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return to subject listingWindows to the Universe - National Earth Science Teachers Association
4 to 12In the Classroom
You will want to preview the categories and levels your students are to explore. Investigate categories with your students, using your interactive whiteboard or projector. Then have small groups of students choose a subcategory to further explore. Have your students create an interactive online poster using Marq (formerly Lucidpress), reviewed here to share what they learn.You must be registered and logged in to add items to your favorites.
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Teachable Moment - Morningside Center for Teaching Social Responsibility
K to 12In the Classroom
This site will fit perfectly into any social studies, history, or current events class. Use the lessons to discuss important events that are happening right now. Several of the lessons have links to video so use them with an interactive whiteboard or projector. In addition to lessons on current events, use the essays and ideas on teaching strategies to improve your teaching skills. Teachers of gifted will appreciate this site to help their students who are often well beyond their years in their concern over news events.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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September 11 Teacher Awards - Tribute World Trade Center Organization
K to 12In the Classroom
Use these award winning ideas to commemorate September 11 in a lesson to demonstrate unity or build worldwide understanding. Use the concepts as a springboard to a collaborative project. Ideas vary from sending chains of origami cranes as a wish for peace, composing and singing a song for unity with an online tool such as Zeemaps, reviewed here, writing letters to local politicians, creating poems and transforming them into digital videos or multimedia presentations using Adobe Express for Education, reviewed here, or taking responsibility for the environment while creating a sense of community by planting gardens. Choose from many ways to inspire students to recognize the importance of September 11 and to involve them in working together to become a more tolerant society. You might be so amazed with the results that you will want to submit your students' projects to be considered for next year's Tribute Center September 11th Teacher Awards. The annual award ceremony takes place on February 26, to commemorate the 1993 first attack on the World Trade Center.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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Brain Den
4 to 12In the Classroom
Enrich gifted students' learning by having them explore the puzzles and teasers on this site. Try having students solve the geometry puzzles or algebra puzzles and then ask them to present their solution to classmates using a multimedia presentation. Challenge students to create a video and share using a site such as SchoolTube, reviewed here. Students could also try to create their own puzzles. Share the puzzles on an online, interactive poster using Lucidpress, reviewed here.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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The Abacus - Luis Fernandes
5 to 12In the Classroom
This site would appeal to gifted math students. Have students learn about the abacus and challenge them to find another influential math tool. Ask your students to create a multimedia presentation from the information or demonstrate the use of an abacus on an interactive whiteboard. Challenge students to create a video and share using a site such as SchoolTube (reviewed here). Have students compare and contrast math tools using an interactive whiteboard. Have groups compare two tools using a tool such as the "Interactive Two Circle Venn Diagram" (reviewed here).Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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Stormboard - Edistorm.com
6 to 12Begin by entering the name of your storm, choosing privacy options, adding a description, and inviting users to join in (Stormboard members or by email). Type on the stickies. Drag them to arrange. Stormboard will suggest possible new stickies along the bottom. The center sticky on your screen will drive the "smart" suggestions. If Stormboard's suggestions take you away from your goal in your description, move another sticky into the center spot or close the suggestions area. Use the viewfinder to see where all your stickies are located. Group related ideas together by aligning them together or color-coding them. Contributors can drag an "idea vote" to mark the ideas that they like best. Click on the tab "Top Ideas" to view those with most votes. Click on "All Unrated" to view all, including those with no votes (great idea if you may have missed one).
In the Classroom
Consider creating a classroom account for use with your students. Require them to initial their stickies in order to know which idea is whose. Use for any decision-making activity such as "What kind of pet should I buy?" Also use to generate related vocabulary words about a topic by entering their first word and letting the "Idea Bots" suggest stickies along the bottom. This is especially good if students must find information for a presentation or learn about a particular theme or topic. Share this site with your gifted students to use for organization, brainstorming, or collaboration with others outside their class. Social studies classes could brainstorm on how they might travel back in time to solve a political crisis or avoid a war. Lit classes could "storm" better outcomes for a novel or play based on evidence from the first portion of the text (for example, what if Romeo and Juliet had used Stormboard first?). Many issue-based or ethics-based problems in Science and Health can also be organized, debated, and discussed in this space. Why are some ideas "Top rated" over others?Edge Features:
Parent permission advised before posting student work created using this tool
Includes Interaction w general public/ public galleries with unmoderated content
Requires registration/log-in (WITH email)
Premium version (not free) includes additional features or storage
Products can be embedded
Products can be shared by URL
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Study Skills Resources - TeachersFirst
3 to 12In the Classroom
Make learning how to learn part of your class routine at any grade level and in any subject. Feature one or more new study strategy each month and share this entire list as a link from your class web page for students and parents to access both in and out of school.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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Color Sudoku - PrimaryGames
K to 6In the Classroom
Model this game as a whole group activity several times so students become comfortable with the concept and rules. Share the site on your interactive whiteboard or projector, and show students how to shrink the window to cut out the ads. Place students in pairs during center time, math class, or computer lab to accomplish this game together for problem solving and teamwork. Allow students to try this site independently on laptops. Use this as an end-of-the-week, whole group incentive. Be sure to list this link on your class website for students to access both in and out of the classroom. Challenge older students to create their own color Sudoku challenges using a paint program.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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Shape Sudoku - PrimaryGames
1 to 6In the Classroom
Model this activity on your interactive whiteboard or projector several times so students become comfortable with the concept and rules. Place students in pairs during center time, math class or computer lab to accomplish this activity together for problem solving and teamwork. Use this as an end-of-the-week, whole group incentive. Be sure to list this link on your class website for students to access both in and out of the classroom. Challenge older students to create their own shape Sudoku challenges.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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For Better for Verse - Herbert Tucker, John C. Coleman: Professor of English
10 to 12In the Classroom
Plotting the patterns of poetic meter and rhyme can be as hard to study as learning a foreign language. It takes long hours of practice to develop an ear and a feel for the kind of verse that was standard during Chaucer's time. At For Better for Verse poetry enthusiasts practice by trial and error opportunities, and receive instant feedback as they analyze the syllables' stress, without becoming too stressed, themselves. How do you know where the slacks and stresses fall? You listen; so instead of relying on repeating the verse out loud, click on the audio to hear it read. Listening to a vocal performance is helpful in the early stages of the tutorial. Students build confidence as they turn their stride into a gallop and waltz across the poem with their mouse and curser. Soon they will progress to using their eyes, rather than their ears to "listen" to the poem.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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Luminosity - Brain Games - Lumos Labs Inc.
4 to 12In the Classroom
What a great way to give kids a brain break while still keeping them focused. This site can be used on an interactive whiteboard or projector with the whole class. Psychology classes may want to investigate the games and how/why they might affect memory and brain function. The website is also a great tool to use as a center or to provide a student reward. Some of the games do not require a sign in but others do. Teachers could create a class login that students could use to access the additional games.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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Rare Book Room - Octavo
9 to 12In the Classroom
Use a projector or interactive whiteboard so everyone can view the Rare Book Room at once. Small groups can write down their observations about the art and text, and then share out with the whole class. You can also have small groups of students investigate Rare Books from certain authors or time periods. Navigating and annotating the books on the interactive whiteboard and sharing their findings with the whole class. The interactive whiteboard is the ideal tool for annotating. Older students can also annotate them using an online tool such as Fine Tuna, reviewed here : reviewed here.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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Prezi - Prezi
3 to 12In the Classroom
You could map your entire lesson, chapter or unit in one Prezi. Once you introduce the concept with this tool, you can go back to it often with your students as you move to different parts of the unit. It would provide a great way to connect prior knowledge with the next step if you share this on your interactive whiteboard or projector throughout the unit. Or you could post it to your web page or give kids the URL so they can review as often as they need it. Try having the students map a concept or chapter with this tool. In history class, create timelines of relevant events, or in science or math class have them map steps in a process. Have students create Prezis for different events, and then have them post the link to their product on a class blog or wiki. Add a peer review component and require students to comment on at least two other Prezis. The possibilities are endless!If you have gifted students n your class, offer Prezi as one alternative for sharing extensions to the regular curriculum. If they already know the material, have them investigate a related process or example and share it in the form of a Prezi.
Edge Features:
Parent permission advised before posting student work created using this tool
Includes Interaction w general public/ public galleries with unmoderated content
Requires registration/log-in (WITH email)
Products can be embedded
Products can be shared by URL
Includes teacher tools for registering and/or monitoring students
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Tate Kids - Tate Gallery
1 to 6In the Classroom
You will also find a complete list of materials, procedures, and helpful hints needed for the activities. Connect these tasks to a literature study unit or as art projects. The website's on-line activities and films are all compatible with an interactive whiteboard. Some lessons contain black line masters of artwork that are available for download. If you plan on using the "My Gallery" feature with your class, check with your administrator to be sure that your school allows students to set up individual accounts on on-line sites. Be sure to include this site on your class web page for students to access during summer break or for creative family activities at home.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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DLTK's Custom Chore Chart - DLTK
K to 6In the Classroom
Create charts for a variety of needs. Charts always come in handy for students who struggle to stay on task or to complete assignments. Charts are a fun and tactile way for students to monitor their success and stay on target with responsibilities. Use a chart system to teach organization and self monitoring for things such as homework, chores or daily jobs, morning or end of day tasks and behavior, backpack organization, reading books, math skills, and whatever else you or your students can "chart." Use this tool in the beginning of a new school year to help with expectations or recording. Special ed and gifted teachers will want to have students create their own charts to take ownership for individual goals. This is also a great tool for students to use to record their success for specific New Year's resolutions. This is definitely a link you want to list on your class website for parents to use at home.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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ArchDaily - Plataforma Networks
8 to 12In the Classroom
Useful to a multitude of different classes, this website could be utilized in art class, technology education, geometry, applied math, and even vocational curriculum. In art class, this site could be shown on the interactive whiteboard and used as inspiration for drawing or modeling projects. In applied math and geometry class, students could build scale models of structures found on the blog and apply measurement skills. Gifted students with visual/spatial or architecture interests could use this site as inspiration for individual projects. Another angle for this website is to integrate it into marketing, business math, and technology education classes in a unit where students find inspiration from an online design, create a budget to build the project using online resources such as lumber and steel companies, and then build scaled models. The projects could even be integrated into the English classes by having students present their projects as a business proposal in class. Present the proposals in a multimedia format, such as an online graphic to share using Adobe Creative Cloud Express for Education, reviewed here.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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Sheppard Software Math - Sheppard Software
1 to 12In the Classroom
Introduce this site on your interactive whiteboard, then allow students to explore on their own. This is a great site to use as a learning station or center. Be sure to list this link on your class website for extra practice or advanced materials for gifted students. Save this site in your favorites, since there are so many topics you are sure to find materials throughout the entire school year.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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Teach MidEast - Middle East Policy Council
5 to 12In the Classroom
Use this site to help students identify misconceptions, discuss points of view, and search for information that is free from bias. Use many of these topics as springboards for projects, additional blog posts, public service announcements, letter and video campaigns, etc. Have cooperative learning groups create multimedia projects about one of the topics highlighted at this site. Gifted students, with their heightened sense of "fairness," will especially enjoy breaking through stereotypes using this site. Create a class wiki to discuss the topics. Not comfortable with wikis? Have no wiki worries - check out the TeachersFirst's Wiki Walk-Through. Have cooperative learning groups create podcasts demonstrating their understanding of one of the topics using a site such as podOmatic (reviewed here). Have groups narrate a photo using a site such as ThingLink, reviewed here. Challenge students to find a photo (legally permitted to be reproduced), and then narrate the photo as if it were a news report. To find Creative Commons images for student projects (with credit, of course), try Vecteezy, reviewed here.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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in Bflat 2.0 - Darren Solomon from Science for Girls
3 to 12In the Classroom
Test this site to be sure you can open it at school. Then turn up your speakers and open this site on a projector or -- even better -- interactive whiteboard to begin a music class, discuss key signatures, pitch, or instrumentation, and allow students to mix and remix their choice of sounds in harmonious blend. In science class, use the various sounds and an oscilloscope to teach about sound waves and the physical nature of sound. Challenge your musically gifted students to create a very simple version of this musical "machine" by recording and embedding videos of their own in a class music and technology wiki. Upload the videos to a school-friendly site such as SchoolTube, reviewed here or TeacherTube, reviewed here to avoid filtering issues. Set up a simpler face-to-face option by allowing student "conductors" to "turn on and off" multiple instruments and objects in your music classroom all playing the same pitch.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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Visual Complexity - Manuel Lima
6 to 12In the Classroom
Share the graphics on an interactive whiteboard or projector. Use data visualizations to ask questions about interactions among the parts shown. For example, use any of the food chain visualizations to look at the interactions in the chains and identify roles of organisms. Ask students to use the whiteboard tools to explain how the visual "shows" the underlying information. Be prepared for less visual students to struggle while more visual students thrive using such a tool. Share the interesting map graphics in geography class. Use this at the beginning of a discussion and identify the organisms in the chain to uncover the relationships. Use the graphics for creative writing projects (displaying the graphic on a whiteboard while students react in writing). Ask your gifted students to choose a graphic they particularly enjoy as an inspiration to create one of their own.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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