Select options from the site for learners, instructors, or to the entire curriculum. Choose from within the curriculum by grade level. Each option provides a series of lessons teaching skills like collaboration and problem-solving along with rubrics for assessment of projects.

In the Classroom

Bookmark this site to include with other resources in your technology curriculum. Share with teachers of other subjects as a way to integrate content across topic areas. Use these units with gifted students as part of independent projects. Include finished projects in an online portfolio tool like, reviewed here, to include with college applications. Take advantage of the videos included in the learner's portion of the site to share with students to reinforce concepts like collaboration, organization, and research techniques.

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Classroom Blogging - Scott Chow

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Do you want to start a classroom blog but don't know how to start? This series of articles provides all the information you need from getting started through promoting your ...more
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Do you want to start a classroom blog but don't know how to start? This series of articles provides all the information you need from getting started through promoting your blog. Information on this site begins with the most basic information including choosing the appearance of your blog and moves on to cover using and customizing your site. All information in these articles pertains to using WordPress as your platform; however, the tips and information apply to anyone wanting to create a classroom blog.

In the Classroom

Check out TeachersFirst Blog Basics for the Classroom for additional information on creating a blog for your classroom. Use this information as a starting point for creating blogs for students. Replace written reports or oral presentations by requiring students to create blog posts sharing information learned in class. Use a tool like Edublog, reviewed here. Edublog offers tools for creating class and individual blogs, but not for embedding videos or HTML links., reviewed here, for older students. With you just click on an icon to upload images from your computer, add a YouTube or Vimeo, or Twitter links. This blog creator requires no registration.

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Password Generator Tool - Comparitech

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This safe and straightforward site creates unique passwords within your given parameters. Choose the length of your desired password and use the checked boxes to include or exclude...more
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This safe and straightforward site creates unique passwords within your given parameters. Choose the length of your desired password and use the checked boxes to include or exclude letters, characters, or numbers. Additional options allow you to select the number of numeric characters or symbols to add. After making your selections, click "Generate" to create your password. Additional information on the site explains why it is important to use strong passwords along with specific content on how a strong password looks.

In the Classroom

Share this site with students as part of any online safety unit. Discuss the importance of creating strong passwords. One disadvantage of using a site like this is trying to save and remember the unique passwords. Use information on this site to find free, online tools for saving and managing your passwords. As students learn more about online safety, modify classroom technology by asking them to share their tips using a video response tool like Flip, reviewed here. Use Flip to provide video questions to students with scenarios that might occur online due to lack of knowledge or application of safety techniques. Have students respond with solutions to these problems. Transform classroom technology and ask students to share their advice with other students using a video explanation tool like FlexClip, reviewed here. FlexClip is designed to allow you to create short animated or explainer videos to share on YouTube and other social media sites, to create short, animated video explanations.

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Internet Safety for Kids, Teens, and Students - CoolTechZone - Dean Chester

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Don't let the simple look of this article keep you away; it lists explicitly several specific threats facing children through their use of online content. After viewing these risks...more
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Don't let the simple look of this article keep you away; it lists explicitly several specific threats facing children through their use of online content. After viewing these risks and corresponding data, this site shares suggestions for protecting against these threats and pre-emptive steps for avoiding many Internet pitfalls.

In the Classroom

Share this article with peers during online safety discussions. Include a link to this article on your class website as information for parents. You may also want to point out information from the article during Meet the Teacher sessions for parents and guardians. View this article on your interactive whiteboard with students and highlight key phrases or information that is important in your specific situation. As students learn about online safety, replace paper and pen writing journals with blog postings. Use a site like edublogs, reviewed here. Edublog offers tools for creating class and individual blogs. As a culminating activity and to modify student learning, ask individuals or groups of students to create an online book with advice and information about online safety using a tool like Book Creator, reviewed here. Book Creator is easy to use even for the youngest of students and offers a variety of editing opportunities.

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Get More Out of Google - HackCollege

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These handy infographics provide viewers with tips and tricks for using Google for online research. Scroll down the page to find helpful tips for searching smarter, narrowing down results...more
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These handy infographics provide viewers with tips and tricks for using Google for online research. Scroll down the page to find helpful tips for searching smarter, narrowing down results to needed information, and keyboard shortcuts for viewing and finding information on your computer.

In the Classroom

Embed this valuable infographic on your class website for quick reference at any time. Have students brainstorm additional smart search ideas on a collaborative bulletin board like Pinside, reviewed here. Pinside offers you the ability to add notes and sort items into groups. Instead of just using this site for reference, take lessons further and have groups of students create quizzes to reinforce understanding of safe Internet searching. Use a tool like Triventy, reviewed here, a quiz creation tool featuring many options to make collaborative quizzes. As a final project, have students use a video creation tool like Clipchamp, reviewed here, to demonstrate tips and tricks for Internet searches.

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Twitter Chat: Tackle the Engineering Design Process With Students - TeachersFirst

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This archived Twitter chat is from February 2018 and will open in Wakelet. The topic of this chat is Tackle the Engineering Design Process With Students. Through this chat we ...more
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This archived Twitter chat is from February 2018 and will open in Wakelet. The topic of this chat is Tackle the Engineering Design Process With Students. Through this chat we will define and understand the Engineering Design Process, learn how to work through the 5 steps of the cycle with your students, to brainstorm ways to incorporate this process into your lessons. Read the many comments and suggestions by both the moderator and other participants.

In the Classroom

Share this chat with your colleagues trying to tackle the engineering process. Peruse the resources shared.

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X (formerly Twitter) Chat: Preparing for Digital Learning Day - TeachersFirst

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This archived X (formerly Twitter) chat is from February 2018 and will open in Wakelet. Through this chat, participants will discuss how to best integrate Digital Learning Day into...more
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This archived X (formerly Twitter) chat is from February 2018 and will open in Wakelet. Through this chat, participants will discuss how to best integrate Digital Learning Day into the classroom, share digital-learning activities, and plan how to showcase digital student work. Read the many comments and suggestions by both the moderator and other participants.

In the Classroom

Share this chat with your colleagues preparing for Digital Learning Day. Explore the various tools that are shared. Use these resources as you prepare for Digital Learning Day.

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MakerSpace Resources - TeachersFirst

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This collection of reviewed resources from TeachersFirst is selected to help teachers and students learn about the MakerSpace movement and mindset. Engage your students, challenge their...more
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This collection of reviewed resources from TeachersFirst is selected to help teachers and students learn about the MakerSpace movement and mindset. Engage your students, challenge their minds, teach cooperative learning, and more. There is no right or wrong way to do a MakerSpace. Use the tools provided to find digital options to use in your MakerSpace area. Read the professional information to educate yourself about the mindset of MakerSpace.

In the Classroom

Use these resources for your digital MakerSpace. Find tools for all grades. Don't miss the Twitter Chat for teachers just starting a MakerSpace. There are also a few sites that have more information for educators just learning about MakerSpace. Some of these resources are ideal for individual devices.

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