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Twitter Chat: Refuel, Rethink, & Refocus for the Summer - TeachersFirst

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This archived Twitter chat is from June 2023 and will open in Wakelet. The title of this chat is: Refuel, Rethink, & Refocus for the Summer. During this chat, participants: ...more
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This archived Twitter chat is from June 2023 and will open in Wakelet. The title of this chat is: Refuel, Rethink, & Refocus for the Summer. During this chat, participants: 1. Discussed the importance of ongoing professional learning and development, 2. Shared ways to build and maintain a professional learning network (PLN) during the summer, and 3. Collaborated to share resources that help educators stay current with edtech trends.

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Find resources and information about refueling, rethinking, and refocusing for the summer. Share this chat with your colleagues looking for strategies and resources on professional learning.

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Twitter Chat: Integrating Technology with ELL - TeachersFirst

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This archived Twitter chat is from June 2023 and will open in Wakelet. The title of this chat is: Integrating Technology with ELL. During this chat, participants: 1. Discussed the ...more
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This archived Twitter chat is from June 2023 and will open in Wakelet. The title of this chat is: Integrating Technology with ELL. During this chat, participants: 1. Discussed the need for technology that meets the diverse needs of our learners, 2. Shared tech tools that can aid in differentiating the learning environment for ELL students, and 3. Explored instructional tools and strategies that support language learners.

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Find resources and information about integrating technology with ELL. Share this chat with your colleagues looking for strategies and resources on integrating technology with ELL in the classroom.

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There is No Planet B - Climate Change and its Impact on the Earth - TeachersFirst

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There is No Planet B - Climate Change and its Impact on the Earth is part of the TeachersFirst Help! I Lost My Library/Media Specialist series reviewed...more
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There is No Planet B - Climate Change and its Impact on the Earth is part of the TeachersFirst Help! I Lost My Library/Media Specialist series reviewed here. This article includes Background Information on discussions and research about climate change that began in the 1800s and continues through current times. The activities include a list of books related to climate change and suggested classroom activities. Also included are suggestions for extension activities, such as using gamification activities to learn about climate change. Information includes correlation to ISTE and AASL standards.

In the Classroom

Use the suggested book list to find ideas for books to share with students in your classroom library. Engage students in learning about climate change by including additional activities at Ted-Ed's Earth School reviewed here. For example, search Earth School for lessons on wildlife adaptations to climate change, how food waste contributes to climate change, and many other engaging lessons. Extend student learning by asking them to research climate change's before and after effects for specific locations, then use Juxtapose reviewed here to create a single image to compare and contrast the two images using a slider bar.
 This resource requires PDF reader software like Adobe Acrobat.

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Purdue University Kids STEM Degree - Purdue University

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Purdue University offers STEM "degrees" for kindergarten through middle school students available for completion individually or as a class. Select a grade level band from the six options...more
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Purdue University offers STEM "degrees" for kindergarten through middle school students available for completion individually or as a class. Select a grade level band from the six options to access the ten videos required. After watching the short videos, complete the accompanying quiz to receive a code. Collect all ten codes and complete the form to request your certificate of completion. Videos cover various STEM topics, such as seasons, fossils, and the environment. The videos are hosted on YouTube. If your district blocks YouTube, then they may not be viewable.

In the Classroom

Use this site to offer your students STEM "degrees" in several ways. As a class, complete an activity weekly as an introduction and review of science content by including the video as part of a computer center activity. Work together to complete the quiz for each video, then request a certificate to recognize your class's accomplishment. Another option is for students to work toward achieving certifications on their own. Share this site on your class newsletter for students to complete over the summer as an exciting way to engage in science activities and earn a STEM degree. One benefit of having the option to choose from different grade levels is the ability to differentiate learning by offering various courses to students based on their interests and abilities. Some students may choose to earn several degrees in different grade levels. Support and encourage students to pursue STEM degrees by taking pictures of completed degrees and adding them to your class website. Extend learning by asking students to research one of the topics, then share a presentation with peers using Canva Edu, reviewed here. Canva Edu offers many options for creating and personalizing presentations including slides, infographics, and flyers.

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OK2Ask: Strategies for Supporting English Language Learners - TeachersFirst

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This recording of an OK2Ask online professional learning session is from May 2023. You can register and immediately view the archive of the session.

As teachers, we need
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This recording of an OK2Ask online professional learning session is from May 2023. You can register and immediately view the archive of the session.

As teachers, we need to facilitate opportunities for students to engage with the language they are acquiring. This session will explore strategies to help you increase student background knowledge and differentiate instruction when necessary. We'll explore tech tools and activities that help students connect what they're learning in the classroom to experiences in their own lives. As a result of this session, teachers will: 1. Learn strategies that support English Language Learners; 2. Explore tech tools that provide differentiated instruction; and 3. Plan an activity designed to increase student background knowledge. This session is appropriate for teachers at all technology levels.

In the Classroom

The archive of this teacher-friendly, hands-on webinar will empower and inspire you to use learning technology in the classroom and for professional productivity. As appropriate, specific classroom examples and ideas have been shared. View the session with a few of your teaching colleagues to find and share new ideas. Find additional information and links to tools at the session resource page. Learn more about OK2Ask and upcoming sessions here.

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OK2Ask: So Simple. So Slick. So Sway! - TeachersFirst

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This recording of an OK2Ask online professional learning session is from May 2023. You can register and immediately view the archive of the session.

Interested in a simple
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This recording of an OK2Ask online professional learning session is from May 2023. You can register and immediately view the archive of the session.

Interested in a simple yet powerful tool that allows you and your students to create and share engaging interactive reports, presentations, assignments, and projects? This session will introduce Sway, a free digital storytelling and presentation app that is accessible on any device. Add text and pictures, embed or hyperlink relevant content, then watch Sway do the rest. Learn the basics in minutes and create projects focusing on content rather than bells and whistles. Leave this session with actionable ideas for the classroom. As a result of this session, teachers will: 1. Learn basic use of Sway; 2. Explore three different ways to use Sway in the classroom; and 3. Plan for using Sway in your learning environment. This session is appropriate for teachers at all technology levels.

In the Classroom

The archive of this teacher-friendly, hands-on webinar will empower and inspire you to use learning technology in the classroom and for professional productivity. As appropriate, specific classroom examples and ideas have been shared. View the session with a few of your teaching colleagues to find and share new ideas. Find additional information and links to tools at the session resource page. Learn more about OK2Ask and upcoming sessions here.

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Twitter Chat: The Power of Playlists - TeachersFirst

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This archived Twitter chat is from May 2023 and will open in Wakelet. The title of this chat is: The Power of Playlists. During this chat, participants: 1. Defined and ...more
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This archived Twitter chat is from May 2023 and will open in Wakelet. The title of this chat is: The Power of Playlists. During this chat, participants: 1. Defined and discussed the basic elements of playlists and choice boards, 2. Shared tech tools and resources that support playlists and choice boards, and 3. Explored ideas to integrate playlists and choice boards across your curriculum.

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Find resources and information about playlists. Share this chat with your colleagues looking for strategies and resources on using playlists in the classroom.

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Slidesacademy - Slidesacademy

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Dazzle your audience with vibrant presentations using templates shared by Slidesacademy for use with Google Slides and Microsoft PowerPoint. Use the search bar to find a specific topic...more
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Dazzle your audience with vibrant presentations using templates shared by Slidesacademy for use with Google Slides and Microsoft PowerPoint. Use the search bar to find a specific topic or select from educational, inspirational, by color, and additional categories. Next, click to choose a template from the thumbnails displayed to view a preview and directions for download. After saving the presentation to your device, edit and modify the contents as desired.
This site includes advertising.

In the Classroom

Take advantage of the many free templates available on Slidesacademy to use with your slide presentations and to share with students for use with presentations. Before sharing this site with students, discuss how to avoid the many ads on the site and provide directions on downloading and editing slides safely. Consider creating a "how-to" tutorial using a screen recording tool like Free Screen Recorder Online, reviewed here, to demonstrate how to search, find, and download templates. Another option is to select several appropriate templates for students to use with class projects and share the links within a collection curated in Wakelet, reviewed here. Sharing templates within a Wakelet collection makes it easier for students to find and use templates without navigating advertising.

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OK2Ask: Playlists to Personalize Learning - TeachersFirst

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This recording of an OK2Ask online professional learning session is from May 2023. You can register and immediately view the archive of the session.

Personalizing instruction
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This recording of an OK2Ask online professional learning session is from May 2023. You can register and immediately view the archive of the session.

Personalizing instruction doesn't have to be complicated. Using an instructional playlist is a simple way to honor student voice and choice while structuring your students' independent work. This session will help you create playlists that integrate multiple types of activities while using incremental checkpoints. Of all the tools you can put in your blended learning toolkit, the playlist is one you don't want to miss! As a result of this session, teachers will: 1. Understand the purpose of instructional playlists; 2. Learn how using playlists can support student voice and choice; and 3. Begin planning an instructional playlist. This session is appropriate for teachers at all technology levels.

In the Classroom

The archive of this teacher-friendly, hands-on webinar will empower and inspire you to use learning technology in the classroom and for professional productivity. As appropriate, specific classroom examples and ideas have been shared. View the session with a few of your teaching colleagues to find and share new ideas. Find additional information and links to tools at the session resource page. Learn more about OK2Ask and upcoming sessions here.

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OK2Ask: Tech Made EZ with Elementari - TeachersFirst

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This recording of an OK2Ask online professional learning session is from May 2023. You can register and immediately view the archive of the session.

Looking for an easy
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This recording of an OK2Ask online professional learning session is from May 2023. You can register and immediately view the archive of the session.

Looking for an easy way to incorporate digital storytelling in your classroom? Join us for an in-depth look at Elementari, a platform specifically designed to allow students to demonstrate content mastery through interactive storytelling. Learn to use this platform to differentiate instruction in any subject for grades 2 - 8. As a result of this session, teachers will: 1. Learn the basic components of the Elementari platform; 2. Explore ways to use Elementari to differentiate instruction; and 3. Plan to use Elementari in the classroom. This session is appropriate for teachers at all technology levels.

In the Classroom

The archive of this teacher-friendly, hands-on webinar will empower and inspire you to use learning technology in the classroom and for professional productivity. As appropriate, specific classroom examples and ideas have been shared. View the session with a few of your teaching colleagues to find and share new ideas. Find additional information and links to tools at the session resource page. Learn more about OK2Ask and upcoming sessions here.

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If You Build It: Engineering in the Classroom - TeachersFirst

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If You Build It: Engineering in the Classroom is part of TeachersFirst Help! I Lost My Library/Media Specialist series reviewed here. This article...more
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If You Build It: Engineering in the Classroom is part of TeachersFirst Help! I Lost My Library/Media Specialist series reviewed here. This article includes background knowledge that discusses the evolution of engineering from the development of simple machines through modern times. In addition, this section also provides a short introduction to the components of the engineering process. Activities provided include a list of picture books related to engineering and suggestions for student activities. Additional extension activities include ideas for incorporating coding and design into STEM lessons. Content on this site includes correlations to ISTE and AASL standards.

In the Classroom

Bookmark and save this article as a resource for incorporating literature into STEM lessons. Find many more resources at the TeachersFirst STEM-STEAM-STREAM Special Topics Page found here. Engage younger students in learning about the engineering design process by including the BrainPop activity reviewed here as part of a computer learning center. Extend learning for upper elementary and older students by asking them to complete activities found at Teaching NGSS Engineering Design Through Media, reviewed here. This collection includes lessons that include age-appropriate topics, such as how to keep lemonade cool for younger students and designing a smart power grid for high school students.
 This resource requires PDF reader software like Adobe Acrobat.

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A Giant Step for Small Feet - TeachersFirst

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A Giant Step for Small Feet is part of the TeachersFirst Help! I Lost My Library/Media Specialist series reviewed here and shares ideas and resources...more
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A Giant Step for Small Feet is part of the TeachersFirst Help! I Lost My Library/Media Specialist series reviewed here and shares ideas and resources for introducing research to primary students. This article begins with some background knowledge information and then shares many ideas for conducting an animal research project with students. In addition, several extension activities are included. Finally, alignment to ISTE and AASL standards is provided.

In the Classroom

Bookmark and save this article as a reference for teaching research to young students or as a resource for activities to supplement your animal unit. Use Symbaloo, reviewed here, to create and share online information with students to use with their research. The introductory activity teaches students to go beyond "asking Google." Use technology to engage students during your in-house field trip with a digital field trip using Goosechase Edu, reviewed here. Use Goosechase to create a digital scavenger hunt for students to use when locating different areas of the school or classroom library to find research materials.

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Twitter Chat: Technology & The Daily 5 - TeachersFirst

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This archived Twitter chat is from May 2023 and will open in Wakelet. The title of this chat is: Technology & The Daily 5. During this chat, participants: 1. Defined ...more
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This archived Twitter chat is from May 2023 and will open in Wakelet. The title of this chat is: Technology & The Daily 5. During this chat, participants: 1. Defined and discussed using Daily 5 and CAFE in the classroom, 2. Discussed strategies that empower students during language arts stations, and 3. Shared tips for using tech tools to support language arts learning experiences.

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Find resources and information about technology with Daily 5. Share this chat with your colleagues looking for strategies and resources on using technology with Daily 5 in the classroom.

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Podcast Creators - TeachersFirst

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Engage and motivate your learners to create podcasts. Students can create podcasts to share with their peers and demonstrate content mastery. Podcasts are the perfect alternative for...more
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Engage and motivate your learners to create podcasts. Students can create podcasts to share with their peers and demonstrate content mastery. Podcasts are the perfect alternative for students who may have difficulty putting the word on paper, as they can share their information orally. In addition, students can record podcasts anytime a device is available, making this an ideal activity for multiple instructional scenarios, including in-person, remote, blended, and small group projects. In this collection, we share valuable tools for students to create educational podcasts.

In the Classroom

Find new tools to try in your classroom to create podcasts! Each review includes classroom use ideas. Read the details of each tool and find the ones that will work for you and your students,

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STEM - STEAM - STREAM Resources - TeachersFirst

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If you are still getting familiar with STEM (STEAM or STREAM), learn all about them through the resources in this collection. What we once referred to as STEM (educational curriculum...more
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If you are still getting familiar with STEM (STEAM or STREAM), learn all about them through the resources in this collection. What we once referred to as STEM (educational curriculum that combines science, technology, engineering, and math) has evolved into STEAM and now STREAM. STEAM includes the original four areas and has integrated art into the mix. STREAM takes it further and adds a layer of reading and writing. You will find helpful information about STEM, STEAM, and STREAM in this collection. In addition, we have curated web resources for all grade levels to help as you plan your activities (lesson plans, interactives, and more).

In the Classroom

We have included resources for all grades. Remember, our "In the Classroom" suggestions with each reviewed resource, give you ideas about using these tools in your classroom.

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OK2Ask: Podcasting 201: Creating Podcasts in Your Classroom - TeachersFirst

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This recording of an OK2Ask online professional learning session is from April 2023. You can register and immediately view the archive of the session.

If you are looking
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This recording of an OK2Ask online professional learning session is from April 2023. You can register and immediately view the archive of the session.

If you are looking for an easy way to increase engagement in the classroom, look no further. In this second part of our podcasting series, you'll learn how students can create podcasts (audio recordings delivered via the internet) to demonstrate what they've learned. Join us to explore how podcasting fosters deep learning as an authentic activity and learn to plan, produce and publish podcasts for free with your students. As a result of this session, teachers will: 1. Understand the instructional strategies behind podcasting with students; Explore a free podcasting tool; and 3. Plan to create a podcast with students. This session is appropriate for teachers at all technology levels.

In the Classroom

The archive of this teacher-friendly, hands-on webinar will empower and inspire you to use learning technology in the classroom and for professional productivity. As appropriate, specific classroom examples and ideas have been shared. View the session with a few of your teaching colleagues to find and share new ideas. Find additional information and links to tools at the session resource page. Learn more about OK2Ask and upcoming sessions here.

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Pexels - Pexels

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Pexels offers free, high-quality stock photos and videos to use without attribution or account membership. Browse trending images on the home page or use the search bar to find resources...more
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Pexels offers free, high-quality stock photos and videos to use without attribution or account membership. Browse trending images on the home page or use the search bar to find resources to fit any need. After selecting an image, choose the free download icon to select an image size from those offered or create a custom size, then download it to your device. Download videos from several formats, including SD, HD, and 4K UHD. Although attribution isn't required, providing credit is always appreciated. Create a free account to create collections and save favorite images and videos for easy use.

In the Classroom

Use images from Pexels as creative writing prompts. Have students create a multimedia presentation using Microsoft PowerPoint Online, reviewed here, begin by uploading the image and adding narration. Create and share collections with students to provide images for book reports, research projects, and presentations. Share this site with students to locate images for multimedia projects. Teachers of all subjects can find images for students to use as references or in photomontages (with credit).

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The Achievery - AT&T

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The Achievery is a free digital learning platform created by AT&T in collaboration with Warner Brothers that pairs video clips with lessons to engage students in learning across seven...more
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The Achievery is a free digital learning platform created by AT&T in collaboration with Warner Brothers that pairs video clips with lessons to engage students in learning across seven subject areas. Create an account to access activities such as a poetry scavenger hunt with Amanda Gorman or learn reading and writing skills from Wonder Woman video clips. Begin at the "All Units" link to find content by grade level, standards, subject, and additional filters. Most lessons are part of a larger learning unit; however, they are ready to use as individual teaching activities. Each lesson includes correlations to teaching and CASEL standards (Collaborative for Academic, Social, and Emotional Learning), highlights relevant vocabulary, activity directions, and links to the featured video, and is available in PDF format. The Achievery lessons and activities are available in English and Spanish. This site would be a good one to leave for your substitute to use; it's high interest, no sign-in, and has lesson plans & video clips.

In the Classroom

Bookmark and save this site as a resource for lessons in many content areas to engage students using popular video clips. All lessons are created as remote learning activities making them easily adaptable for both in-class and out-of-class assignments. Easily find activities to differentiate instruction for different student ability levels by browsing options below or above the student's current grade level. Many lessons include worksheets in PDF format, turn these activities into a digital format by taking a screenshot of the document, then save as the background on Google Slides, reviewed here. Add text boxes in the appropriate place on the slide for students to add responses. Use Pear Deck Flashcard Factory, reviewed here, to create flashcards for students to practice the vocabulary highlighted in each lesson.
 This resource requires PDF reader software like Adobe Acrobat.

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Twitter Chat: Facilitating Feedback for Students - TeachersFirst

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This archived Twitter chat is from April 2023 and will open in Wakelet. The title of this chat is: Facilitating Feedback for Students. During this chat, participants: 1. Discussed feedback...more
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This archived Twitter chat is from April 2023 and will open in Wakelet. The title of this chat is: Facilitating Feedback for Students. During this chat, participants: 1. Discussed feedback techniques and strategies, 2. Shared tech tools that assist in assessing students and providing feedback, and 3. Explored new ideas for best assessing and providing feedback to your students.

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Find resources and information about feedback. Share this chat with your colleagues looking for strategies and resources for facilitating feedback for students in the classroom.

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OK2Ask: Daily 5 and CAFE with a Technology Twist - TeachersFirst

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This recording of an OK2Ask online professional learning session is from April 2023. You can register and immediately view the archive of the session.

The Daily 5 and CAFE
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This recording of an OK2Ask online professional learning session is from April 2023. You can register and immediately view the archive of the session.

The Daily 5 and CAFE are research-based frameworks for reading instruction in grades K-8. Educators can use these frameworks to assess, instruct and monitor student reading progress. But what tech tools should you use to facilitate that instruction? In this session, we'll share some cool tools that perfectly fit the framework. As a result of this session, teachers will: 1. Understand the five tasks required in the Daily 5 framework; 2. Explore tech tools that support the framework; and 3. Plan to use one of these tools in your instructional setting. This session is appropriate for teachers at all technology levels.

In the Classroom

The archive of this teacher-friendly, hands-on webinar will empower and inspire you to use learning technology in the classroom and for professional productivity. As appropriate, specific classroom examples and ideas have been shared. View the session with a few of your teaching colleagues to find and share new ideas. Find additional information and links to tools at the session resource page. Learn more about OK2Ask and upcoming sessions here.

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