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Gauth AI STEM Homework Helper - Gauth Math

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Gauth uses AI to provide homework help in math and science topics, including chemistry, physics, calculus, and more. Under the menu topic - Subjects, you will also find help with ...more
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Gauth uses AI to provide homework help in math and science topics, including chemistry, physics, calculus, and more. Under the menu topic - Subjects, you will also find help with Literature, Writing, Social Science, and others. To begin, upload a question or an image. Gauth then provides a step-by-step response with a detailed explanation of the answer. Find additional explanations by selecting Copilot, which is built into Gauth's platform, or by choosing from suggestions for related questions. You don't need to register, but doing so will allow access to your search history.

In the Classroom

Include Gauth with your other math and science support resources for students. Demonstrate how to ask questions and analyze the responses as a learning tool. Be sure to discuss the ethical use of AI tools with students as a learning tool and not a substitute for completing assignments. Encourage students to provide proper attribution when using Gauth. Share Gauth as a flipped learning tool for students to use as they begin to understand new concepts, then ask students to apply that knowledge to problems without using AI resources. Have students demonstrate how to solve problems by creating a video explanation with Free Screen Recorder Online, reviewed here.

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STEM Bootcamps - Numerade

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Numerade STEM Bootcamps provide free, interactive video lessons in STEM subjects like algebra, physics, and chemistry. The platform includes Bootcamps with step-by-step video tutorials,...more
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Numerade STEM Bootcamps provide free, interactive video lessons in STEM subjects like algebra, physics, and chemistry. The platform includes Bootcamps with step-by-step video tutorials, practice problems, and quizzes designed to enhance students' understanding. You can access a variety of topics for different grade levels and standardized tests like the ACT and SAT. The videos have captions available for students who may need them. Videos do have discussions under them, so be mindful of this if are having students use them independently.

In the Classroom

Flip your classroom and have students watch Numerade Bootcamp videos at home to learn foundational concepts before class. They then can apply their learning through in-class lessons. Have students create and take practice quizzes based on Numerade's standardized test prep Bootcamps using a program like Quizlet, reviewed here. This will engage them in active test prep, enhance recall through repeated practice, and extend readiness for exams. Have students summarize a Numerade bootcamp topic by creating short review videos with Padlet, reviewed here, helping their classmates understand key points from the videos. This is a link to Padlet's Help section for posting video or an image.

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Biomimicry and Packaging Innovation Toolkit - Biomimicry 3.8 Institute

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This free downloadable toolkit uses biomimicry as the foundation to gamify the innovation process by teams and individuals to generate innovative ideas inspired by nature. The toolkit...more
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This free downloadable toolkit uses biomimicry as the foundation to gamify the innovation process by teams and individuals to generate innovative ideas inspired by nature. The toolkit includes a PDF of a brainstorming-in-a-box card deck, concept worksheet, introductory video, and facilitator instructions. Begin with the download button and submit a short form with your name and email address to receive the toolkit materials in zip format. Learn more about the concept of biomimicry by visiting the links to popular articles provided on this site.

In the Classroom

Use this resource and the provided materials to learn more about Biomimicry and how this approach has solved technological problems. Share the stories from the brainstorming-in-a-box card deck with your students as informational (and inspirational) reading in the sciences. For example, schools of fish swim through a water vortex that pulls them along with the others. This understanding is being used to design better wind turbines. Look through the Biomimicry Fundamentals ideas to see where you should start with your students. Challenge your students to explore the site for articles they believe are connected to something they have learned this year in your class. Create a wall of pictures and ideas in the classroom of patterns and processes learned in class that can create inspiration design later. Use Screenpal, reviewed here to record your video to add students' video discussions of their ideas to the pictures using QR codes and AR.

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Nova Education - PBS

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Nova Education provides STEM activities and lessons based on the popular PBS series Nova. Information on the site includes articles, videos, and links to external websites. Scroll down...more
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Nova Education provides STEM activities and lessons based on the popular PBS series Nova. Information on the site includes articles, videos, and links to external websites. Scroll down to find filters to sort the content by media types, categories, and newer or older additions. The media types category allows users to find lesson plans, collections, teacher guides, and more. Each lesson plan includes detailed instructions, student handouts, and correlation to Next Generation Science Standards.

In the Classroom

Enjoy the interactives, videos, and text on an interactive whiteboard or projector. Use selected activities as a center (station). Share the included articles and videos with students to supplement your STEM curriculum. If articles are too difficult for students, use a text leveler tool like the one available at Brisk, reviewed here to match student reading abilities.
 This resource requires PDF reader software like Adobe Acrobat.

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Change Makers - Women in STEM - TeachersFirst

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From laying the foundations of computer programming to making groundbreaking discoveries in physics and space exploration, women have left an indelible mark across STEM disciplines....more
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From laying the foundations of computer programming to making groundbreaking discoveries in physics and space exploration, women have left an indelible mark across STEM disciplines. Pioneers like Ada Lovelace wrote the first computer algorithm in the 1800s, while others like Marie Curie, the first woman to win a Nobel Prize, advanced our understanding of radiation. Their breakthroughs and tireless pursuit of knowledge have profoundly impacted humanity. Use this curated list of reviewed resources to help your students see the vital role women have had in the past, present, and future in the field of STEM.

In the Classroom

Share these resources with your students to learn about many women in STEM who changed the world. Share a link to this collection on your school web page and in your school newsletter (or email). Find resources to incorporate into your lessons to encourage girls to pursue learning paths in STEM and realize their potential.

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CK-12 Plix - CK-12

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Plix (Play, Learn, Interact, and eXplore) shares over 1,000 interactives, providing practice and exploring math and science concepts. Math topics range from adding whole numbers to...more
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Plix (Play, Learn, Interact, and eXplore) shares over 1,000 interactives, providing practice and exploring math and science concepts. Math topics range from adding whole numbers to calculus concepts; science content includes biology, physics, earth, and life science, among others. Follow the directions found in each interactive to move the slider to show changes in each story problem or question. Plix integrates with several learning management systems, including Google Classroom, Schoology, and Canvas. Share Plix activities by creating a new class on the Plix site or assigning it to your learning management system.

In the Classroom

Use Plix interactives as warm-up activities when teaching new concepts, as a computer center activity, or as an exploration activity for homework. If you are not using a learning management system, use the three dots located on the top bar to find different share options and embed code to use on websites. After providing exploration time, ask students to share their understanding of the content in the using Padlet, reviewed here. This is a link to Padlet's Help section for posting video or an image. Create a topic for students to add a video response that might include a demonstration of their computer screen as they discuss how the interactive works and share their understanding of the concept they explored.

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Sizzle - Sizzle AI

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Sizzle is a resource that provides help for math and science using artificial intelligence (AI) features. Enter problems in several different ways to receive step-by-step help in solving...more
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Sizzle is a resource that provides help for math and science using artificial intelligence (AI) features. Enter problems in several different ways to receive step-by-step help in solving problems. Type the problem into the chat, upload a picture (word and number problems), or scan the problem with your phone. After defining the problem, Sizzle leads users through each step before sharing the next step to complete. Answer each step in the chat, ask to see choices, or reveal the next step. When viewing options for solving each step, Sizzle provides tips for correct solutions if the incorrect response is chosen. While registration is optional, creating an account allows users to access their history of solved problems. Sizzle is available online and as an app from Apple and Google Play.

In the Classroom

Share Sizzle with students to use as a homework aid at home, or work on problems together by sharing Sizzle on your whiteboard. Ask students to take screenshots on their device or use Awesome ScreenShot, reviewed here to share problems that they don't understand or had difficulty completing to discuss during class. Register for an account and take advantage of the history feature to share problems completed during previous activities to use as a reference for solving problems that incorporate similar concepts. Provide students with this tool and additional homework resources, such as High School Maths Help YouTube Channel, reviewed here and The Video Math Tutor, reviewed here to use for completing homework while encouraging students to document difficulties to discuss in class. Use Padlet, reviewed here or Wakelet, reviewed here to easily curate and share resources with students.

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Science World - Science World

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Science World takes students on an adventure worldwide to learn science concepts by grade level. The map defaults to lessons for first grade; use the options on the left side ...more
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Science World takes students on an adventure worldwide to learn science concepts by grade level. The map defaults to lessons for first grade; use the options on the left side of the main page or in the title section of the map near the starting point to change to other grade levels, beginning with kindergarten through sixth grade. Each lesson includes animated videos that explain science concepts and interactive activities for students that allow students to collect stars. To find lessons on specific science concepts, use the Open list view on the main page to see all available lessons for each grade level, including themes for each lesson and the location on the map where the activity occurs. Lessons are available in English and Spanish.

In the Classroom

Share a link on classroom computers to include Science World in a computer science center activity. As a class, use Google My Maps, reviewed here to create a virtual tour of locations visited during your Science World lessons and activities. Find additional information to share on your maps, including pictures and articles with other information. Use Symbaloo, reviewed here to create links to Science World and other science activities for students to access all resources through one location. Add your chosen activities to Curipod, reviewed here and create an interactive lesson that includes videos, articles, quizzes, and more.

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Saturday Morning Astrophysics - Purdue University Dept of Physics & Astronomy

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Saturday Morning Astrophysics (SMAP) is a monthly program offered to middle and high school students to delve into current topics in astro research, historical background and discovery,...more
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Saturday Morning Astrophysics (SMAP) is a monthly program offered to middle and high school students to delve into current topics in astro research, historical background and discovery, and fundamental principles related to physics and astronomy. Sign up to receive updated information and links to Zoom sessions. During each session, participants have the opportunity to participate in activities. Some require using commonly found objects such as Play-Doh; this is indicated in the activity description. Upcoming topics include Life Cycles of Stars and Searching for Exoplanets; the SMAP program lists upcoming topics at the beginning of each school year. Visit the SMAP YouTube Channel link to find recordings of previous sessions. Sign up as an educator to receive notification of upcoming activities, access lessons and materials, and learn about upcoming professional development activities.

In the Classroom

Take advantage of the many free materials offered by SMAP to find lessons and activities to engage students in learning about astronomy research. Share the monthly SMAP schedule with students and invite them to share their learning with peers upon completing the monthly activity by creating a website using Canva for Education, reviewed here using one of the many shared templates. Ask students to include interactive elements found within Canva, such as infographics and quizzes, to engage their audience.
 This resource requires PDF reader software like Adobe Acrobat.

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STEM - STEAM - STREAM Resources - TeachersFirst

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If you are still getting familiar with STEM (STEAM or STREAM), learn all about them through the resources in this collection. What we once referred to as STEM (educational curriculum...more
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If you are still getting familiar with STEM (STEAM or STREAM), learn all about them through the resources in this collection. What we once referred to as STEM (educational curriculum that combines science, technology, engineering, and math) has evolved into STEAM and now STREAM. STEAM includes the original four areas and has integrated art into the mix. STREAM takes it further and adds a layer of reading and writing. You will find helpful information about STEM, STEAM, and STREAM in this collection. In addition, we have curated web resources for all grade levels to help as you plan your activities (lesson plans, interactives, and more).

In the Classroom

We have included resources for all grades. Remember, our "In the Classroom" suggestions with each reviewed resource, give you ideas about using these tools in your classroom.

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Science Games - Crazy Games

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Science Games shares several interesting science games that cover many topics. For example, discover the scale of the universe, interact with a skeleton simulator, or scope out the...more
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Science Games shares several interesting science games that cover many topics. For example, discover the scale of the universe, interact with a skeleton simulator, or scope out the solar system, among other activities. Hover over the thumbnails to view the titles of the games, then click on your choice to access the activity. Game-play is different for each activity; some are interactive, while others are more typical games that earn points for the players.
This site includes advertising.

In the Classroom

Be sure to take some time to explore this site before sharing it with students due to the different kinds of activities available. You may want to share specific games with tech-savvy students first, then let them be the teacher to show classmates how to play. Include games as part of blended learning activities, computer centers, or online lessons. For example, use Symbaloo Learning Paths, reviewed here, to create a lesson incorporating one or more science games, video tutorials, quizzes, and additional activities. Enhance learning by asking students to work in groups to create science games using Scratch, reviewed here. Many examples and tutorials are available on Scratch to get you started.

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TEACHFLIX - Ditch That Textbook

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Teaching with videos engages and excites students, but finding the right video takes time. TEACHFLIX is a curated collection of videos shared by classroom teachers to put to immediate...more
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Teaching with videos engages and excites students, but finding the right video takes time. TEACHFLIX is a curated collection of videos shared by classroom teachers to put to immediate use in class. Begin by browsing by grade level or content area. If browsing by grade level, open up your choice to view all videos or narrow your selection by specific topics. No registration is required; however, sign up with your email to receive the Teaching with TEACHFLIX ebook to download, which includes suggestions and activities to use with videos. The videos are hosted on YouTube. If your district blocks YouTube, then they may not be viewable.

In the Classroom

Use this curated collection of videos to engage students in lessons in all subjects. Use EdPuzzle, reviewed here, to enhance the video content by adding comments, questions, and more within the video. Create interactive lessons with videos from this collection, formative assessments, and other interactive content using Pear Deck, reviewed here, to present material in a deeper, more robust manner. Upon completion of your lesson, extend learning by asking students to share their learning using a simple web page builder such as Straw.Page, reviewed here.

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Educational Podcasts for Students - TeachersFirst

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In this collection, we share many educational podcasts for students of all ages in various subject areas. The act of listening to podcasts offers many benefits to our students. The...more
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In this collection, we share many educational podcasts for students of all ages in various subject areas. The act of listening to podcasts offers many benefits to our students. The podcasts are available anytime, making them ideal for in-person, remote, blended, and flipped instruction. Students can listen a second time to deepen their understanding.

In the Classroom

Share these podcasts with your students to use when learning related material. Share a link to this collection on your school web page and in your school newsletter (or email). Find podcasts to incorporate into your lessons.

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Georgia Virtual Learning Shared Resources - Georgia Virtual Learning

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Georgia Virtual Learning is the online education headquarters for the Georgia Department of Education and offers over 100 virtual courses for middle and high school students. Choose...more
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Georgia Virtual Learning is the online education headquarters for the Georgia Department of Education and offers over 100 virtual courses for middle and high school students. Choose from studies in all core content areas and the fine arts and world languages. An additional option features courses in CTAE/Electives. These offerings include classes in finance, computer science, fitness, and more. After selecting a course to view, use the module to proceed through the contents. Each module includes an introduction featuring essential questions and interactive content and concludes with final assessments and a module test.

In the Classroom

Bookmark and save this site as a supplemental resource for your current lessons, as a resource for students to learn about subjects not covered in their current courses, and to differentiate learning for students. For example, provide remediation to high school students by sharing the 9th or 10th-grade literature and composition courses as a review activity or enhance your British Literature unit by assigning a module that focuses specifically on 17th, 18th, or 19th-century British literature. Consider assigning different activities to groups of students to present to their peers. Ask them to use an infographic creator such as the Canva Infographic Creator, reviewed here, as a tool for sharing important information. As a final learning extension, create a digital class book using Ourboox, reviewed here, to share understanding of the content learned. Include text, images, maps, and more in the student-created books.

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Cecilia Payne-Gaposchkin and the Components of Stars - Project PHaEDRA

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Learn about the woman whose thesis was declared to be "the most brilliant Ph.D. thesis ever written in astronomy" by exploring this interesting collection of articles and images. Browse...more
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Learn about the woman whose thesis was declared to be "the most brilliant Ph.D. thesis ever written in astronomy" by exploring this interesting collection of articles and images. Browse the site to view thumbnails of forty items and open to view the resources. Download items or share using the provided links. Open a free Smithsonian Learning Institute account to save favorites for further use or create your collections from materials available on the Smithsonian Learning Institute's site.

In the Classroom

Share this collection with students to explore when learning about famous Women in History, scientific advancements, or during an astronomy unit. Ask collaborative groups to work together and share information found in the collection. Use a collaborative note-taking tool such as Notejoy, reviewed here, to have students share ideas and information using checklists, adding images and links, and documenting individual contributions to the project. You may also want to show a few videos, or provide a list for students to watch using Youtube videos. Ask groups or individuals to share their learning using a simple video creation tool like CapCut, reviewed here with voice overs and templates. Ask students to include images and require they include proper citations along with their original work.
 This resource requires PDF reader software like Adobe Acrobat.

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Numerade - Numerade.com

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Numerade is an interactive science and math platform that contains over one million video lessons taught by top educators from around the US. Engage with the site's content through...more
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Numerade is an interactive science and math platform that contains over one million video lessons taught by top educators from around the US. Engage with the site's content through several different options, including questions found in many textbooks, test prep books, or "Winter Break Bootcamps" that provide short, focused lessons on topics such as calculus and physics. Each lesson is a video explanation of specific questions and uses whiteboards to draw and share information. Registration isn't necessary to view and share videos; it provides the opportunity to create classrooms by importing information from Google Classroom or manually creating a class. Use your class information to build and share playlists with students. Registered users also have the option to create and share videos with students.

In the Classroom

Numerade features video lessons from many different textbooks, making it a useful resource to supplement current classroom content. Check to see if your current textbooks are available, including videos as a part of a playlist to share with students. Take advantage of the playlists as a resource for homework or remote learning lessons. Use the videos found on this site as a model for students to share and explain their solutions to math and science problems. Incorporate a Padlet, reviewed here, assignment to post questions for student response, and ask them to use the Brainstorming Board feature to share solutions and their problem-solving process. This is a link to Padlet's Help section for posting video or an image. Consider sharing videos with advanced students to use as a resource for working ahead within textbooks, or by assigning a different textbook than used in class.

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Fiveable - Amanda Doamaral

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Fiveable offers a small collection of free learning experiences for students preparing to take Advanced Placement (AP) exams. Resources include study guides, live stream learning sessions,...more
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Fiveable offers a small collection of free learning experiences for students preparing to take Advanced Placement (AP) exams. Resources include study guides, live stream learning sessions, weekly study plans, and trivia activities. Visit the Resources dropdown box to access different learning activities. Some resources require you to create a free account; others are available without registration.
This site includes advertising.

In the Classroom

Take advantage of the free resources found on Fiveable to guide instruction in your AP classes and to share with students to prepare for AP Exams. Include a link to weekly study plans on your class website to share with students. Encourage students to use online study tools to enhance learning. For example, use Knowt, reviewed here, to create quizzes from your documents and assess learning. Keep students motivated by designing Escape Room activities using Room Escape Maker, reviewed here. Use critical information required to pass the AP exam as questions to solve the puzzle to escape the room successfully. Enhance learning by having tech-savvy students create escape rooms for their peers to use as a study activity.
 This resource requires PDF reader software like Adobe Acrobat.

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Alison - Mike Feerick

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Alison is a free learning platform offering courses for education and skills training provided by the world's leading experts. Find courses using the dropdown boxes at the top of the...more
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Alison is a free learning platform offering courses for education and skills training provided by the world's leading experts. Find courses using the dropdown boxes at the top of the site sorted by Explore Diplomas and Certificates and Discover Careers. Under More find Assessments and a Resume Builder among other tools. Browse the home page to find the popular courses and most recent offerings. Complete the free registration to begin. Upon selecting a class, view information on the number of modules, topics, and approximate length. Upon completion, Alison provides a certificate or diploma, depending on the duration of the offerings.
This site includes advertising.

In the Classroom

Use Alison to find professional learning courses, learn the basics of a new language, or for personal development. Share Alison with students to learn skills not offered in school or share with ENL/ESL students to use when learning English. Use Alison with student cohorts interested in learning about a new topic or preparing for college-level courses.

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OK2Ask: Increase Student Achievement and Engagement in Your Classroom with Simulations - TeachersFirst

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This recording of an OK2Ask online professional learning session is from May 2020. You can register and immediately view the archive of the session.

The authentic nature
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This recording of an OK2Ask online professional learning session is from May 2020. You can register and immediately view the archive of the session.

The authentic nature of simulations can be highly motivating for even your hardest to reach students. When used properly, instructional simulations can empower student learning, helping students to set goals, seek feedback, and demonstrate what they have learned. Learn to choose simulations that model the relationships between concepts studied. In this session, we will discuss how to best use simulations in the classroom to increase student achievement, allow students to reflect on what they have learned, and transfer their knowledge to new problems and situations. As a result of this session, teachers will: 1. Understand the value of using simulations in the classroom; 2. Explore instructional simulations; and 3. Plan for the use of simulations in the instructional setting. This session is appropriate for teachers at all technology levels.

In the Classroom

The archive of this teacher-friendly, hands-on webinar will empower and inspire you to use learning technology in the classroom and for professional productivity. As appropriate, specific classroom examples and ideas have been shared. View the session with a few of your teaching colleagues to find and share new ideas. Find additional information and links to tools at the session resource page. Learn more about OK2Ask and upcoming sessions here.

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Open Course Library - Washington State Board for Community and Technical Colleges

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Open Course Library is an impressive collection of free, downloadable course materials. Materials include syllabi, activities, readings, assessments, and more. The course topics cover...more
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Open Course Library is an impressive collection of free, downloadable course materials. Materials include syllabi, activities, readings, assessments, and more. The course topics cover a variety of content in all subject areas. Use the search feature to narrow down available information. Most links lead to course information found on shareable Google Documents.

In the Classroom

Use these excellent free course materials in a variety of ways. Share courses with students with specific career interests not covered by traditional curriculums such as aerospace or anthropology. Provide students the opportunity to participate in college-level learning experiences without risk by using materials found in the courses on the site. These courses are perfect for use with gifted students to offer them content at a level that challenges them. As students learn from the information found in the courses on this site, ask them to reflect and share their learning through a digital portfolio created with Pathbrite, reviewed here. Students can even include their digital portfolio as part of their college application process at many universities.

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