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Everyday Mysteries - Library of Congress

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Find answers to the most interesting and intriguing questions that can be asked. Uncover cool science facts by looking at these answers. Enter a search term to find related questions...more
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Find answers to the most interesting and intriguing questions that can be asked. Uncover cool science facts by looking at these answers. Enter a search term to find related questions and answers. Browse categories such as Agriculture, Zoology, Meteorolgy, Food and Nutrition, and Technology. View related resources and other interesting information on each page.

In the Classroom

Use as a reference to answer questions that students have. Use this site to also apply information learned in the classroom. For example, when discussing light energy and wavelengths, use the explanation of why it is hot in the summer and cold in the winter to apply the information about energy and wavelength. Follow the use of this site with related labs and other activities. Follow up also with more research. For example, after learning about how an hour glass works, research, report, or create other timepieces used throughout history focusing on the advantages and disadvantages as well as the limitations and changes in technology over time.

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Science IQ - Science IQ. com

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This website features answers to new science questions everyday. If the simple answer is not enough for you, there are helpful links, and suggested additional reading if you would like...more
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This website features answers to new science questions everyday. If the simple answer is not enough for you, there are helpful links, and suggested additional reading if you would like a greater understanding of the concept. Even more information is available through using the categorized science facts found on the left side of the screen. Questions are also searchable by keyword. Subjects include: physics, astronomy, chemistry, biology, mathematics, geology, engineering, and medicine.
This site includes advertising.

In the Classroom

Try using this site's questions on a weekly or daily basis in science or math class to start discussions and provoke student thinking. Allow students to view the question on your interactive whiteboard or projector. Then brainstorm possible answers. Once enough thoughts have been seeded, share the real answers. Or, allow students to work at the answer as the lesson continues for a few days and reveal the correct answer as a finale to the lesson.

This site could also be used as a learning station for the question of the day or the week.


This is a great resource to begin a class. It really helps students to apply science to the natural world. Gia, , Grades: 7 - 12

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Science Bob Q&A - Steve Galgas

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This webpage provides weekly answers to student submitted questions. Answers are student friendly, and offer pictures to help explain the answer. ...more
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This webpage provides weekly answers to student submitted questions. Answers are student friendly, and offer pictures to help explain the answer.

In the Classroom

Use questions as a good bank of "hooks" to start classroom discussions on various topics. Allow students time to expand the question and arrive at their own answers, and then have them view the actual given answer. From here, students can accept or reject the answer by finding more information on the topic.

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How To SMILE - National Science Digital Library

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This site is a compilation of many math and science resources along with a social networking component. Currently there are almost 2000 activities, lessons, and videos and the site...more
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This site is a compilation of many math and science resources along with a social networking component. Currently there are almost 2000 activities, lessons, and videos and the site is constantly growing. There are several ways to use the site both as a registered user or without registration. Without registering for the site you can search and access lessons and information through the different search methods such as keywords, subjects, source institution, and more. Free registration allows the site to become much more personalized. After registering, you can make lists of resources for any different topic, share lists or searches with others, add comments, or add your own resources. Most activities on the site are free; however, there are some searches that deliver lessons that are paid - these are clearly indicated and not frequent enough to discourage use of this site. Searches can also filter out any paid activities and return only free items. Teachers may also want to subscribe to the site's blog and newsletter to receive updated information as it is added to the site.

In case you are wondering about the title, SMILE is the Science and Math Informal Learning Educators pathway of the National Science Digital Library (NSDL).

In the Classroom

This is a perfect way to organize and sort lessons by topic or age range for future classroom use or to share with fellow teachers. Create a community list of lessons to use within your district. Share this site with other teachers in your building or district as a resource for STEM lessons. Share the video clips on your interactive whiteboard or projector.

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Innovative Technology in Science Inquiry - Concord Consortium

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ITSI-SU is a portal for using and creating interactive web-based labs and simulation activities. Brought to you by the research staff of the Concord Consortium, this free online programing...more
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ITSI-SU is a portal for using and creating interactive web-based labs and simulation activities. Brought to you by the research staff of the Concord Consortium, this free online programing uses an assortment of data collection tools from molecular modeling software and web-based simulations to computer sensors (which would need to be purchased if not already in the classroom). Interactives are standards based, thorough, and created with "backward design" in mind. Each activity begins with an inquiry question and a picture with real world relevance. One of the strengths of this program is that it can be used "as is," however all existing activities can be modified by the teacher using them. Any teacher can create new activities of their own as well. Once these activities are created and saved, they can be accessed by other teachers under the "DIY:Other activities area" of the Activities. This added value is something that is rarely found in online lab software. One warning for using this program: it is Java based so modules have to be downloaded. The download takes time and requires tat you "allow" it. Some school computers may block such downloads.

In the Classroom

There are different levels of use of this site with incremental time and effort. The most basic users will need to create an account. Once the account is created, the user can create classes in the "Home" section of the site. This can be found on the left side of the screen. Beside "My Classes" choose "add a class." Here you will create different sections of students. Name your courses what you wish, but remember the sign-up word. You will give this to students when they create their accounts, and it will automatically enroll them into your class. Once they have signed up, their names will show up in the "My Students" section. Once the class is named, choose the activities you would like to have in your ITSI-SU class. Save your choices and the sign-up word will be shown in green print on the screen. Again, save this word. (You can go back into class information to find it if you forget, but you can save yourself time by remembering it.) From this point, basic users need only to show the site to the students and perhaps make some instructions for signing up for their students. Modules are ready to go. As the teacher, you can view the students' work and answers once they have completed the activity they are assigned. More adventurous users can modify activities by following onscreen instruction or even creating their own.

The only thing that could snag the use of this program is that the Java download may be prevented by your district's web filtering software. Please try this first ("preview activities"). One other concern is that downloading the Java app to every computer in a class of twenty students or more can pull a lot of bandwidth in a network. If your school's internet is not exactly top of the line, try running six computers with students working in groups to accommodate the internet capabilities. Have other students sit at their seat and work on preparing materials, so all students are learning and being productive. This program should be tried for the first time by the teacher to avoid any "tech" complications. Teachers who must request software installation by tech staff may want to try this tool at home so they can explain and convince administration of its educational value.

A great way to use this programing, on the smallest scale, is to share the initial lab question and picture to start a classroom discussion. Have students speculate about the possible answers to the question and possible "whys." Have students ask questions about the picture and attempt to explain its relevance to the question, and coincidentally the activity. From this point, you can have students log in to the site and create accounts. Either as individuals or have groups of students create a group log in, name, and password. (Student passwords are available to the teacher at any time from the teachers homepage. Please warn students of this when they are choosing passwords so that they choose something school-appropriate.) Another way to use this portal is to pick a modeling lab as an ongoing science enrichment project for students.
 This resource requires PDF reader software like Adobe Acrobat.

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Deviant Art Muro - Scott Jarkoff, Matthew Stephens, and Angelo Shift

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Create graphic murals on the computer. DeviantART muro's drawing tool runs in a web browser. It will introduce students to a slightly more complex art making process. DeviantART muro...more
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Create graphic murals on the computer. DeviantART muro's drawing tool runs in a web browser. It will introduce students to a slightly more complex art making process. DeviantART muro has six free drawing tools, color wheels, erasers, fill bucket, eyedropper, and cropping features. This drawing site also provides various tool sizes, allows for opacity adjustments, and color gradation. There are also wonderful online tutorials that range from how to use Photoshop to advanced 3D modeling.
This site includes advertising.

In the Classroom

Some previous experience with layer base design software editing is beneficial but not completely necessary. The DeviantART muro drawing tools have a higher level of sophistication, and yet are intuitive to use. There are filters and layering options within the free version. It is possible to import photographs or scanned images into various layers. Save individual files or export student work as a web page. Unfortunately, the export process does not result in a useful file format. Consider having students take a screen shot of their work instead. Clicking the devaintART logo will take students to the public art space. Here the general public has the ability to submit imagery. Although students will not be able to comment or post without an account, they can view submissions easily.

Introduce this site on your interactive whiteboard or projector. Then have students explore this site independently or in small groups. Use this site as the starting point for individual or group projects. The mural format lends itself to the drafting of school murals or stage backdrops. Consider using this long online drawing space to tell visual stories or map out a character's or historical figure's journey through time. Post a link on your class website to DeviantART muro for access outside of school.

Although users can access the muro creator without signing up for an account, high school students may want to participate in the deviantARTs free social networking site. This may be the personal learning network for juniors and seniors in high school considering a career in the arts are looking for. Students age 16 and older will benefit from an online profile account where they can create personal galleries, develop fans, and find collaborators for projects from across the globe. High school students considering jobs in graphic design, animation, film, illustration, or computer arts can build a professional portfolio to submit to employers, art schools, or potential clients. Users will also benefit from the deviantART critique section that provides constructive criticism from viewers beyond their immediate brick and mortar school. Students will need to create an account in order to use these services. If your students submit their own content (according to school policies, of course), take the time to teach safe ways to submit, commentary etiquette, and the potential for cruelty or rude behavior by anonymous viewers. You may want to monitor the discussion boards for a week or two before deciding if they are appropriate for your school situation.

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Gizmos - Virtual Labs & Simulations - Explore Learning

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This is a collection of interactive activities that teach mathematical concepts from algebra up through calculus, and well-written instructional modules that introduce scientific concepts,...more
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This is a collection of interactive activities that teach mathematical concepts from algebra up through calculus, and well-written instructional modules that introduce scientific concepts, primarily in physics and life sciences from grades 3-12. Each module includes interactive elements that let students experiment with the topic concept. The presentation and subject matter are excellent for these high-interest interactives. A free acount gives you 20-40 free Gizmos, lesson materials, to teach with,

In the Classroom

There are lesson plans and teacher guides associated with the free modules. Bookmark this to incluce in your regular units for some high-interest, student-centered activities. Use these interactives for yur blended classroom. Introduce them in class, have the students explore at home, then come to class the next day with questions, impressions, etc.

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Math Machines - Robert Chaney

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If you are looking for ideas to incorporate mathematical problem solving with fun, hands-on activities this site is for you! Well over 20 activities are offered covering Algebra, Trigonometry,...more
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If you are looking for ideas to incorporate mathematical problem solving with fun, hands-on activities this site is for you! Well over 20 activities are offered covering Algebra, Trigonometry, Science/Physics, General Math, and Technology concepts. Choose a category, then select the activity and view all the materials offered. Titles include Color Sines, Right Triangle SAM, and Binary Signals. Each activity includes facilitator notes including 11 items from overview, setup, discussion questions, and troubleshooting. Most also include participant handouts in MS Word format and software needed for calculator programs.

In the Classroom

Share this site with students and preview each of the activities, then allow students to choose an activity for a math project. Several activities on the site are perfect for use as cross-curricular projects with the Science or Technology departments. Use this site as a resource for math or technology fairs. This site is perfect to use as a resource with gifted students - allow them to choose a project that coincides with their interests.

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Science Direct - Elsevier

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Scirus is basically a science search engine. It only scans science only information The searches happen quickly and can be limited using the menu on the left of the screen. ...more
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Scirus is basically a science search engine. It only scans science only information The searches happen quickly and can be limited using the menu on the left of the screen.

In the Classroom

Use as a teacher or professional resource to expand understanding and knowledge of current research so that you can share the information with your students. Have older students search for information on research topics. Have students compare the Scirus with a regular search engine such as Google with the same search word before having them use the tool. It will show them the advantage of using a more science specific tool.

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SciGirls - Twin Cities Public Television, Inc.

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Are you looking for a way to motivate girls to pursue science? SciGirls is the spot on the web for you! SciGirls, created by PBS, has all of the archived ...more
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Are you looking for a way to motivate girls to pursue science? SciGirls is the spot on the web for you! SciGirls, created by PBS, has all of the archived episodes of this show online. More than this, some projects can be done and a place to add your very own project. The format for the projects is similar to a simplified lab report. The audio directions and onscreen instructions offer easy access to all areas of the site.

In the Classroom

Add this site to your class wiki or website. Assign students to view a specific episode and start an online class discussion. Not comfortable with wikis? Have no wiki worries - check out the TeachersFirst's Wiki Walk-Through. Encourage students, especially girls to try experiments. Perhaps, have students design their own projects and post their instructions as part of a laboratory activity in class.

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Man Soars Into Flight - Resources - TeachersFirst

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This collection of flight-related resources was originally featured in honor of the 100th anniversary of the Wright Brothers historic 1903 accomplishments in Kitty Hawk. This collection...more
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This collection of flight-related resources was originally featured in honor of the 100th anniversary of the Wright Brothers historic 1903 accomplishments in Kitty Hawk. This collection provides many angles on the Wright brothers, flight, and the science and major figures involved in manned flight. Many other resources related to the history of flight/flying.

In the Classroom

Use this collection as a starting point for flight-related investigations by student groups. This project could also be an option during a broader unit on invention or the lives of scientists or famous Americans. Ask students to create a multimedia "poster" depicting some aspect of the Wright Brothers' work or a principle of aerodynamics that made it all possible. Use a simple software tool such as PowerPoint or a rich, online tool such as Sway, to create and share the projects.

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Teach Engineering Resources for K-12 - University of Colorado Boulder

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Engineering Resources is a K-12 website that contains a multitude of information including lessons correlating to national and state standards. Search for activities and ideas by grade...more
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Engineering Resources is a K-12 website that contains a multitude of information including lessons correlating to national and state standards. Search for activities and ideas by grade level and curriculum topic using the Search and Advanced Search buttons. Narrow choices provided in the curriculum section by filtering options to include lessons, activities, complete units, and more. Maker Challenges offer a variety of experiences for hands-on learning with topics including titles like A Doghouse Design Project and Create and Control a Popsicle Stick Finger Robot. Other site options allow you to search by educational standards and provide information and resources for teaching engineering to students in grades K-12.

In the Classroom

Bookmark this site as a resource for finding STEM lessons and activities for all grade levels. Collaborate with your peers using a bookmarking tool like Papaly, reviewed here, to share all of your resources. Papaly offers you the ability to add notes to shared resources making it easy to discuss and add comments to items shared. Instead of having students write journal entries during science or maker lab activities, enhance student learning by using a video response tool like Flip, reviewed here, to have students respond to essential questions and comment on their peers' observations. As a culminating activity to a unit, ask students to create an explainer video answering essential questions to the unit topic. Adobe Express Video Maker, reviewed here is an easy to use tool for creating animated video explainers.

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Science Buddies -

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ScienceBuddies offers a large variety of science resources including science fair projects and free STEM lessons. From the top menu bar, select Science Fair Project to find a Topic...more
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ScienceBuddies offers a large variety of science resources including science fair projects and free STEM lessons. From the top menu bar, select Science Fair Project to find a Topic Selection Wizard. This tool uses a short questionnaire to guide students to recommended projects based on length of time needed to work on the project, grade level, and topic for research. Be sure to also visit the teachers' portion of the site to find STEM lesson plans for all grade levels, science fair tools, engineering design information, and much more.

In the Classroom

Be sure to bookmark this site as a useful resource for any science topic. Take advantage of the free lessons aligned to Next Generation Science Standards to add to your current content. Replace paper and enhance classroom technology use with an online bulletin board like Lino, reviewed here, throughout your science unit to record student questions, ideas, and ongoing discussions. If you use video content during your science lessons, consider incorporating a tool like MoocNote, reviewed here, or EdPuzzle, reviewed here, to integrate quizzes and polls directly into your video. Instead of a written or oral presentation of student research, transform classroom technology use and have students use Sway, reviewed here, to create a multimedia presentation incorporating video, images, and text.
 This resource requires PDF reader software like Adobe Acrobat.

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Science Fair Central - Discovery & Home Depot

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Students, teachers, and parents can turn to this excellent resource for comprehensive help with science fair projects. At the top of the page is a video "Operation Build It." ...more
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Students, teachers, and parents can turn to this excellent resource for comprehensive help with science fair projects. At the top of the page is a video "Operation Build It." The first eight minutes are mostly about Home Depot's Kids workshops, but starting about 8:57 the video gets into students creating a workshop at home - tools they will need, safety ideas, and spaces to work. The rest of the video is mostly about kits that can be provided by Home Depot. Next, explore project Ideas which are categorized by Scientific and Engineering Ideas. Scientific Sreps include a brief explanation for each step and planning sheets for Elementary and Secondary students. finally there is the Presentation section with an example and completed directions and a materials list. Scroll down the page to explore different projects by year, Also, find resource on how to organize a science fair, and how to get parents involved in the process.

In the Classroom

As an introduction, show parts of the video to the class, use Reclipped, reviewed here, to show just the part you want. For interested students, you may want to contact your local Home Depot to see if they offer the Saturday workshops for kids.
 This resource requires PDF reader software like Adobe Acrobat.

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BBC Robot World - BBC

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Though this page is no longer updated, you can still find many activities to support your robotics unit. The BBC Science page on robots offers still another approach to the ...more
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Though this page is no longer updated, you can still find many activities to support your robotics unit. The BBC Science page on robots offers still another approach to the topic, along with its own collection of robotics kits and materials. We're unsure how accessible these might be in the US; perhaps our UK users will let us know more. There's plenty to learn here, nonetheless. You will have your choice to see the activities in HTML or Flash.

In the Classroom

Introduce the Build Your Own Robotic in the Tech Lab and then set it up at a center allowing students to choose two or three robotics to build online. This would also make a good rainy day or snow day activity.

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Introductory Electronics

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One of a set of experiential lessons developed by the Concord Coalition for high school students. ...more
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One of a set of experiential lessons developed by the Concord Coalition for high school students.

In the Classroom

Use the electronics activities here as a student "choice" activity in your Makerspace classroom. Extend student learning by asking students to share their journey in completing activities in a blog. Mahara, reviewed here, offers tools for building digital portfolios and incorporating blogs. Challenge students to modify their learning by annotating images taken of their activities with text, URL's, or videos using ThingLink, reviewed here.

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Untangling the Mathematics of Knots - MIT

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This site provides a variety of activities for exploring knots made from pieces of rope. Students can make and verify observations about knots, classify them, combine them, and find...more
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This site provides a variety of activities for exploring knots made from pieces of rope. Students can make and verify observations about knots, classify them, combine them, and find ways to determine if two knots are alike. The activities outlined here can be combined to form a single lesson about mathematical knots, or a larger investigative unit that extends over a longer period of time. The sequence in which the activities are listed is roughly in order of increasing difficulty and challenge. The site contains a vocabulary section, an activities section, and an evaluation section.

In the Classroom

Get out your rope and try to tie some of the knots suggested on this website. For each, talk about its steps and components, comparing and contrasting them as you go. Come back to the activity often, and try more difficult ones as you progress in difficulty.

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Snap! (Build Your Own Blocks) - Jens Monig and Brian Harvey

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Learn to code through drag and drop features with Snap! In addition to the drag and drop technology, Snap! allows users to write scripts to control features of the program. ...more
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Learn to code through drag and drop features with Snap! In addition to the drag and drop technology, Snap! allows users to write scripts to control features of the program. For those familiar with Scratch, reviewed here, Snap! includes features that take it beyond simple drag and drop to make it an excellent application for introducing coding to older students. Visit the example page to view projects designed using Snap! For an even more comprehensive list of examples, visit this collection, put together by the designer of Snap!.

In the Classroom

Share Snap! on an interactive whiteboard or with a projector to provide an overview of the features included then allow students to explore on their own. Save projects to your own computer or create an account to save on the site. Search YouTube for video tutorials on using this program and share with students as they build an understanding of how to use the site. Begin by creating a small project together, then allow students to work individually or in groups to create their design. Streghthen learning by sharing links to student projects on an online bulletin board like Lino, reviewed here. Transform learning by challenging students who are proficient with Snap! to create video tutorials using a tool like Clipchamp, reviewed here.

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Makerspace Lesson Plans - Gretchen Renshaw

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Are you new to makerspaces or looking for fresh ideas? Makerspace Lesson Plans is a blog by an elementary school Lead Makerspace Teacher including a variety of lesson plans. Criteria...more
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Are you new to makerspaces or looking for fresh ideas? Makerspace Lesson Plans is a blog by an elementary school Lead Makerspace Teacher including a variety of lesson plans. Criteria for inclusion of lesson plans includes activities suitable for beginners, divergent outcomes, and use of low-cost items. Select lessons from different categories to download the complete activity in a PDF form. The colorful images clearly demonstrate how to perform the shared activities with students.

In the Classroom

Bookmark this site to include with your makerspace lesson ideas or use it as an excellent starting point to begin makerspaces. Consider using a bookmarking tool such as Pinterest, reviewed here, to find additional lessons and save interesting ideas. As you begin working with students use an interactive whiteboard to have students share thoughts or questions as they begin the process. Have students take pictures of their progress and share in blogs using, reviewed here. will create a "quick and easy" blog to be used one time only. A unique URL is provided, and with you just click on an icon to upload images from your computer, add a YouTube or Vimeo, or Twitter links. It's as easy as using a basic Word program! When finished, have students use a tool like Story Maker, reviewed here, to type a story and draw pictures sharing their makerspace experience.
 This resource requires PDF reader software like Adobe Acrobat.

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Code Hunt - Microsoft Research

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Learn to code while playing Code Hunt. You become the code hunter, and your mission is to discover missing code fragments. Use Java or C+, or both, to progress through ...more
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Learn to code while playing Code Hunt. You become the code hunter, and your mission is to discover missing code fragments. Use Java or C+, or both, to progress through sectors and work your way to learning more complex programming skills. Throughout the game experience, the grading engine analyzes player's code and provides grades for correctness and quality. Go to the Microsoft store to download Code Hunt for free.

In the Classroom

Learning to code is an opportunity to teach students to think and problem solve, and coding is a critical digital literacy skill for the future. Create a recess/lunch time or after school coding club for students to access the site. Challenge students to write stories to accompany each level of code they complete as they play Code Hunt. Provide an environment for students to collaborate to solve the levels such as a collaborative learning center.

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