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return to subject listingPDFescape - Red Software
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Use to alter documents that may have been saved as a PDF in the past. Save this site in your professional resources. If you work with students who request college recommendations or need to fill out forms for scholarships or jobs, be sure to share this tool with them!You must be registered and logged in to add items to your favorites.
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PDFmyURL - OpenTracker.net
K to 12In the Classroom
Use this site to print any web page without all of the headings and other extras that generally appear. Make print outs for students to practice highlighting and looking for main ideas in informational texts (especially if you do not have an interactive whiteboard to do this). Upload PDF's to your website for student use of single pages of websites instead of having students go through unneeded pages. Be sure to show students that you must make a note of the DATE when you made the pdf, since you should always include the "date accessed" in a project bibliography entry for a web site. Talk about "fair use" in making web page copies for temporary use as part of research or class activities vs copying web pages to hang them up as locker decorations! This may be a good site to share with parents via your website. (Help them save paper and print only what they need, not an entire website.)Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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ClipChoose - ClipChoose.com
3 to 12In the Classroom
Challenge students to create their own polls then search for YouTube videos to support or explain each response. Create a ClipChoose poll as a teacher or whole class. Have students respond then write a response using quotes from videos to back up their choice. Administer a poll, then use the data for graphing practice. Display sample polls (made by you or the class) and data for practice with interpreting graphs. Collect parent or student opinions about any topic. Take a poll at back to school night to find out what parents' greatest concerns or misconceptions are. Obtain quick feedback from students about which curriculum topics are confusing them. Allow students to create polls as part of critical thinking exercises such as how poll wording may bias the results. Encourage students to include polls in oral presentations to increase audience engagement. Teach students about types of propaganda using up to 8 example videos in ClipChoose. Ask students to select the one that demonstrates the use of a particular propaganda technique.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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PDF Converter - pdfconverter.com
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Ever find really neat activity sheets, but they need to be tweaked a little to make them work for your classes? This tool helps you save time by allowing you to edit PDF files in Word to avoid reinventing the wheel. (Beware of copyrighted materials, however). Science teachers can take lab activities and refine questions or add instructions as needed for their classrooms. English teachers can add standardized test prompts to preexisting general worksheets to tailor the activity to suit their state's test needs. This is a helpful utility for students entering contests or completing applications offered only in PDF form.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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Handspeak - Jolanta Lapiak, Handspeak
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With Handspeak, students can easily learn and acquire ASL in a simple straightforward method. Use as a world language option or as a supplement in your ASL class. Experiment with the world of non-hearing people, and find ways to communicate. Use on your interactive whiteboard for whole group instruction. Or use it as centers for individual learning. Use as a supplement to your units on senses, sound, or human body in science. At your health fair, provide the information as a station for expanding knowledge and understanding. Use as an analogy to figuring out vocabulary words in context. Add background to literature about differences, discrimination, or hearing impairment. Include in your list with inventors and inventions.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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Sub Hub - Rachel Friedrich
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Regular classroom teachers might want to share this in their emergency lesson plans for subs. Substitutes, don't go into the classroom empty handed. Bookmark this useful website (or make it a TeachersFirst Favorite so you can find it anytime) and be prepared for the unexpected! New teachers and student teachers can learn from the many tips. If you are mentoring or working with a student teacher, share some of these ideas. For even more, be sure to check out Teachers First's Ideas and Resources for Substitutes here.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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Promethean Planet - Promethean, Inc
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Before you try any of these activities, think about how you can make the lesson more student-centered. Find ideas in TeachersFirst's Hands off, Vanna! Giving Students Control of Interactive Whiteboard Learning . Browse the site for interactive whiteboard resources to download for classroom use. Bookmark and save favorites for later use. Download any resource, then tweak it to your individual needs. Have questions about creating Promethean Flipcharts? Post your question on the technical board to receive helpful replies. If you have a SmartBoard, be sure to check out the SmartBoard lessons and resources page located here. You will need to download the ActivInspire software (free).Comments
This is the go-to site for Promethean flipchart downloads. Most files were created by teachers. The only downside is that the files are hit-or-miss. There are many gems, but you might have to browse some not-so-great files to find them.Tim, , Grades: 0 - 6
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Flipped Learning Network - Jerry Overmyer
1 to 12In the Classroom
Find the time and resources to pique your students' interest as you venture into this newer teaching model. Use flipping in any subject, and any grade level. Meet on your own time and network with teachers with experience who know what will work in the classroom. Join focus groups that correlate to your teaching position.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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Linguee - Gereon Frahling
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Use this in world language classes to show how key words and phrases appear in the target language. This is a useful tool, as well, to check for plagiarism of papers written in German, Spanish, French, and Portuguese. ESL/ELL students can benefit from backing away from their reliance on translation by seeing new words or short phrases in context.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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Teaching Channel - Videos, Lesson Plans, and Other Resources for Teachers - Teaching Channel
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Mark this one in your favorites for those times when you need inspiration. View videos as a way of finding fresh lesson ideas with practical suggestions for implementation. Share this site with other teachers, viewing videos together during professional development sessions. This site is a great site for mentoring new teachers to develop professional skills. There are even videos to share with your class on your interactive whiteboard or projector.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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Web2PDF - BCL Technologies
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Use with your class blog (or website) for your students or others to save information quickly and easily. Make your class info printer friendly using this easy add on. This tool also allows you to make student or class wiki pages into printables. For a peer editing activity, make pdfs of students' wiki contributions and have partners work on editing them in hard copy to make suggestions for improvements.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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Twelve Ideas for Teaching with QR Codes - Andrew Miller
K to 12In the Classroom
Choose one of the ideas suggested in the article as a starting point for using QR codes in your classroom; then try additional ideas a little at a time. Share the article with other teachers and split up the ideas for each to become an "expert" in one of the strategies. Share your experiences as you learn together, perhaps in a staff meeting.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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Common Core State Standards - Mathematics - Sue Gendron
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Share this website with your district and fellow teachers as a resource for information on Common Core Standards. Bookmark the site to use for viewing and understanding Common Core components as needed.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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QR Code Classroom Implementation Guide - Vicki Davis
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QR codes are a sure-fire motivator for any class equipped with their own smart phones or school iTouches/iPads. Choose one of the ideas suggested in the article as a starting point for using QR codes in your classroom; then try additional ideas a little at a time. Share the article with other teachers and split up the ideas for each to become an "expert" in one of the strategies, share your experiences as you learn together.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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WeTransfer - wetransfer.com
K to 12In the Classroom
Use to collect any work from your students (or files from parents). Share images you want students to use in a project. Use to share written assignments or project updates. Be sure to have students name their documents in a standardized way to determine ownership. This is extremely handy for those moving towards a paperless classroom. Teachers who collect IEP input will love this secure way of collecting files from parents. Share the blank form and include directions for them to upload it back to you in this central location.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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YPulse - Anastasia Goodstein
6 to 12In the Classroom
Teachers and counselors can stay up to date with student trends. Use specific articles as discussion starters that could lead into a survey, debate, or essay. Include some of the articles as you discuss consumerism and how ads target teens. Ask whether students of 13 have the same way of thinking as a college student. Ask what are the similarities and differences, and why. Use the book reviews for book talks in your classroom. For older students, you might also want to introduce them to this site and get their take on whether YPulse is correct about their opinions.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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Edsitement - EdSitement
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Use Edsitement for lesson ideas in language, history, literature, and cultures. Find multiple sources to give a deeper comprehension on the subject matter. In history classes, keep the ongoing calendar in your favorites to celebrate an important historical day every day. Lesson plans cover multiple grade levels in many different subject areas. Resources can enrich, or even to give further explanation to current topics of study.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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ScratchED - MIT
K to 12In the Classroom
View the resources without creating an account. Consider joining the community to learn more about using Scratch in the classroom. You'll want to bookmark, comment, and participate, but you need to join to do that. View and use activities to increase programming knowledge and the use of the Scratch program. Mark this one in your Favorites as a reference. Don't be afraid to allow Scratch-hooked students to explore some of the suggestions, as well.Edge Features:
Includes an education-only area for teachers and students
Includes social features, such as "friends," comments, ratings by others
Requires registration/log-in (WITH email)
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Alberta Education: Research and Publications - Alberta Education
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Expand your professional knowledge of new and upcoming technologies and how schools are using them. Share these resources with your school technology leadership as they plan for new initiatives. This site is primarily for district level policy makers and edtech folks, but teachers will find useful nuggets of best classroom practices within some of the PDF reports. For example, the report on Bring Your Own Devices (BYODs), Section 4, is about how to use BYODS for lessons on digital citizenship and another (Section 5) with scenarios of lessons/units with students using their own device. Use the table of contents in each report to find the classroom implementation examples and best practices. If you are in a graduate program, you will find interesting edtech research within these reports, perhaps suggesting a research topic you would like to pursue as part of your grad program.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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Endangered Languages - Alliance for Linguistic Diversity
7 to 12In the Classroom
As part of a world cultures unit or study of langage origins, students ask their parents and grandparents what part of the world their ancestors came from and then explore this map to determine the number of endangered languages found where their ancestors lived. Gifted students may be fascinated by these unusual tongues. Have them explore to learn more about the culture behind the language. Compare words for the same thing across different languages to see how the languages are related.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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