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K to 12Note: Ads appear along the side and students should be cautioned in clicking on these ads. This site requires Flash and Adobe Acrobat. Get both from the TeachersFirst Toolbox page.
In the Classroom
Share this eclectic site on an interactive whiteboard or projector. Use these activities for problem solving drills and interest in words or numbers. Use this site for review. List the link on your class website for students to practice both in and out of the classroom. This is a great find for gifted students!You must be registered and logged in to add items to your favorites.
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Mathematical Fiction - Alex Kasman
K to 12In the Classroom
Use this site to find extra reading choices for reluctant readers who are interested in technology and math. Use it also to show students that math processes are inherent in a lot of life's experiences. Search the site for your current math topics. Share this link on your class website for students (and parents) to use at home. Share it with your school librarian for a featured reading shelf. Challenge your more verbal/linguistic gifted students to write similar stories that feature a math concept and create an online book using a tool such as Bookemon, reviewed here.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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Geometry Games - Jeff Weeks
K to 12Be sure to check with your technology department about the ability to download these applications to school computers. Many districts have restrictions on the ability to download. Click on each game icon to read a description of the games included and some uses. Games are Mac and Windows compatible. Read their FAQ link with each set of games for the most asked questions about the shareware. Once downloaded, to "stop" a program, click Esc. If you are not allowed to install software on your own, share these powerful games with your math or art supervisors so they can advocate for you with the tech folks.
In the Classroom
Use many of the images as an introductory inquiry activity to get students thinking about shapes and space. In art class, use the tiling activity and others on a projector before having student create their own on paper. Share the activities on your interactive whiteboard or projector. Provide images to groups to explore and identify the underlying math concepts present in the artwork. Provide an opportunity for some groups to create their own work with a geometric shape that they are investigating. Follow up with student projects of the geometric shape or photographs of geometric shapes in nature and man-made structures.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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Interactive Cartesian Coordinates - James Hollis
4 to 12This site includes advertising.
In the Classroom
Share this site on your interactive whiteboard or provide students time to explore on their own as they learn about Cartesian coordinates. Learn the basics of plotting points and identifying coordinates by exploring different options on this graphing site. Engage student interest in graphing coordinates by asking them to substitute paper graphs with this online graph. Then, have students take a screenshot to share the proper coordinates placement on the chart. As students learn more about coordinates and using equations to determine angles and length of sides, ask them to create explainer videos using Typito, reviewed here to describe the math concepts learned.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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Mathcasts Library - Tim Fahlberg
K to 12In the Classroom
Use this site for homework help, explaining solutions to problems, and extra credit problems to solve. Share the video clips on your interactive whiteboard or projector as an introduction to a new topic or for review, especially for your visual learners! Have students think out loud and create their own instructional videos for math concepts and share them on a tool such as SchoolTube (reviewed here). Be sure to list this link on your class website for students to use both in and out of the classroom. Note: since content is user-contributed, you will want to talk with your students about who created the materials (students, teachers, professors) and how to tell.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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CSDSmarties - Rachel Carter, Lisa, Linda
K to 8In the Classroom
Find ideas for your own classroom at this site. Save this site in your favorites, and check back frequently, as new material is added. Then try the lessons yourself. Don't be shy about commenting back on the blog, but be sure to tell them you found them on TeachersFirst!Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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AAA Math
K to 8Be aware there are several advertisements at this website (all appropriate). But considering this site is free (and full of ready to go math activities), the advertisements are worth the minor annoyance.
In the Classroom
This site has countless possibilities in the classroom. Use the descriptions and activities as an anticipatory set for a new topic in math class. Share the activities on your interactive whiteboard or projector. Set up a learning station for students and differentiate the activities for your lower and higher level math students. Provide this link on your class website for students to use to review at home.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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Math Games: Kids Numbers - Education.com
K to 5This site includes a worksheet generator so teachers can prepare their own review work. There is a calculator one click away for those who need it. There are some minor advertisements at this website.
In the Classroom
Display this site on an interactive whiteboard or projector to create an anticipatory set for a new concept in your elementary math class. Once students are familiar with the activities, allow them to explore this website if they finish early or for extra practice. Put this site in your classroom newsletter or on your class website so students can explore and learn at home.ENL/ESL students will enjoy this site since it will help them learn the vocabulary for math operations in English, and it will also allow them to succeed at something in school. This site can also be used to differentiate for your learning support and/or gifted students based on their current level of math instruction.
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Interactive Mathematics Miscellany and Puzzles - Alexander Bogomolny
3 to 12In the Classroom
Use these applets on an interactive whiteboard or projector as an anticipatory set for a lesson in math class. Have students work independently on the logic and puzzle activities. These activities are ideal for gifted students (for advancement and/or enrichment) or extra practice for struggling students. Provide this link on your class website, so students can explore at home or as review.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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Interactive whiteboard Resources for Teachers - Teacher LED
K to 12In the Classroom
Show difficult-to-understand concepts on the interactive whiteboard or projector. Use these Interactives by having students predict outcomes and then carry out the experiment, such as in rolling die to determine probabilities. Students can then apply the information to a new set of problems. Use many of the interactives as a class game. Though perfect for the whiteboard, they can also be used on individual computers or as a computer learning station.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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Mike's Math Club - Milken Family Foundation
K to 7In the Classroom
Project the activity on an interactive whiteboard or projector while students work independently (or in pairs) at their seats. There is also a Teachers Corner with many lesson ideas - check it out!Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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Math Videos - mathplayground.com
2 to 10In the Classroom
The possibilities at this website abound. The website offers both audio and visual descriptions for each math topic, thus enabling you to reach your visual and audio learners. Use your interactive whiteboard or projector to share a specific topic with your students. Or make the videos a learning center for students to explore independently, and view the videos that relate to their individual needs. Be sure to provide this link for home use via your class newsletter or on your website.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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Johnnie's Math Page - Johnnie Wilson
K to 8This site includes advertising.
In the Classroom
What a fantastic website to include in your classroom web page and newsletter. All of these activities are perfect for an interactive whiteboard or projector. Share a link to games and activities for students to play during math centers. This is an excellent resource for gifted students. The activities could also be used for enrichment, additional practice, and re-teaching skills. Use these activities for students to share as part of their digital portfolio by asking students to share their reflections and tips on learning new concepts. Seesaw, reviewed here is an excellent tool for creating and sharing online portfolios.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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Geometry - Johnnie's Math Page
2 to 8In the Classroom
This website provides excellent resources to use for additional practice, re-teaching skills, enrichment activities, or even advanced activities for your gifted students. All of the math activities are perfect for an interactive whiteboard (or projector). Treat your class to these fabulous resources.Be sure to include this link on your classroom web page, blog and/or newsletter.
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Numbers - Johnnie's Math Page
K to 5In the Classroom
Treat your students to these wonderful, ready-to-go activities. All are perfect for an interactive whiteboard or projector. This is also an excellent resource to use for additional practice, re-teaching skills, enrichment activities, or even advanced activities for your gifted students. Be sure to include this website as a link on your classroom web page.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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Fill-It-In Outline Mathematics - Alexander Bogomolny
1 to 10In the Classroom
These activities are perfect for an interactive whiteboard (or projector). You could also provide a link to this website in your class newsletter or on your class web page. Many of the activities would provide excellent at-home practice and/or enrichment. Challenge your students to answer a question of the week for extra credit.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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Cool Math - Coolmath.com
K to 12In the Classroom
Provide this link in your class newsletter or share the link on your class web page for students to use this resource for additional practice at home. Use selected activities as a center on your single classroom computer or for whole-class practice.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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Beacon Learning Center: Student Web Lessons - Beacon Learning Center
K to 12In the Classroom
If you want ready-to-go lessons guaranteed to work well on your interactive whiteboard, this collection is a winner. You simply open the activity on the whiteboard and have students tap and drag their way through as you talk with the class. (Invite your most "active" student to be "Vanna White" for a great behavior management solution). Many lessons would work well on laptops or on a computer cluster center, as well.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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Snow Crystals - Kenneth G. Libbrecht
K to 6In the Classroom
Share this link in your class newsletter or web site for fun things for parents to do on a snow day! Try it on an interactive whiteboard and project these large snowflakes and discuss the science behind the snow. You can draw over them on the board to analyze the geometry.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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A Maths Dictionary for Kids - Jenny Eather
2 to 8Another wonderful portion of the site is a new section titled Math Charts. Search this portion by choosing from areas such as numbers, operations, decimals, or much more then choose one of the sub-topics. Each chart includes a visual description of the topic and is specifically created to be printed for classroom use, choose the print button at the bottom of the page and the content will enlarge to fill the most it can in whatever size paper is chosen. Be sure not to miss the blackline masters located at the bottom of this section that contain many printables for classroom use such as fraction strips, hundreds charts, and much more.
In the Classroom
The math charts are a wonderful resource for classroom bulletin boards, wall decorations, and more - simply laminate for increased durability. Print onto standard sized paper for use in math notebooks or journals. Create a scavenger hunt for students to perform to find words in the math dictionary, have students write definitions and illustrations in math notebooks. View the site using your interactive whiteboard when discussing, introducing, or reviewing math concepts. Share this site through your classroom website or newsletter for reference at home. Share with ESL/ELL and Special Education teachers as a resource to use with students.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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