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Gauth AI STEM Homework Helper - Gauth Math

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Gauth uses AI to provide homework help in math and science topics, including chemistry, physics, calculus, and more. Under the menu topic - Subjects, you will also find help with ...more
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Gauth uses AI to provide homework help in math and science topics, including chemistry, physics, calculus, and more. Under the menu topic - Subjects, you will also find help with Literature, Writing, Social Science, and others. To begin, upload a question or an image. Gauth then provides a step-by-step response with a detailed explanation of the answer. Find additional explanations by selecting Copilot, which is built into Gauth's platform, or by choosing from suggestions for related questions. You don't need to register, but doing so will allow access to your search history.

In the Classroom

Include Gauth with your other math and science support resources for students. Demonstrate how to ask questions and analyze the responses as a learning tool. Be sure to discuss the ethical use of AI tools with students as a learning tool and not a substitute for completing assignments. Encourage students to provide proper attribution when using Gauth. Share Gauth as a flipped learning tool for students to use as they begin to understand new concepts, then ask students to apply that knowledge to problems without using AI resources. Have students demonstrate how to solve problems by creating a video explanation with Free Screen Recorder Online, reviewed here.

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Google News Archive Search - Google

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This site is part of a thirteen-part series of lessons demonstrating how to use Google search to find historical digital publications and scanned newspapers. The short step-by-step...more
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This site is part of a thirteen-part series of lessons demonstrating how to use Google search to find historical digital publications and scanned newspapers. The short step-by-step instructions include pictures showing how to search the archives for news articles from 1995 and search terms for finding scanned newspaper articles before 1995. This lesson is available online or as a PDF document.

In the Classroom

This site provides helpful information on effective browser searches for any social studies, history, or English class. Create a bookmark for news.google.com on classroom computers so that students can quickly access web news content from 2003. Include this site and other effective and safe web browsing tutorials by creating a Wakelet collection, reviewed here. Include items in your collection such as tutorials, shortcut tips, and how to use exact terms for searches.
 This resource requires PDF reader software like Adobe Acrobat.

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MIT Project Management Game - MIT Sloan School of Management

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This simulation lets participants become project managers of a complex project such as a new construction, hardware, or software project. Along the way, they learn how to manage budgets,...more
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This simulation lets participants become project managers of a complex project such as a new construction, hardware, or software project. Along the way, they learn how to manage budgets, schedules, and staff and time management skills while receiving detailed feedback on the project's progress. Begin your project by selecting the "play simulation" link in the box near the bottom of the page; then, students select to play as an individual or class. Choose the educator link to verify that you are an educator and receive a code to set up your class.

In the Classroom

Use this simulation as a project-based learning activity to teach students about management careers, software development, and similar careers. Have students create individual projects or groups to work on a single project. Extend learning by asking students to generate progress reports throughout the process, including screenshots of their progress, reflections upon choices made, and possible changes to make within projects to increase success. Have students use Google Sites, reviewed here or another free website creation tool to share their journey throughout the project, which includes a final review document.
 This resource requires PDF reader software like Adobe Acrobat.

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CK-12 Plix - CK-12

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Plix (Play, Learn, Interact, and eXplore) shares over 1,000 interactives, providing practice and exploring math and science concepts. Math topics range from adding whole numbers to...more
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Plix (Play, Learn, Interact, and eXplore) shares over 1,000 interactives, providing practice and exploring math and science concepts. Math topics range from adding whole numbers to calculus concepts; science content includes biology, physics, earth, and life science, among others. Follow the directions found in each interactive to move the slider to show changes in each story problem or question. Plix integrates with several learning management systems, including Google Classroom, Schoology, and Canvas. Share Plix activities by creating a new class on the Plix site or assigning it to your learning management system.

In the Classroom

Use Plix interactives as warm-up activities when teaching new concepts, as a computer center activity, or as an exploration activity for homework. If you are not using a learning management system, use the three dots located on the top bar to find different share options and embed code to use on websites. After providing exploration time, ask students to share their understanding of the content in the using Padlet, reviewed here. This is a link to Padlet's Help section for posting video or an image. Create a topic for students to add a video response that might include a demonstration of their computer screen as they discuss how the interactive works and share their understanding of the concept they explored.

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Class Companion - Class Companion

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Class Companion offers the power of AI (artificial intelligence) to provide assignments and feedback for written tasks. Import assignments using any of three methods - import a project...more
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Class Companion offers the power of AI (artificial intelligence) to provide assignments and feedback for written tasks. Import assignments using any of three methods - import a project from your device's documents using copy and paste, create a task from scratch, or use an assignment from Class Companion's library. Choose from the essay or short response format. Class Companion analyzes the text and allows teachers to customize options before assigning them to students; options include a selection of rubrics, questions about the piece, and the number of attempts students have to submit a correct response. Students access Class Companion by the provided link shared from your account. As students complete the activities, Class Companion provides feedback on their responses.

In the Classroom

Take advantage of the tutorials provided by Class Companion to learn how to customize lessons and feedback to engage and motivate students. As you become familiar with using the tools found in this resource, learn how to enhance student learning by providing them with options to dispute the AI feedback, which encourages critical thinking skills. Use Class Companion's built-in feedback tools for AP classes to provide low-stakes and unlimited practice for upcoming exams. Use the reporting tools available on the site to share feedback on student growth with individual students to encourage reflective learning practices.

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How This Teacher Brings Census Data to Life in the Classroom - Wendy McMahon

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Utilizing the census to teach statistics using real-world information and data is the focus of the conversation in this article shared by EdSurge. Applying real-world data, such as...more
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Utilizing the census to teach statistics using real-world information and data is the focus of the conversation in this article shared by EdSurge. Applying real-world data, such as census data, in the lessons helps students develop critical thinking skills and a deeper understanding of their communities. In addition, this article shares various tools and resources to access and analyze census data, including online databases and mapping software.

In the Classroom

Use the ideas shared in this article to create an interdisciplinary lesson to teach math, social studies, and writing objectives. For example, in this article, students work in groups to explore how many people in different states speak a language other than English at home. Take advantage of technology tools to engage and enhance this activity. For example, have students collect data using Microsoft Forms or Google Forms, then create and share charts and graphs using ChartGizmo, reviewed here. Use Google My Maps, reviewed here, to create an interactive map that includes all information created and shared by students.

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C-Span Classroom - C-Span

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C-Span Classroom offers free, video-based classroom materials for teachers. Browse the links on the site to find Bell Ringers, Lesson Plans, and additional teaching resources. Other...more
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C-Span Classroom offers free, video-based classroom materials for teachers. Browse the links on the site to find Bell Ringers, Lesson Plans, and additional teaching resources. Other tools include a Constitutional Clips video series, Classroom Deliberations based upon current issues, and On This Day in History featuring significant historical events using video clips.

In the Classroom

Bookmark this site to access many video resources and lessons to teach social studies topics. Include lessons and activities as part of interactive lessons created with Microsoft PowerPoint Online, reviewed here. Include quizzes, videos, links to documents, and more to create flipped or blended learning lessons on Microsoft PowerPoint Online that differentiate student abilities and interests and a resource for students to complete lessons individually at their own pace. As a final learning activity and to enhance learning, ask students to share their understanding of the content by creating short video clips made with FlexClip, reviewed here. Modify templates provided by FlexClip to create a short but content-rich overview of the lesson that shares student understanding of the information.

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Mathematics Lessons - TedEd

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This mathematics page includes math activities for students of all ages and abilities based on problem-solving activities and riddles integrated into many different topics. Each lesson...more
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This mathematics page includes math activities for students of all ages and abilities based on problem-solving activities and riddles integrated into many different topics. Each lesson typically consists of a video that explains the concept or problem-solving strategy, as well as interactive quizzes and other resources to help reinforce the learning. Many tasks also come with additional resources such as lesson plans, discussion questions, and further reading. Use the filters to narrow down options by grade level, type of content, video length, and subtitles options. In addition, each activity includes categories such as Science and Technology or The Arts; use these links to find related activities. Registration isn't required; however, it allows you to save your favorite activities and customize lessons.

In the Classroom

Use the activities on this site to introduce problem-solving to students through various topics and problem-solving tools. Begin by narrowing down the content to your chosen grade level to find appropriate activities. Next, consider differentiating activities by student interests and ability levels. Finally, use the option to customize lessons to create questions for different groups of students or add additional questions while still using the original video. Ask older students to use these activities as a model, then create their animated math riddles using Powtoon, reviewed here.

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Felt - Interactive Map Creator - felt.com

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Felt is a free map creator that makes it easy for anyone to create and work with maps. Under the Use Cases tab on the top right, you'll find Education ...more
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Felt is a free map creator that makes it easy for anyone to create and work with maps. Under the Use Cases tab on the top right, you'll find Education with ideas for teaching with Felt. Easily share your maps with others by sharing a link or embedding them in another tool. Felt's simple toolbar makes it easy to map data or routes and add notes, links, or images. Pinning locations, adding notes, coloring specific areas, clipping out any location to emphasize, and adding layers to your maps allows you to map just about anything you could imagine! You must be at least thirteen years old to create a free account to create maps. This site is currently in a public beta version.

In the Classroom

Visualizing data and creating maps just became easier for teachers and students. Help your students understand current events worldwide by creating a map and embedding it on your classroom website or learning management system. For example, use maps in science to track migration patterns, explore climates, or map weather events. Teachers of students aged 13+ years can have students create and edit maps in real-time from anywhere. Build upon your student's knowledge by adding layers to your maps to show new information. Teachers of younger students can create maps for student viewing to map a story or show animal habitats.

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Georgia Virtual Learning Shared Resources - Georgia Virtual Learning

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Georgia Virtual Learning is the online education headquarters for the Georgia Department of Education and offers over 100 virtual courses for middle and high school students. Choose...more
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Georgia Virtual Learning is the online education headquarters for the Georgia Department of Education and offers over 100 virtual courses for middle and high school students. Choose from studies in all core content areas and the fine arts and world languages. An additional option features courses in CTAE/Electives. These offerings include classes in finance, computer science, fitness, and more. After selecting a course to view, use the module to proceed through the contents. Each module includes an introduction featuring essential questions and interactive content and concludes with final assessments and a module test.

In the Classroom

Bookmark and save this site as a supplemental resource for your current lessons, as a resource for students to learn about subjects not covered in their current courses, and to differentiate learning for students. For example, provide remediation to high school students by sharing the 9th or 10th-grade literature and composition courses as a review activity or enhance your British Literature unit by assigning a module that focuses specifically on 17th, 18th, or 19th-century British literature. Consider assigning different activities to groups of students to present to their peers. Ask them to use an infographic creator such as the Canva Infographic Creator, reviewed here, as a tool for sharing important information. As a final learning extension, create a digital class book using Ourboox, reviewed here, to share understanding of the content learned. Include text, images, maps, and more in the student-created books.

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Interdisciplinary Civics Education Lessons - United4SC

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Teach fundamental civic skills and concepts using the videos and lessons provided by United4SC. Select from the many different topics, including economics, history, democracy, and more,...more
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Teach fundamental civic skills and concepts using the videos and lessons provided by United4SC. Select from the many different topics, including economics, history, democracy, and more, to find materials that engage students in enhanced thinking activities. Each lesson includes a video along with downloadable lesson plans and student worksheets. The videos are hosted on YouTube. If your district blocks YouTube, then they may not be viewable.

In the Classroom

Bookmark this excellent resource for use throughout the year to engage students as they learn about various social studies topics. Luckily, this site includes a link to each of the videos that are shared on EdPuzzle, reviewed here. Use these links to create and share video lessons with your students, including notes, quizzes, and comments extending learning. Use the included lesson plans as a starting point for your lessons, then ask students to extend learning by sharing information through various choices. For example, offer students options for creating a podcast teaching about one of the topics using Buzzsprout, reviewed here. Buzzsprout includes options to personalize podcasts, such as the ability to add links to show notes and the option to schedule episodes for release at specific times and dates; in addition offer Genially, reviewed here, where students can choose to create interactive presentations, images, infographics, charts, and anything else you can think of.
 This resource requires PDF reader software like Adobe Acrobat.

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3D Interactive Earth Globe - eChalk Ltd

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Take a look at the earth through several different lenses with this series of interactive earth globes. Choose from fifteen globes representing the earth through the population, energy...more
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Take a look at the earth through several different lenses with this series of interactive earth globes. Choose from fifteen globes representing the earth through the population, energy consumption, population density, and more. Each globe includes a color key and viewing options that allow viewers to have automatic rotation and earth tilt. Use your mouse to move the globe as desired.

In the Classroom

Bookmark this site for use when discussing many different aspects of earth and its population. Take advantage of the settings found at the bottom of each interactive to engage your students and promote classroom discussion. For example, turn off the key so that students only see colored areas on the map without knowing what they represent. Ask students to explore the globe and share what they think each color represents by responding to a prompt created using Gravity, reviewed here. Gravity is a video response tool. Use Gravity to record video or create screen recordings to share. Incorporate a link to a globe as part of a learning path created using Symbaloo Learning Paths, reviewed here. Include videos, quizzes, and other interactive activities as part of your learning path. As an extended learning activity, ask students or student groups to create digital stories using Odyssey, reviewed here. Odyssey offers tools to incorporate custom maps into a digital storytelling activity that includes text, videos, and more.

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BouncyMaps - Mapping Worlds

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BouncyMaps provides maps from a different perspective than physical size, showing how large the map would be based on other criteria. Choose from the provided topics to see maps change...more
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BouncyMaps provides maps from a different perspective than physical size, showing how large the map would be based on other criteria. Choose from the provided topics to see maps change size proportionally to population, economy, religion, and more. Use the button to toggle back and forth between the regular and bouncy maps. Scroll down past each map to view a list of countries and data used to create the map.

In the Classroom

BouncyMaps is an excellent way to help students visualize large numbers and provide perspective to data. Use the embed code found on the site to share on your webpage or download images and data using the provided links. Start a discussion using one of the regular maps and hover over countries to show details. After reviewing a standard map, switch to the BouncyMap to show how it changes based on data. This site is an excellent one to share with students to explore during computer centers or at home. After allowing students time to look on their own, ask them to choose one map that surprised them and discuss their findings. Ask them to research the information further with the goal of trying to learn why there are such differences between countries. When finished, ask students to share their findings by creating an infographic using Canva Infographic Maker, reviewed here. When teaching world history, these maps provide context when teaching about major conflicts. For example, when teaching about tensions in the Middle East, refer students to the religious maps to help them understand how different populations of Jewish people and Muslims within that area are key to the conflicts.

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Animagraffs - Jacob O'Neal

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How do things work? See how Animagraffs answers this question using beautifully animated infographics. Learn how the human eye works, how cheetahs run so fast and explore the inside...more
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How do things work? See how Animagraffs answers this question using beautifully animated infographics. Learn how the human eye works, how cheetahs run so fast and explore the inside of solar cells, among the many other topics. After selecting an infographic, scroll through to explore the different content that includes animated graphs, images, and text.

In the Classroom

Share the animated graphs from this site as an introduction to learning units. Provide students time to explore the animation independently, then ask them to share interesting information learned. Use Answer Garden, reviewed here, to gather student responses and share ideas as a group. The animations found on this site are perfect to include in a blended learning space such as Curipod, reviewed here. Include videos, articles, and animations to provide a digital learning unit for your students. Use the animations as a model for students to create their own infographics using Canva Infographic Maker, reviewed here. Ask students to pay attention to what makes each infographic interesting, focusing on the graphic design, type of content, and use of graphs and images.

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Spent - Urban Ministries of Durham

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Spent is an online game that teaches the challenges of poverty and the difficult choices facing low-income earners. Throughout the game, players make choices related to income options...more
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Spent is an online game that teaches the challenges of poverty and the difficult choices facing low-income earners. Throughout the game, players make choices related to income options and spending needs. Choices include decisions that affect the health, education, and living conditions of the player's family. The game ends when you run out of money or reach the end of the month.

In the Classroom

Include Spent as a learning resource to use with your lessons on empathy or difficult conversations. Ask students to spend time playing Spent as a way to explore how choices they make affect their living situation. Enhance learning by asking students to take a screen recording of a difficult choice they make while playing Spent and discuss their thinking behind the option chosen. Use ScreenPal (was Screencast-o-matic), reviewed here, to record and share student's recordings. If you teach older high school students, use Spent to introduce a research unit into understanding poverty in your community. Have students share their learning using multimedia presentation tools like Adobe Creative Cloud Express for Education, reviewed here, or Visme, reviewed here.

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Fiveable - Amanda Doamaral

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Fiveable offers a small collection of free learning experiences for students preparing to take Advanced Placement (AP) exams. Resources include study guides, live stream learning sessions,...more
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Fiveable offers a small collection of free learning experiences for students preparing to take Advanced Placement (AP) exams. Resources include study guides, live stream learning sessions, weekly study plans, and trivia activities. Visit the Resources dropdown box to access different learning activities. Some resources require you to create a free account; others are available without registration.
This site includes advertising.

In the Classroom

Take advantage of the free resources found on Fiveable to guide instruction in your AP classes and to share with students to prepare for AP Exams. Include a link to weekly study plans on your class website to share with students. Encourage students to use online study tools to enhance learning. For example, use Knowt, reviewed here, to create quizzes from your documents and assess learning. Keep students motivated by designing Escape Room activities using Room Escape Maker, reviewed here. Use critical information required to pass the AP exam as questions to solve the puzzle to escape the room successfully. Enhance learning by having tech-savvy students create escape rooms for their peers to use as a study activity.
 This resource requires PDF reader software like Adobe Acrobat.

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Alison - Mike Feerick

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Alison is a free learning platform offering courses for education and skills training provided by the world's leading experts. Find courses using the dropdown boxes at the top of the...more
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Alison is a free learning platform offering courses for education and skills training provided by the world's leading experts. Find courses using the dropdown boxes at the top of the site sorted by Explore Diplomas and Certificates and Discover Careers. Under More find Assessments and a Resume Builder among other tools. Browse the home page to find the popular courses and most recent offerings. Complete the free registration to begin. Upon selecting a class, view information on the number of modules, topics, and approximate length. Upon completion, Alison provides a certificate or diploma, depending on the duration of the offerings.
This site includes advertising.

In the Classroom

Use Alison to find professional learning courses, learn the basics of a new language, or for personal development. Share Alison with students to learn skills not offered in school or share with ENL/ESL students to use when learning English. Use Alison with student cohorts interested in learning about a new topic or preparing for college-level courses.

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American Experience - PBS

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American Experience is a PBS documentary program featuring stories about important and interesting experiences in American history. This site provides films, videos, and feature articles...more
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American Experience is a PBS documentary program featuring stories about important and interesting experiences in American history. This site provides films, videos, and feature articles to support and provide additional information to the series' documentary presentations. Titles of a few documentaries are: The Busing Battle Ground, Zoot Suit Riots, School Integration, and many more. Browse through the homepage to find images that include a link to the supporting information, including a link to the original documentary. Most of the original programming is not online; however, there is typically the option to view the trailer for the program along with a transcript of the full story.

In the Classroom

The films, videos, and articles provided on this site offer many opportunities to include primary sources within any American or world history unit. Bookmark this site to share first-hand information on world events with your students. Enhance learning by asking students to create video timelines using Timelinely, reviewed here, that includes maps, videos, and links to relevant information as a way to understand the complete picture of world events. For students who enjoy drama or journalism, ask them to produce podcasts using Buzzsprout, reviewed here. Use podcasts for students to role-play events throughout history as told from a variety of perspectives.
 This resource requires PDF reader software like Adobe Acrobat.

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OK2Ask: Increase Student Achievement and Engagement in Your Classroom with Simulations - TeachersFirst

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This recording of an OK2Ask online professional learning session is from May 2020. You can register and immediately view the archive of the session.

The authentic nature
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This recording of an OK2Ask online professional learning session is from May 2020. You can register and immediately view the archive of the session.

The authentic nature of simulations can be highly motivating for even your hardest to reach students. When used properly, instructional simulations can empower student learning, helping students to set goals, seek feedback, and demonstrate what they have learned. Learn to choose simulations that model the relationships between concepts studied. In this session, we will discuss how to best use simulations in the classroom to increase student achievement, allow students to reflect on what they have learned, and transfer their knowledge to new problems and situations. As a result of this session, teachers will: 1. Understand the value of using simulations in the classroom; 2. Explore instructional simulations; and 3. Plan for the use of simulations in the instructional setting. This session is appropriate for teachers at all technology levels.

In the Classroom

The archive of this teacher-friendly, hands-on webinar will empower and inspire you to use learning technology in the classroom and for professional productivity. As appropriate, specific classroom examples and ideas have been shared. View the session with a few of your teaching colleagues to find and share new ideas. Find additional information and links to tools at the session resource page. Learn more about OK2Ask and upcoming sessions here.

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OK2Ask: Data and Charts and Graphs, Oh My! Let Google Tools Be Your Guide - TeachersFirst

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This recording of an OK2Ask online professional learning session is from February 2020. You can register and immediately view the archive of the session.

Humans respond
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This recording of an OK2Ask online professional learning session is from February 2020. You can register and immediately view the archive of the session.

Humans respond to and process visual data better than any other type of data. Whether students are learning to collect, organize, graph, or interpret data, this webinar offers proven tools and strategies that assist learners in developing and applying those skills. Together we will explore and plan for the use of forms to collect data, web resources to access data, spreadsheets to manipulate and graph data, and Google MyMaps to visualize data. Students from beginner to advanced can use these tools to visualize and connect math, science, and social studies concepts to concrete, real-world applications. Let's get students excited about learning and help them incorporate complex data literacy into their world view. This session is appropriate for teachers at all technology levels. Participants will: 1. Understand how to use data visualization in the classroom; 2. Explore digital tools that will assist students with data visualization projects; and 3. Plan for the use of data visualization in the classroom. This session is appropriate for teachers at all technology levels.

In the Classroom

The archive of this teacher-friendly, hands-on webinar will empower and inspire you to use learning technology in the classroom and for professional productivity. As appropriate, specific classroom examples and ideas have been shared. View the session with a few of your teaching colleagues to find and share new ideas. Find additional information and links to tools at the session resource page. Learn more about OK2Ask and upcoming sessions here.

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