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Sing Two Stanzas and Rebel in the Morning: The Role of Black Religious Music - Yale University

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Introduce your students to the blues as a means of understanding Afro-American culture, emphasizing improvisation. Students learn by playing and singing the music, and finish by writing...more
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Introduce your students to the blues as a means of understanding Afro-American culture, emphasizing improvisation. Students learn by playing and singing the music, and finish by writing and singing their own piece of the blues.

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How to Blues - Yale University

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Introduce your students to the blues as a means of understanding Afro-American culture, emphasizing improvisation. Students learn by playing and singing the music, and finish by writing...more
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Introduce your students to the blues as a means of understanding Afro-American culture, emphasizing improvisation. Students learn by playing and singing the music, and finish by writing and singing their own piece of the blues.

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A Guide Through the Culture of the Blues - Yale University

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Use the style and humor of the blues to trace the development of the blues and its parallel, the African-American experience, from the seventeenth century to the present. ...more
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Use the style and humor of the blues to trace the development of the blues and its parallel, the African-American experience, from the seventeenth century to the present.

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Take advantage of the free lesson plans and activities on this site! This would be an excellent resource for a US or World history classroom!

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Creating Blues: An Interdisciplinary Study - Yale University

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Use the study and creation of blues lyrics, art, poetry, and fiction to immerse students in the blues philosophy. ...more
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Use the study and creation of blues lyrics, art, poetry, and fiction to immerse students in the blues philosophy.

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The Blues Impulse in Drama: Lessons on Racial Pain - Yale University

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Study the drama of racial tension, prejudice and pain in To Kill A Mockingbird, The Death of Bessie Smith and Blues for Mr. Charlie. ...more
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Study the drama of racial tension, prejudice and pain in To Kill A Mockingbird, The Death of Bessie Smith and Blues for Mr. Charlie.

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The Blues Impulse - An Era and the Ambiguity of Adolescence - Yale University

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Help students learn about the Harlem Renaissance and about themselves through this investigation of the blues. ...more
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Help students learn about the Harlem Renaissance and about themselves through this investigation of the blues.

In the Classroom

Take advantage of these free lesson plans and activities! This site would be an excellent resource during a unit on the Harlem Renaissance or during Black History Month!

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Teaching Academic Skills Through the Exploration of Music - Yale University

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Build students' reading, writing, and comprehension skills while exposing them to music, film, and literature in this interdisciplinary approach to the film genre. The movies Jurassic...more
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Build students' reading, writing, and comprehension skills while exposing them to music, film, and literature in this interdisciplinary approach to the film genre. The movies Jurassic Park and Star Wars are used in this series of lessons that contain adaptations for students from kindergarten through high school. Modifications for special needs students are included.

In the Classroom

Take advantage of the free lesson plan and classroom activities hosted on this site! The incorporation of music into these lessons would be great for ELL or lower-achieving readers, who may be able to access the content better through these methods. Be sure to save the site as a favorite to allow for easy reference later on.

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The Sousa Page - Dallas Wind Symphony

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A music history lesson from the Dallas Wind Symphony offers a history of the composer and his many many marches. If you're involved with instrumental music, don't miss this one. ...more
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A music history lesson from the Dallas Wind Symphony offers a history of the composer and his many many marches. If you're involved with instrumental music, don't miss this one.

In the Classroom

Use this site on a projector or interactive whiteboard to discuss and informally assess prior knowledge as you start your study of John Phillip Sousa. What is unique about the site is that it has audio of many of Sousa's compositions, which would be great to sample after a unit on his work. This would be extremely useful for history or music teachers.

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Here's a site that offers printable musical scores for dozens of compositions - mostly classical - that are in the public domain. At present, the collection is small - including ...more
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Here's a site that offers printable musical scores for dozens of compositions - mostly classical - that are in the public domain. At present, the collection is small - including works of Beethoven, Bach, Satie, etc. But this is a new project that holds great promise for music lovers on a tight budget.

In the Classroom

Bookmark this site for use in your music classes all year.
 This resource requires PDF reader software like Adobe Acrobat.

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Music Education Online - Children's Music Workshop

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A professional guide to Music Education for K-12 that offers access to a variety of resources including articles on music education advocacy, an interactive bulletin boards for questions...more
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A professional guide to Music Education for K-12 that offers access to a variety of resources including articles on music education advocacy, an interactive bulletin boards for questions and comments related to music education, retailers, instrumental and vocal music, professional organizations, and integrated units written by and for classroom teachers. Created and maintained by Larry Newman of The Children's Music Workshop, Los Angeles, CA.

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Bookmark this site for use with your music classes throughout the year.

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Medieval and Renaissance Instruments

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This is an absolutely fantastic site designed to provide exposure to the incredible variety of musical instruments played during the Middle Ages and Renaissance. Students and teachers...more
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This is an absolutely fantastic site designed to provide exposure to the incredible variety of musical instruments played during the Middle Ages and Renaissance. Students and teachers can explore the unique appearance, structure, and sound of these instruments. Just click on an instrument's name to view it, read about it, and listen to a brief sound clip. Created by ensemble members of Musica Antiqua and Iowa State University, this site would nicely supplement an elementary or middle school unit on the Renaissance, serve as a resource for a music history lesson, or add greatly to a literary unit on Shakespeare's England that would include exposure to the music and instruments used in the Elizabethan theater.

In the Classroom

Use this site as an activator or introduction on a unit about Shakespearean England. The information on the instruments offers more insight on the life and times being studied. Select some of the more interesting instruments and add their pictures and audio into your lecture to spice things up!

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Interactive: Roots of Jazz - PBS

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The companion web site to the PBS Jazz series offers an interactive history of jazz and its evolution as part of the African American experience. Click "Classrooms" on the top ...more
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The companion web site to the PBS Jazz series offers an interactive history of jazz and its evolution as part of the African American experience. Click "Classrooms" on the top menu and find lesson outlines included on the site. Searching YouTube for Learn About Jazz PBS will result in a list of free vdeos about the history of jazz. If your district blocks YouTube the videos may not be viewable.

In the Classroom

This site would be a great addition to a US history class studying the Harlem Renaissance. The site could be used for the lesson plans OR as a learning center in your classroom. If using the site as a learning center, we recommend creating a graphic organizer to accompany it for students to take notes on each section. For help creating a graphic organizer, we recommend using Graphic Organizer Maker, reviewed here.

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Jazz History Pages

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Here's a look at the history of Jazz in New York's Harlem, based on a remarkable photo of several dozen jazz greats. The site includes information on musicians, their music, ...more
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Here's a look at the history of Jazz in New York's Harlem, based on a remarkable photo of several dozen jazz greats. The site includes information on musicians, their music, their instruments, and how Jazz and Harlem came to be synonymous in the early twentieth century.

In the Classroom

The most usable portion of this site is actually the interactive picture seen on the main page. Rarely are teachers going to need to go in on an in-depth exploration of Jazz, but the main page picture can be used in a visual discovery activity. Open the image on the interactive whiteboard or projector, and have students discuss what they observe, infer and predict about the image. There is a zoom tool that can provide greater detail. Guide the students towards why this image is significant, why someone would take it, how important Jazz was in this community, etc.

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Graphical Composer Time-line

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This site has a graphical time-line showing composers' lives. This is an Acrobat (PDF) file. ...more
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This site has a graphical time-line showing composers' lives. This is an Acrobat (PDF) file.

In the Classroom

Use this site to look for resources that can be used in the classroom. The site has lists of recommended books for biographies, music theory, etc. There is also a catalog of recommended links that users can access music files from. This site would be great for any music teacher - although be sure to allow yourself some time to explore the links recommended before advising students to use it.
 This resource requires PDF reader software like Adobe Acrobat.

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Choral Public Domain Library - CPDL

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CPDL is an internet-based free sheet music website which specializes in choral music. Visit this collaborative site offering downloadable scores of choral music in the public domain....more
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CPDL is an internet-based free sheet music website which specializes in choral music. Visit this collaborative site offering downloadable scores of choral music in the public domain. If your music budget is tight - and whose isn't - this site could be an invaluable resource for musical scores, despite its limitation to public domain content.You can contribute scores and participate in this online community for choral music users. Join for free.

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Classical MIDI Archives

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This site has thousands of MIDI files for classical compositions. ...more
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This site has thousands of MIDI files for classical compositions.

In the Classroom

Although it takes some searching in advance, the site has digital recordings of thousands of classical composers pieces. Once the desired track has been found, open the file on an interactive whiteboard or projector. The site would be useful in any music classroom, or in any music history class as there are biographies provided for every composer.

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Classical Net

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An award-winning site by L. D. Lampson and Classical Net devoted to "classical" music, composers, repertoire, recommended recordings, reviews, and related resources. This easy to use...more
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An award-winning site by L. D. Lampson and Classical Net devoted to "classical" music, composers, repertoire, recommended recordings, reviews, and related resources. This easy to use site provides an outstanding reference source for both teachers and students from upper elementary through high school. The comprehensive content can be used to supplement a music appreciation class, to augment a social studies or foreign language lesson on a particular historical/cultural era, or to serve as a guide for building a CD library.

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Leonard Bernstein - The Official Site

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Though it has some commercial content, this site also contains lots of information on Bernstein's life and works. There are composition notes, excerpts from famous pieces, biographical...more
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Though it has some commercial content, this site also contains lots of information on Bernstein's life and works. There are composition notes, excerpts from famous pieces, biographical information, and lots more. Great resource for a music history project or for a student interested in 20th century composers.

In the Classroom

Use this site as a reference for Music students working on a research project or paper. Add this site to student handouts OR save it as a favorite on the classroom webpage to allow students to access it both in and out of the classroom.

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Literature of the U.S. Civil War - Yale University

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This unit investigates the Civil War through children's literature, using multiple approaches to learning including reading, writing, dramatization, and music. ...more
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This unit investigates the Civil War through children's literature, using multiple approaches to learning including reading, writing, dramatization, and music.

In the Classroom

Take advantage of the free lesson plans that are offered on this site about the Civil War. The unit plan offers varying approaches, such as small and large group work varying on what is more efficient in your classroom. This lesson plan is worth sorting through the large amount of text - be patient!

Older students can keep a blog sharing their learning and understanding using, reviewed here. With you just click on an icon to upload images from your computer, add a YouTube or Vimeo, or Twitter links. This blog creator requires no registration. If you are teaching younger students and looking for an easy way to integrate technology and check for understanding, challenge your students to create a blog using Seesaw, reviewed here.

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Children's Music Resources

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A collection of resources for teaching children about music ...more
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A collection of resources for teaching children about music

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