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Data Analysis and Probability Resources - Grades 6-8 - TeachersFirst

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If you are a middle school math teacher, this is a must see collection. Use these resources to meet the NCTM Data Analysis and Probability Standards for grades 6-8. Many ...more
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If you are a middle school math teacher, this is a must see collection. Use these resources to meet the NCTM Data Analysis and Probability Standards for grades 6-8. Many of these tools are ideal for use on your interactive whiteboard or in your BYOD (or 1:1) classroom. Find topics that relate to the content being taught in your classroom. Use these resources to explain statistics, probability, graphs, polls, and data.

In the Classroom

Share with gifted students for additional enrichment and advancement opportunities. Share these resources with students on your class website. Use these tools for remediation and review with all students. Share these tools with families for at-home practice. Find specific classroom use ideas within each review.

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Free Office Online Apps - Microsoft

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Create and collaborate from any computer using the Microsoft suite of Office apps. Choose from Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and other Microsoft applications to begin. Sign in to (or create)...more
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Create and collaborate from any computer using the Microsoft suite of Office apps. Choose from Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and other Microsoft applications to begin. Sign in to (or create) your Microsoft account and follow directions. Each application works within the familiar interface of the downloaded applications.

In the Classroom

Take advantage of these free Microsoft applications to access and use documents across a variety of devices. Have students collaborate on reports and presentations using the tools provided on this site. Easily curate and share class projects made using Microsoft Office using sharing links within each tool. Consider creating a class OneDrive account for students to share and upload documents and class projects. Flip your classroom by uploading documents and presentations for students to access on their own, then have students add comments and additional information to the uploaded document. Find 32 ideas for using Office Apps in this informative blog post from Microsoft.

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Kodu Game Lab - Microsoft Research

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Kodu is a software download for creating Windows PC games through a simple programming language. Download Kodu for free from the Microsoft Fuse Lab (there are "Get Kodu" buttons on...more
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Kodu is a software download for creating Windows PC games through a simple programming language. Download Kodu for free from the Microsoft Fuse Lab (there are "Get Kodu" buttons on the home page and the tips page). The software allows you to create and personalize virtual worlds through point and click options. Additional options offer "if this, then that" personalization to add variety to the game. Under Resources find the "Other Resources" and click Video to see "Getting Started" tutorial and "Biginner Videos" that reside on YouTube. If your district blocks YouTube, the videos may not be viewable. A download is also available for Xbox games; however, it is not free.

In the Classroom

Have students work in teams to design and develop content demonstrating an understanding of lessons in any subject area. Begin sharing Kodu with your computer experts who are interested in programming. Allow them to be the leaders in sharing how to use and personalize the program. Enhance their learning by asking them to create game creation tutorial screencasts using Screencast-o-matic, reviewed here, to share with their peers. Use Kodu as part of an after-school computer club. Be sure to take advantage of the resources section of Kodu for tips and tutorials on using the program.

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NCTM Illuminations Algebra Resources 6th - 8th Grade - NCTM

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Illuminations offers this library of interactives specifically for teaching the Algebra strand in 6th through 8th grade. The large variety of activities provides opportunities for learning...more
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Illuminations offers this library of interactives specifically for teaching the Algebra strand in 6th through 8th grade. The large variety of activities provides opportunities for learning content through many different methods including problem-solving, open-ended and multiple response questions, and real-world situations. Each interactive includes complete instructions, an exploration, and correlation to standards.

In the Classroom

Keep this site in your professional favorites to find supporting technology for teaching algebra. As you find practice or extension ideas for student use or at home reinforcement, share specific links on your class web page or classroom computer center for students to access independently or as you assign them for needed practice. The full site could be overwhelming for most parents, so share the specific areas that fit your curriculum.
 This resource requires PDF reader software like Adobe Acrobat.

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Siemens STEM Day - Siemens Foundation and Discovery Education

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Created to support the annual National Day of STEM on May 16, this site offers student tools for all grade levels for use throughout the year. Choose activities by grade ...more
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Created to support the annual National Day of STEM on May 16, this site offers student tools for all grade levels for use throughout the year. Choose activities by grade level and STEM topic or career path. Options also include sorting by difficulty, most downloaded, or newest activities. Download activities in PDF format that include correlation to science standards, background information, and complete lesson directions. Check out the educator section for 5-minute thematic refreshers to support and help you prepare your STEM lessons.

In the Classroom

Bookmark this site for STEM activities and support throughout the year. Reduce your planning time by using the free lessons available on the site. Before starting activities, have students create a word cloud of terms they know using a site such as Word Clouds for Kids, reviewed here, for younger students, or WordClouds, reviewed here, for older students.
 This resource requires PDF reader software like Adobe Acrobat.

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C-Stem Studio - UC Davis C-Stem Center

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C-Stem Studio is a software download integrated with learning opportunities for STEM subjects. Videos and interactives provide instruction in math, coding, and robotics. Choose from...more
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C-Stem Studio is a software download integrated with learning opportunities for STEM subjects. Videos and interactives provide instruction in math, coding, and robotics. Choose from the different pages to view information about each program. For those who prefer not to download software; try RoboBlockly. Roboblockly is an online tool for learning to code using drag and drop blocks to move robots. There is a link for RoboBlockly on this site.

In the Classroom

Download C-Stem Studio as part of your ongoing STEM and coding instruction. Be sure to follow directions on downloading the correct version and order of downloads. Share activities on your interactive whiteboard or projector, then have students create and explore on their own. After school clubs and activities can use this program to learn to code. Use this tool with gifted students for a great challenge. Set up a coding activity center for interested students when they finish class work or for rainy days and snow days. Share this link on your class website for students to access both in and out of the classroom.

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Famous Mathematicians - Brittany Hoffman

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What do Archimedes, Pythagoras, and Srinivasa Ramanujan have in common? They all enjoy a spot on this site of famous mathematicians. Begin with an overview of mathematics over time...more
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What do Archimedes, Pythagoras, and Srinivasa Ramanujan have in common? They all enjoy a spot on this site of famous mathematicians. Begin with an overview of mathematics over time starting with Thales of Miletus from 624-546 BC through Andrew Wiles' solving Fermat's Last Theorem in 1994 on the site's homepage. Learn about different mathematicians by choosing from the alphabetical list (alphabetized by first names) found on each page. Also worth exploring is the site's blog featuring groups of 15 famous mathematicians by different categories including women and Greek mathematicians.

In the Classroom

Although this site doesn't have a lot of bells and whistles, it contains a great deal of historic and biographical information on famous (and perhaps, not so famous) mathematicians. Bookmark the site to use as a resource for a mathematician of the week to feature in your classroom. Choose a student to share information on the mathematician of their choice with classmates through a multimedia presentation using Marq (was Lucidpress), reviewed here. Challenge students to develop a fake social media presence about one of the mathematicians using Fakebook, reviewed here, or the Twitter Fictional Account Template, reviewed here.

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WooTube - Eddie Woo

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WooTube is a middle and high school level mathematics YouTube channel and more. This site includes video playlists sorted by topic, downloadable worksheets and resources, and the author's...more
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WooTube is a middle and high school level mathematics YouTube channel and more. This site includes video playlists sorted by topic, downloadable worksheets and resources, and the author's blog. The highly acclaimed videos provide instruction in complicated topics and easy to understand content explains the relevance to the real-world use of the content. If your district blocks YouTube, the videos may not be viewable.

In the Classroom

This site began with the owner's desire to share lessons with homebound students making it a perfect accompaniment to classroom instruction. Be sure to take advantage of the free worksheets and resources to use with your students. Share a link to videos on your class website for students to view at home. Ask them to watch videos before you teach content in class. If you typically view videos then discuss questions in class, try using Flip, reviewed here, to take questioning and collaboration to a new level. Upload a WooTube video to your Flip account, then have students record their questions and thoughts. Have students respond to comments made by peers, then discuss both content and student responses in the classroom.
 This resource requires PDF reader software like Adobe Acrobat.

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Makerbot - Thingiverse: Education - Makerbot Industries, LLC

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Thingiverse offers over 15,000 3D printing designs and enough lesson plans to keep a classroom busy all school year. All free! Discover lessons for K-5, 6-8, 9-12 and university levels....more
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Thingiverse offers over 15,000 3D printing designs and enough lesson plans to keep a classroom busy all school year. All free! Discover lessons for K-5, 6-8, 9-12 and university levels. Also, find lessons categorized by subject. By clicking on any of these categories, you can then search the new page by both grade level and subject i.e. K-5 and Special Education. Click Explore or use the search bar from the top and find Quick Projects, Building Bridges, and Featured Projects. If you are really into 3D and want to design your own project, you can do that at Thingiverse, too. Thingiverse's 3D printing documents from this tool only work on MakerBot or Stratasys printers.

In the Classroom

Whether you are a STEM or STEAM educator or teach woods or metal shop, there is something here for everyone. Are you setting up a makerspace and want to include 3D projects? Find more than you can imagine at Thingiverse. Many lessons address Next Generation Science Standards and Common Core State Standards, too. History, math, and language arts teachers may enjoy Cryptography: Sending Secret Messages and could extend it into a cross-curricular project; look at Egyptian Hieroglyphs - Making a Cartouche, too. ELA teachers, take a look at the Book Report project to create 3D Keychains having elements of the character's personality and challenges. Art teachers be sure to check out Art Connector Set SVG Conversion Project where your students can turn their drawing into a sculpture! These are just a few of the many lesson plans and projects to look into on Thingiverse. Cut down the time it takes to discover interesting projects by allowing time in class for students to explore in categories selected by you.

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NoteBookCast -

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Create and collaborate with up to 10 others using this online whiteboard, no registration necessary. Optional registration allows you to save whiteboards for later use. Give your whiteboard...more
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Create and collaborate with up to 10 others using this online whiteboard, no registration necessary. Optional registration allows you to save whiteboards for later use. Give your whiteboard a name and choose your board size to begin. Options allow for customizing the look of the whiteboard, adding a chat box, and uploading images. Share with other users using the provided link or with your personalized code. NoteBookCast is compatible with many devices making it easy for everyone to work together.

In the Classroom

Most subject area teachers and their students will benefit from the use of this tool. Allow students to create collaborative drawings as responses to literature. They can map out the plot or themes, add labels, create character studies, and more. Share the finished products on an interactive whiteboard, projector, or your class website. Have a group of students create a drawing, so another group can use it as a writing prompt. Use a NoteBookCast board as a brainstorming or sketching space as groups (or the class) share ideas for a major project or for solving a real world problem. Use this tool with students in a computer lab (or on laptops) to create a drawing of the setting in a story during a read-aloud. As an assessment idea, have students draw out a simple cartoon with stick figures to explain a more complex process such as how democracy works. If you are lucky enough to teach in a BYOD setting, use this site to demonstrate and illustrate any concept while students use the chat and drawing tools to interact in real time. If you are studying weather, have students diagram the layers of the atmosphere and what happens during a thunderstorm, for example. Introduce this tool to students who are working on group projects. Alternatively, have students use this to work as partners or as a small team to complete complex math problems or equations.

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Chrome Music Lab - Google

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Experiment with music using interactive instruments and animations at Chrome Music Lab. Different tools teach the basics of chords, harmony, and rhythm. Choose any image to view the...more
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Experiment with music using interactive instruments and animations at Chrome Music Lab. Different tools teach the basics of chords, harmony, and rhythm. Choose any image to view the concept taught, then click to explore the interactive. Some interactives require access to your computer's microphone.

In the Classroom

Share Chrome Music Lab on your interactive whiteboard (or projector), and turn up your speakers. Use these activities to practice rhythm, rests, and more in music class or to illustrate basics about sound in a science class. Share a link on classroom computers for students to experiment with different music concepts (with headphones, of course!). Have students choose different interactives to explore then share with class members. Use a tool such as ScreenPal (formerly Screencast-o-matic), reviewed here, to record student work and share with others.

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TED-Ed Clubs - Lessons Worth Sharing - TEDEd

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TED-Ed Clubs provide a platform for students aged 8-18 across the world to explore ideas, share information, and participate in global conversations. Begin by applying to start a club...more
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TED-Ed Clubs provide a platform for students aged 8-18 across the world to explore ideas, share information, and participate in global conversations. Begin by applying to start a club to discuss thoughts and ideas of interest to your group through the leadership of an adult facilitator. Each club is open to up to 50 members. Clubs provide 13 meetings beginning with three sessions exploring TED Talks, following that, students learn how to frame and share ideas. At the conclusion, participants upload their final talk to the TED-Ed YouTube Channel. Under Discover find Lessons, Collections, Insights and more. Be sure to explore the topics under Create and Get Involved. The videos are hosted on YouTube.

In the Classroom

Facilitate a TED-Ed Club to promote problem-solving skills and creative thinking in any subject. Challenge students to pursue ideas of interest to them in the classroom. Create a club as an after-school activity for like-minded students, or as enrichment for gifted learners. TED-Ed Club provides an outlet for some quieter students with interests other than what is offered in the curriculum, encourage these students to share their interests and passions through the guidelines provided in the clubs.

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3x3 Links - Federico Elles

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3x3 Links is a bookmarking site that organizes saved websites into a 3x3 grid. Add items as a link to any website or create a folder that links to a ...more
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3x3 Links is a bookmarking site that organizes saved websites into a 3x3 grid. Add items as a link to any website or create a folder that links to a new grid with websites you add. Customize your page to include a personalized URL, add a background image or color, and include or delete captions.

In the Classroom

3x3 Links is an excellent tool for efficiently managing online resources in your classroom. For younger students, use this site as the home page on classroom computers. Add direct links to sites for student use or create folders for each subject. This site allows the creation of multiple grids, create a grid for each content unit or semester. Use the embed code to add the grid to your class webpage. For older students, this site is perfect for organizing and sharing resources for study or research projects. As an example, if your students are doing a research report on a state, ask them to create a grid to include folders linking to different topics including famous people, population information, geography, and history. Although there is an option to create up to 9 cubes in your grid, it isn't necessary so the number of cubes can be suited to fit your needs.

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Sticky Notes: Just Popped Up! - Ukiv

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Do you always place sticky notes on your computer screen? This Chrome extension is for you. This simple design allows you to add a note to your screen with one ...more
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Do you always place sticky notes on your computer screen? This Chrome extension is for you. This simple design allows you to add a note to your screen with one click. Change font size, color, and themes to personalize your stickies. View your notes across devices when logged in to Chrome. Be sure to watch for updates to include multiple sticky notes and features for sharing.

In the Classroom

Make notes for conferences, lab materials, books needed, or even parent conferences on any web page. Add sticky notes to any webpage or PDF shared with students on your interactive whiteboard to remind them of the necessary information or as a list of important items to watch for when viewing a page. Create a list of vocabulary words from any website as you view it together. Share this extension for students to use on their device for note-taking.

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Twitter Chat: Personalized Learning: What's all the Buzz? - TeachersFirst

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This archived Twitter chat is from November 2017 and will open in Wakelet. Browse the tips and tools offered by the chat moderators and participants. Through this chat participants...more
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This archived Twitter chat is from November 2017 and will open in Wakelet. Browse the tips and tools offered by the chat moderators and participants. Through this chat participants will: understand and discuss the basic principles of personalized learning; share resources and ideas for incorporating personalized learning into the classroom; discuss benefits and the impact of personalized learning; explore integrated digital content that allows for a differentiated path and pace for learning.

In the Classroom

View this chat yourself or with your colleagues to learn more about personalized learning. Learn about resources and discuss the benefits.

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Twitter Chat: PBIS and Relationship Building: What Works? - TeachersFirst

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This archived Twitter chat is from October 2017 and will open in Wakelet. Browse the tips and tools offered by the chat moderators and participants. Take a deeper dive into ...more
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This archived Twitter chat is from October 2017 and will open in Wakelet. Browse the tips and tools offered by the chat moderators and participants. Take a deeper dive into the PBIS framework. Learn about resources and ideas for incorporating PBIS and relationship building into the classroom. Learn and discuss the benefits and impact of positive relationships within education.

In the Classroom

Share this chat with your fellow colleagues as you learn more about PBIS framework together. Learn about resources and discuss the benefits.

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Twitter Chat: Promoting Digital Citizenship - TeachersFirst

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This archived Twitter chat is from September 2017 and will open in Wakelet. Browse the tips and tools offered by the chat moderators and participants. Learn more about digital citizenship...more
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This archived Twitter chat is from September 2017 and will open in Wakelet. Browse the tips and tools offered by the chat moderators and participants. Learn more about digital citizenship for you and your students.

In the Classroom

If you are looking to learn more about digital citizenship, view this archive. Share this chat with your fellow colleagues eager to incorporate more digital citizenship in their classroom.

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Math Resources for Geometry - Grades 6-8 - TeachersFirst

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Explore this collection of resources for grades 6-8, related to geometry. Use these resources to meet the NCTM standards. Many of these tools are ideal for use on your interactive ...more
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Explore this collection of resources for grades 6-8, related to geometry. Use these resources to meet the NCTM standards. Many of these tools are ideal for use on your interactive whiteboard or in your BYOD classroom. Find topics that relate to the content being taught in your middle school classroom.

In the Classroom

Share these resources with students on your class website for additional help or enrichment in geometry. Have partners explore the sites together on laptops.

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Math Resources for Measurement - Grades 6-8 - TeachersFirst

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Explore this curated list for middle school students, all related to measurement. Use these resources to meet the NCTM Measurement Standards. Many of these tools are ideal for use on...more
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Explore this curated list for middle school students, all related to measurement. Use these resources to meet the NCTM Measurement Standards. Many of these tools are ideal for use on your interactive whiteboard or in your BYOD (or 1:1) classroom. Find topics that relate to the content being taught in your classroom. Use these resources to explain the metric and customary systems of measurement.

In the Classroom

Explore and share information about angles, area, perimeter, and volume. Share these resources with students on your class website. Use these tools for remediation and review with all students. Share with gifted students for additional enrichment and advancement opportunities. Share these tools with families for at-home practice.

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EduBirdie - KingCitation

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Let's face it, creating proper citations is difficult due to the many different formats and the variety of sources cited. EduBirdie helps with this problem with its Auto Citer. Click...more
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Let's face it, creating proper citations is difficult due to the many different formats and the variety of sources cited. EduBirdie helps with this problem with its Auto Citer. Click Citation Generators from the top menu and then choose the type of format you need. The three step procedure begins at the top menu with choosing the type of work that is cited then moves on to adding requested information to the form generator. Click "Generate Citation" to complete your citation ready to copy and paste into any document.

In the Classroom

Use your interactive whiteboard and projector to show students how to use this tool for citing their sources. Share this website for all of your projects using research so students know the correct procedure for citations. Be sure to add it on your class web site as a useful reference.

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