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pechaflickr - Alan Levine, cogdog productions

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Use this delightful tool to flip through 20 Flickr pictures. Every image is on the screen for only 20 seconds. Advanced options allow for changing the time and the number ...more
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Use this delightful tool to flip through 20 Flickr pictures. Every image is on the screen for only 20 seconds. Advanced options allow for changing the time and the number of images. See if you can build a story from the pictures with this entertaining tool.

In the Classroom

What a delightful tool to use for impromptu speeches in any class or improvisation in a drama class. Consider uploading images for your curriculum topic to Flickr, reviewed here, and creating a specific tag or tags for the images, and then use pechaflickr as a review tool. Pechaflickr can be a great lesson starter, particularly on those dreary days when kids don't want to work. For lower level kids, it is a brain exercise for such things as an alphabet game (which is more difficult than it first seems!). In an ELA or ENL/ESL class have students create a complete sentence for as many pictures as they can, trying to improve the number of sentences written each time, or they can choose one of the sentences to create a story.

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Dotstorming - Gareth Marland

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Create an online bulletin board (much like Padlet, reviewed here, or Lino, reviewed here) for brainstorming and...more
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Create an online bulletin board (much like Padlet, reviewed here, or Lino, reviewed here) for brainstorming and VOTING on any topic. The voting is what makes this tool different. Create an account. There is no waiting for email approval. Add a board, title, select how many votes the participants will have (up to 10), and start adding posts with text, images, and video. Add images and video via URL or upload from your computer. When participants join, they give their name. Participants can add posts. Names of participants using the board appear below the chat box. Participants name's appear when they make a comment in the chat. However, comments on posts don't have the participant name. Once the board is complete, the creator can finalize the board so no new ideas can be posted, but the voting feature is still open. At the time of this review, a free account allows you to have one fully featured board. If you wish to create another board, you will need to delete your existing board.

In the Classroom

Share your board with a projector or interactive whiteboard. Put the URL link on your website for students to access. If you don't want to share the link that way, then use a tool such as Stich, reviewed here, for students to type in (and reduce input mistakes). You may want to think about students using only their first name or their code to participate. Dotstorming does not show which posts belong to which student, so you may want to require that students identify their post and comment by putting their initials, their first name, or their code on their contributions to get credit. If you plan to allow all students to post to the wall or make comments, you may want to discuss Internet safety and etiquette and establish specific class rules and consequences.

Use Dotstorming to collect WebQuest links and information to share with students. Assign a student project. For example, have students create a board about an environmental issue. They can include pictures, video, links, and other information to display. Use as a new format for book reports. Do your students have favorites such as music or sports? Create a board around these favorites or hobbies. Use a wall for grammar or vocabulary words. Create walls for debates or viewpoints. The voting is perfect for that idea! Post assignments, reminders, or study skills on a board. Do you use student scribes or reporters? Use Dotstorming to create a board with class news and updates.

Use Dotstorming as an "idea bin" where students can collect ideas, images, quotes, and more for a project. Require them to share a brainstorming Dotstorming board to show you the ideas they considered before they launch into a project. Have them brainstorm (and rank by votes) the possibilities for a creative problem solving or a "Maker Faire" project. In writing or art classes, use Dotstorming as a virtual writer's journal or design notebook to collect ideas, images, and even video clips.

Use Dotstorming as your virtual word wall for vocabulary development. Have students submit and share questions or comments about assignments and tasks they are working on.

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Plum Landing - WGBH Educational Foundation

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Join Plum, an alien video game designer from another planet, and explore the natural world through interactive games, videos, adventures, and real life activities. Live videos feature...more
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Join Plum, an alien video game designer from another planet, and explore the natural world through interactive games, videos, adventures, and real life activities. Live videos feature kids exploring different biomes and recording data for Plum. Before each game, learn about the environmental focus that will help you win the game. Ideas for exploring and investigating outside bring environmental concepts to your own community. Post images, thoughts, and ideas to share with Plum in the gallery. A parent section offers activities to do online and outside. The educator section provides curriculum for Afterschool programs, Clubs, or Camps. Lesson plans designed for after school enrichment, clubs, and camps give curriculum topics, standards, video links, conversation starters, and related activities.

In the Classroom

Capture student interest in environmental science, zoology, conservation, and ecology with Plum and her human friends! Use this site in science as a way to introduce the study of the Earth, biomes, or food chains. Share the videos on an interactive whiteboard or projector. Add to computers for center time. Use Plum's adventures to inspire further adventures involving the students. Use videos as a multimedia resource to supplement the science textbook. Use the adventures to inspire either narrative or expository writing. During Earth Day, students can explore your school community. Explore other science topics and modify student learning by challenging them to create comics using a tool such as Make Beliefs Comix, reviewed here, or a digital storytelling project with their own images, observations, and stories using Presentious, reviewed here. Presentious allows narrating and adding text to a picture. ENL/ESL and learning support students will find this site useful with reading support, video, and demonstrations. Have students research topics mentioned in the videos for deeper understanding. If you are beginning the process of integrating technology, replace pen and paper by having students create blogs sharing their learning and understanding using Seesaw, reviewed here. Share research and stories with other classes in your school, students' families, and on your class website or wiki.

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StackExchange - English Language & Usage - StackExchange

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StackExchange is a question and answer community. StackExchange English & Usage will have an expert answer any question you might have about the English language. Ask anything - the...more
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StackExchange is a question and answer community. StackExchange English & Usage will have an expert answer any question you might have about the English language. Ask anything - the difference between "then" and "than", anything about idioms, a euphemism for poor performance, or when trying to remember a word you heard by describing what it means and the context in which it was used. View questions from the categories of newest, frequent, featured, and more. Look at tags and view questions from there. You don't need to be a member to read questions and their answers, but you do need to sign up to ask or answer a question.

In the Classroom

Explore this site with students using an interactive whiteboard or projector. Sometimes students ask a question that stumps you. Use StackExchange English & Usage to get the answer. There are times when we know the approximate meaning of a word we want to use but not the word. That is when this tool will come in handy. ESL/ELL students will find this site helpful when it comes to understanding the idiosyncrasies of the English language. Put a link to this site on your class website for students and parents to use. Share with other staff members and teachers on your campus.

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GetEdFunding - CDW-G

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GetEdFunding curates and collects an up to date database of grant and award opportunities for school systems. Create a free account using your email to search and view available grants....more
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GetEdFunding curates and collects an up to date database of grant and award opportunities for school systems. Create a free account using your email to search and view available grants. Once you have an account, save items of interest and stay up to date on upcoming deadlines. In addition to the site's very large database, be sure to check out the Resources link for articles, videos, a glossary, and access to the online community forum. If your district blocks YouTube, the videos may not be viewable.
This site includes advertising.

In the Classroom

Create your account and explore GetEdFunding to find many grant opportunities. Apply for a grant using the tips provided in the Resources link. Be sure to share with your colleagues as an excellent resource for all grade levels and subjects. Consider creating a committee of interested teachers to divide up grant writing and win money for your school.
 This resource requires PDF reader software like Adobe Acrobat.

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401 Prompts for Argumentative/Persuasive writing - New York Times

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Find the updated link "401 prompts from the New York Times" (NYT) Learning Network's Student Opinion feature. Discover a multitude of topics of interest to teens and students will have...more
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Find the updated link "401 prompts from the New York Times" (NYT) Learning Network's Student Opinion feature. Discover a multitude of topics of interest to teens and students will have an opinion about at least a few of them! However, their opinion is not all they are supposed to give. To submit, teens will need to have evidence-based, concise editorials much like the ones the NYT publishes daily. Once submitted the NYT and the Center for News Literacy at Stony Brook University will use a rubric to select winners, and then publish those on The Learning Network. We suggest obtaining parental permission before submitting anything. If interested, you can also find a link for 650 prompts for narative and personal writing.

In the Classroom

English/writing, social studies, and current events teachers are sure to find something here for their students to write about. Introduce a few of the prompts and the winning student editorials using an interactive whiteboard or projector to get students interested. Have students define what concise means and what it should mean in their writing. Point out the good writing habits of the student winners. Students should read the NYT's article(s) that give information about the topic of the prompt(s). At this time, you could have students choose a topic, or you could select several from which students could choose. You could also use one prompt a day as an opener or closer quick write. Another idea would be to have students respond on a class blog to the prompts and then make comments on each other's opinions. Haven't started blogging yet? Check out TeachersFirst's Blog Basics.

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Mathematical Thinking for English Language Learners - Education Development Center, Inc

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Mathematical Thinking for English Language Learners contains 14 math tasks designed for middle school students. Each task includes five support tools: warm-ups, sentence starters &...more
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Mathematical Thinking for English Language Learners contains 14 math tasks designed for middle school students. Each task includes five support tools: warm-ups, sentence starters & frames, word chats, support notes, and a Spanish translation of the task. Tasks focus upon geometry concepts such as area and shapes. Download individual tasks in PDF format using the links provided.

In the Classroom

Although created for English Language Learners, take advantage of these geometric tasks for use with all students. Use the Sentence Starters and Story Frames as models for incorporating writing into any math lesson. If you are beginning the process of integrating technology, replace paper and pen by having students create blogs sharing their mathematical thinking and understanding using Tumblr, reviewed here. If you are teaching younger students and looking for an easy way to integrate technology and check for understanding, challenge your students to create a blog using Edublog, reviewed here.
 This resource requires PDF reader software like Adobe Acrobat.

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ZenPen - Tim Holman

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Block out all distractions and just start writing with ZenPen. Remove the instructions found on the page (just highlight and click delete). Begin writing without any visual elements...more
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Block out all distractions and just start writing with ZenPen. Remove the instructions found on the page (just highlight and click delete). Begin writing without any visual elements in the way. No registration is required! Highlight text and select options to add italics, bold text, or URLs. Use links on the left side of the page to change text and background colors to black and white, toggle to full screen, add a word count, or save work.

In the Classroom

Use this simple tool with an interactive whiteboard or projector to demonstrate different writing techniques without any distractions. Create and save student writing projects such as short stories, poems, and reports. Create study guides before tests or directions for assignments. Have students write a progressive story where they each add a portion.

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Milestones - GreatKids

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Milestones offers a collection of videos demonstrating grade-level expectations for Kindergarten through middle school. Choose a grade to start. Select a video from the different categories...more
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Milestones offers a collection of videos demonstrating grade-level expectations for Kindergarten through middle school. Choose a grade to start. Select a video from the different categories offered, including reading, math, and writing. These short videos run about a minute in length and provide an excellent look at the successful accomplishment of grade-level goals. If your district blocks YouTube, then they may not be viewable.

In the Classroom

Milestones is perfect for sharing with parents to explain grade-level goals and expectations. Share a link on your class web page or blog for parents to access at any time. Share one or two videos during your meet the teacher night or with individual parents during conferences.

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More - Wizerme L.S (2015) Ltd.

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Finally, worksheets will be cool! Create interactive worksheets, or use one that is already developed and make it your own with After signing up with email get started with...more
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Finally, worksheets will be cool! Create interactive worksheets, or use one that is already developed and make it your own with After signing up with email get started with Add Task. Follow the prompts for creation; these include selecting text style and color, and choosing a background, adding student tasks (Text, Video, Link, Image), and more. Select question style: Open Question, Multiple Choice, Matching, and more. Then there are the more unusual type responses like Filling in a Table, Image Tagging, Embedding, and others, with promises of more to come. Share with students by posting the URL given, using a pin code on their worksheet board, or use your Google Classroom account. At the time of this review, support was through email and real-time online chat. works on any device with a browser and Internet connection but works best on Chrome and Safari.

In the Classroom would be an excellent tool to use to implement and/or integrate technology into lessons. Look through worksheets others have created to get an idea of what you can do. The possibilities for using this tool in the classroom are limited only by your imagination! Having students view videos or label images is sure to keep them engaged and interested in your subject. Any subject area teacher will find a use for this tool, and it's free! Use worksheets (lessons) you have created in learning centers, with small groups (the possibilities for differentiating abounds), or as homework. Since these "worksheets" can include video, using would be a terrific tool to use to "flip" your classroom.

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Gif Lingua - Your Language Gif Shop - David Duebelbeiss

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Use animated Gif images as the resource for learning English. Each animated GIF has a complete sentence as a caption explaining what is going on in the picture. All captions...more
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Use animated Gif images as the resource for learning English. Each animated GIF has a complete sentence as a caption explaining what is going on in the picture. All captions are in text and audio. Roll your cursor over the GIF to hear the recording. Categories at the top are Pronunciation, News, Music, Videos, and Levels 1-6. Above these categories is a button titled Books. Books have categories such as At School, Scary Things, Dolch Nouns, Go Grammar, Getting Around, and many more. Without registering you can see and hear all GIFs, however, registering allows you to create a Favorites page to save the ones you like and want to use. Register and become a member immediately. There is no waiting for a confirming email. Warning! This site includes some topics and language that are not appropriate for the classroom. Be sure to PREVIEW! Allow students to use this site independently with extreme caution and warnings.

In the Classroom

Use this site with ESL/ELL learners to provide visual cues for English language learning. Older students can register for this tool and create their personal learning book. For ALL learners and more advanced ESL/ELL learners, use the GIFs as story starters. Any world languages and language arts teacher could use this tool as a model and challenge students to create an annotated, narrated image for vocabulary or any other terminology that needs to be learned. For this, use Thinglink, reviewed here. ThingLink will work with animated GIFs. Can't find the animated GIF you're looking for? Animate any image using GIFMaker, reviewed here, and then annotate and narrate with ThingLink.

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turnitin - Source Educational Evaluation Rubric (SEER) - turnitin

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Find an interactive rubric for evaluating the quality of Internet sources students use in academic writing and projects. Fill out a short registration form to have immediate free access...more
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Find an interactive rubric for evaluating the quality of Internet sources students use in academic writing and projects. Fill out a short registration form to have immediate free access to the rubric as a PDF. The criteria for the rubric includes Authoritative, Educational Value, Intent, Originality, and Quality. Below the rubric see an example of three popular sites evaluated with SEER and the scores given for each criterion. Download the rubric to your computer. Once filled in save it to your computer and print.

In the Classroom

Share this rubric with middle and high school students with your projector or on an interactive whiteboard. Ask students to suggest a popular site for referencing in papers and projects. Use the rubric together and evaluate the site. Break students into small groups and have them evaluate several sites. Make these sites you have already evaluated, and then have the students evaluate them until you know most students agree on what makes a Highly Creditable site compared to a Creditable or Discreditable site. At the end of the activity give a quick assessment. This way students who do not feel sure about evaluating a site have the opportunity to let you know. Consider using Quizalize, reviewed here, for a more in-depth assessment.
 This resource requires PDF reader software like Adobe Acrobat.

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X (formerly Twitter) in Elementary: The #Grammar911 Project - Victoria Olson

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Engage your students as they practice and learn appropriate grammar with this X (formerly Twitter) hashtag project. Follow the four posted steps to model, send, and correct "messy"...more
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Engage your students as they practice and learn appropriate grammar with this X (formerly Twitter) hashtag project. Follow the four posted steps to model, send, and correct "messy" sentences with your students. Be sure to do a X (formerly Twitter) search for #grammar911 for any inappropriate comments before sharing with your students. Although this lesson was created to accompany Daily 5 activities, it can easily be used with any grammar curriculum or lesson.

In the Classroom

Instead of using #grammar911, change your hashtag to a more personal one (such as #yourclassname grammar911) to avoid encountering public Xs (formerly tweets) and comments. Use this idea for other Language Arts activities. For example, how about #spelling911 or #punctuation911? What a novel way for all students, including ENL/ELL students, to learn this. Looking for more ways to use X (formerly Twitter) in the classroom? Read more about X (formerly Twitter) at TeachersFirst's X (formerly Twitter) for Teachers page.

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Drama Notebook - Janea Dahl

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Find free plays, drama games, and help for teaching a drama class at Drama Notebook. Click on the Free Stuff in the menu at the top and find hundreds of ...more
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Find free plays, drama games, and help for teaching a drama class at Drama Notebook. Click on the Free Stuff in the menu at the top and find hundreds of short plays and over forty classic games for kids and teens. Search through the play categories such as Fairy, Folk, Tall Tales, Scripts Based on Children's Books, Holidays, Free Plays for Ages 12 and Up, and several more. Each play states how many parts and the approximate time for the duration of the play. Plays open in a new link in PDF. View any and all of these with no registration.
This site includes advertising.

In the Classroom

Mark this one in your favorites. Take advantage of the free activities (labeled as drama games) in any class to create a positive class environment. Get drama students warmed up and then challenge them to come up with a game that is similar. Use this site as the starting point for group projects like having the students write and produce their own play(s). Let student groups select from the scripts, to record their own audio podcasts of a play, illustrated with a selection of copyright-safe images or student drawings. Use a site such as PodOmatic, reviewed here. Challenge cooperative learning groups to create videos of the plays they write and produce. Share the videos on a site such as TeacherTube, reviewed here. Create audio of ESL/ELL students performing the plays to practice English speaking skills.
 This resource requires PDF reader software like Adobe Acrobat.

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Visuals for Foreign Language Instruction - Paul Toth

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This site offers over 450 illustrations specifically created to help with English Language Instruction for foreign language speakers. Browse the collection to find drawings demonstrating...more
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This site offers over 450 illustrations specifically created to help with English Language Instruction for foreign language speakers. Browse the collection to find drawings demonstrating emotions, common items, medical terms, and much more. Use the keyword search to focus on particular needs. Select images to download, use the size bar to find the desired image size, and then save to your computer.

In the Classroom

Use this site with ENL/ELL learners to provide visual cues for English language learning. For more advanced learners, use the illustrations as story cues or starters. Have students create their personal learning book by printing images and combining into a notebook. Share a link to this site on your class webpage for parents and students to access at home.

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Quizalize - Zzish

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Track learning in real-time with Quizalize. Student answers are color-coded on the teacher dashboard for ease in identifying who needs more help. Create scrambled word, multiple choice...more
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Track learning in real-time with Quizalize. Student answers are color-coded on the teacher dashboard for ease in identifying who needs more help. Create scrambled word, multiple choice questions, and ChapGPT quizzes, and each question can have a custom timer. View reports for each student's progress and learning gaps. Create a quiz or select one from Quizalize's growing library. Quizzes can be "gamified" by showing the teacher dashboard as a leaderboard to see progress against other contestents. Quizalize works on any device with a browser and Internet connection. Sign up with an email and password. Create a quiz, assign it to classes, get a code, give it to students, and let the fun begin! The free account provides 3 classes and 5 activities.

In the Classroom

Make a class challenge! Create practice quizzes to review the material just learned in class. Use an interactive whiteboard or projector for students to view the "leaderboard" (teacher dashboard) as in a game. Students score more points by answering questions quickly. As with other tools with a leaderboard, it is helpful to have a collaborative environment where competition is not the goal, instead working together and improving is important. Use Quizalize as a formative assessment and to differentiate to see what material needs more review with classes (or individual students). Use this tool often to obtain a snapshot of each student's understanding of content (subtopic/standards); quickly see who understands a concept and who needs some individualized practice. Share with students as a resource for creating quizzes for studying at home. When students are using surveys and polls for reports, introduce them to Quizalize since it works on any device. Share quizzes with your fellow teachers.

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Seesaw - Charles Lin, Carl Sjogreen , Adrian Graham

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Seesaw is a digital portfolio that is totally free for all devices and on the web. Students can showcase their work, videos, text, drawings, and images, and get feedback from ...more
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Seesaw is a digital portfolio that is totally free for all devices and on the web. Students can showcase their work, videos, text, drawings, and images, and get feedback from teachers and parents. Create a class blog in your Seesaw for students to write blog posts. Teachers create an account with email and then start creating as many classes as needed. There is no limit on the number of students a class can have. Once students have parental permission, give students a "join" code for their class, and they sign up from there, choosing to access their account through a Seesaw generated QR code or their email. Teachers can enable or disable student likes, comments, and editing. Blog posts and comments must have teacher approval before becoming public. Students will be able to reflect on their work with a voice recording or text, and can share artifacts from their portfolio by clicking the red button at the bottom of the screen and then either print or get the item QR code. Once you have an account, click Help & Teacher Resources to find Getting Started Tips, Tutorial Videos, FAQs, and Activity Ideas grouped by grade level. If your district blocks YouTube, the tutorials may not be viewable. Please be aware that Seesaw falls under the FERPA laws for "directory information" and "educational records." Any school getting funds from the Department of Education (public schools) is required to disclose to parents and get written consent to use Seesaw with their child.

In the Classroom

Sign up for Seesaw, and after students have parental permission, generate a join code for the class from the menu at the upper right corner or by clicking your name or initials in the left corner to get a drop down menu. The join code expires in 15 minutes, so it is best to do this in your classroom or computer lab. Teachers can add photos, drawings, links, notes, and upload a file from this same menu by clicking the + symbol. You can even add a co-teacher! See Seesaw's FAQs for ways for parents to sign up and letters to send home. Use Seesaw portfolios for any subject or grade level. Once your account is set up, create a simple project or borrow one from the Activities on the Help and Teacher Resources page. Share the project on your interactive whiteboard or projector to get your students started. The teacher portal allows you to access and comment on student work. View the work of an individual or the entire class. The ability to import work from many creation apps to Seesaw makes this a perfect portfolio tool. Don't forget to watch the video about setting up blogs for your students. Remember, this is all free! Science teachers could have students write up their lab reports, take photos of their labs and label them in a portfolio. History teachers could set up portfolios for student report writing or digital storytelling projects. Seesaw is the perfect tool to use during parent conferences.


I love using Seesaw with my elementary school students. It's great that parents can comment also. Katy, , Grades: 0 - 12

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QuickRubric - Clever Prototypes, LLC

K to 12
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Develop rubrics to assess what you expect students to learn with Quick Rubric. Registration is free and allows for saving the rubric. Click Create a Rubric and add a title, ...more
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Develop rubrics to assess what you expect students to learn with Quick Rubric. Registration is free and allows for saving the rubric. Click Create a Rubric and add a title, brief description, and the maximum and minimum scores. Describe your indicators, add descriptors, and even include standards. At any time during the formation of the rubric add columns and rows. Save and share via URL or printing. The ability to copy and modify a rubric from your account is a great time-saver.
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In the Classroom

Use this online tool to create original rubrics before introducing a new project. Be sure to review the rubric with your students on a projector or interactive whiteboard, to be certain that they understand your expectations. As you approach the project deadlines, consider reviewing the rubric again having students mark or highlight key terms in the rubric that will help them get a better evaluation. Have a question and answer period at this time. Rubrics can be created for any task or project. For example, prepare rubrics for silent reading time, science labs, skills tasks in physical education, and all presentations. Visit Rubrics to the Rescue to see examples of topics and wording.

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Story Map - Read Write Think

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Focus on the key elements of writing a story with Story Map. Fill out and print graphic organizers for characters, setting, conflict, and resolution. Each organizer has prompts for...more
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Focus on the key elements of writing a story with Story Map. Fill out and print graphic organizers for characters, setting, conflict, and resolution. Each organizer has prompts for what to write. Returning to an organizer to edit is possible. Print your Story Map, since it is not saved.

In the Classroom

Substitute paper and pencil story mapping by introducing your class to Story Map and writing a class story. Use an interactive whiteboard or projector and be sure to point out the prompts to answer with each organizer. Bookmark Story Map on class computers as part of stations when developing a writing project. Put a link to this tool on your website or blog for students to access at home.

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Daily 5s with Technology - Kelsey Hoffman

K to 3
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This Prezi is a K-3 lesson plan for the Daily 5 using several different apps for the iPad. The majority of the apps are free. Find apps for Read to ...more
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This Prezi is a K-3 lesson plan for the Daily 5 using several different apps for the iPad. The majority of the apps are free. Find apps for Read to Self, Partner Read, and Listen to Reading. There are Word Work apps, and Work on Writing apps, as well as a slide on possible challenges and solutions for using these tools in the classroom.

In the Classroom

Bookmark this Prezi lesson plan for reference when implementing technology for students into the Daily 5 routines. Download the apps to student iPads in your classroom. Post a list, with the links to download, on your web page or blog for parents to download to their student's iPads at home. If you are interested in using Prezi in your classroom you will find a review of it here.

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